丹羽 浩子 田辺 公一 矢野 玲子 後藤 伸之 大津 史子
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.3, pp.145-155, 2018-11-30 (Released:2018-12-08)

Objective:In this study,we explored adverse reactions and patient background and performed a case/non-case study on a database of adverse reaction case reports in order aid the prevention of non-prescription drug abuse.Study Design:We conducted a case/non-case study on a database of adverse reaction case reports.Methods:We studied case reports of adverse reactions and addiction in Japan and extracted adverse reaction cases associated with taking antipyretic analgesics,antitussive drugs,antitussive expectorant drugs,hypnotic and sedative drugs,anti-anxiety drugs,and purgative drugs. We divided the extracted cases into an abuse case group (adverse reactions associated with non-prescription drug abuse,and divided its intended purpose or the purpose of abuse at the initial dose)and non-case group(other adverse reactions). We performed univariate logistic regression analysis on each item of investigation in the abuse case group and non-case group and calculated the odds ratio,p-value,and 95%confidence interval.Results:There were many abuse case reports of women 20-40 years old in the antipyretic analgesics abuse case group and many of them had liver/biliary lesions and chronic urological impairment. The most common reason reported for taking the initial dose of each drug was for its intended purpose.Discussion:It is important for pharmacists at community pharmacies and drugstores to be able to recognize the characteristics of patients who might be at risk of abuse and the adverse reactions and patient backgrounds elucidated in this study could be helpful in identifying them.
酒井 隆全 和田 侑輝人 古閑 晃 田辺 公一 後藤 伸之 大津 史子
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.22, no.1, pp.7-16, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-13)

Objective: The purpose of this study was to create a checklist that summarizes checkpoints that should be noted when using the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database (JADER). After we created the checklist, we then used it to survey published academic papers that used JADER.Method: First, we created a draft checklist for research that uses JADER by citing the report of CIOMS working group VIII “Practical Aspects of Signal Detection in Pharmacovigilance”. Then, we conducted a pilot test and revised the draft checklist. Finally, the checklist was completed after the review by a pharmacoepidemiology expert. The checklist was applied to published academic papers that used JADER, and the fulfill rate of each checkpoints was calculated.Results: A “checklist of important points to be noted during research that uses the data mining method in JADER (mainly signal detection by disproportionality analysis)” was created. We also revealed problems with published academic papers that used JADER. For example, some researchers were thought to be inappropriately using JADER as a source of their research while others used an inappropriate version of MedDRA.Conclusion: The checklist created in this study summarizes key points that could be noted in research that uses JADER and is thought to contribute to an improvement in quality of research that uses JADER. Additionally, in our investigation of published academic papers that used JADER, we found the possibility that both the role of signal detection and the impact on analysis of JADER using the updated MedDRA version are not well understood.
日下部 明彦 馬渡 弘典 平野 和恵 田辺 公一 渡邉 眞理 結束 貴臣 吉見 明香 太田 光泰 稲森 正彦 高橋 都 森田 達也
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.16, no.2, pp.153-162, 2021 (Released:2021-05-13)

永光 加奈 田辺 公一 後藤 伸之 大津 史子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.7, pp.370-379, 2018-07-10 (Released:2019-07-10)

We investigated the current situation of pharmacists' recognition of and countermeasures they take against adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in order to elucidate related factors. We administered a web-based questionnaire to pharmacists who work at community pharmacies. The factors included in the questionnaire were basic information, recognition of and countermeasures against ADRs (the frequency of ADR recognition, investigation medium, the recognition of and countermeasures against ADRs and reasons for those). There were 29 questions about ADR education in total. In this study, we focused on the frequency of ADR recognition and countermeasures taken against ADRs, and examined their current status and related factors. As a result, after performing multivariable logistic regression analysis, we found that the group of pharmacists who made prescription inquiries about patients had an association with the investigation medium they used and are likely to investigate actively. Our results suggest the possibility that many pharmacists differed in their knowledge about the onset and recognition of ADRs. Moreover, our results found situations where prescription inquiries were actively made, but ADRs were not adequately reported. In conclusion, pharmacists who make prescription inquiries are likely to investigate and actively use information media, and this suggests the necessity of selecting the appropriate information medium and critically examining information. However, since those who answered our survey were biased towards the young, it is necessary to consider the possibility that this influenced the results.
森 千与 酒井 隆全 矢野 玲子 田辺 公一 後藤 伸之 大津 史子
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.4, pp.261-269, 2017-02-28 (Released:2017-03-17)

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to elucidate the characteristics of adverse events in pregnant women, the offending drugs, and patient backgrounds from reports of adverse events.  We performed a case series study.Methods: We used CARPIS, a database of adverse events and toxication reported in Japan spanning from 1987 to 2014 and created by the Drug Information Center, Meijo University.  We extracted cases of adverse events in pregnant women, their fetuses, and newborns and investigated the age, primary disease, and history of allergies of the women and the intended use of/offending drugs, therapeutic category, and names for adverse events.Result: We collected 434 cases of adverse events in pregnant women, and 251 pediatric cases with adverse events.  The most frequent offending drug in both groups was ritodrine hydrochloride.  The most frequent adverse event in pregnant women was pulmonary oedema due to the administration of ritodrine hydrochloride.  The most frequently reported adverse events in pediatric cases were transient hypothyroidism and withdrawal symptoms in newborns and birth abnormalities in fetuses and newborns, all of which were caused by drugs given for the underlying diseases of their mothers.Discussion: We elucidated serious adverse events in pregnant women caused by the administration of ritodrine hydrochloride.  Frequent factors for adverse events were the onset of physiological factors in pregnant women and complicated factors of the mechanism of action of ritodrine hydrochloride.  We need to monitor both mothers and fetuses during the drug administration.  It is suggested that adverse events in pediatric cases are associated with drugs given for underlying diseases in mothers.  Thus, it is necessary to give appropriate information and communicate the risks of taking these drugs before pregnancy.  We believe the results could be helpful in the early detection of adverse events in the future.
田辺 公一 竹内 都子 池崎 友明 北澤 英徳 豊本 貴嗣 中林 智之
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.34, no.4, pp.347-354, 2008 (Released:2009-09-04)
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Pravastatin sodium tablets are widely used for the treatment of hyperlipidemia,and 22 generic products of this compound have been approved in Japan.A few studies have compared the clinical efficacy of the original and generic forms,and 1 study has questioned the reliability of biological equivalency tests.We therefore retrospectively examined the effect of substituting a generic product (Mevan TM ; Nichi-iko Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.) for the original product (Mevalotin TM ; Daiichi Sankyo Co.,Ltd.) on clinical efficacy and safety.We targeted patients who were initially treated with the original product and then the generic product,and from electronic medical records,obtained their prescription data for 3 months before and after generic substitution.Next,we investigated clinical equivalence with regard to changes in total cholesterol (TC),HDL cholesterol (HDL),LDL cholesterol (LDL),and triglyceride (TG) levels as indices of clinical efficacy,as well as in ALT,AST,γ-GTP,and CPK levels as indices of safety.We examined the changes in each of these laboratory parameters between 3 months before substitution and 3 months after substitution.In 293 patients,no significant differences were observed in the indices of efficacy between before and after substitution.We also examined records for presence of diabetes mellitus and familial hypercholesterolemia and their influence on TC levels before and after substitution but no significant differences were observed in this regard.Accordingly,we concluded that the generic product investigated in this study was clinically as effective as the original product.
岩出 賢太郎 下路 静佳 正木 秀典 酒井 隆全 田辺 公一 後藤 伸之 大津 史子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.18-00205, (Released:2018-12-05)

We investigated the possibility that having pharmacists give asthma patients informational sheets on climate and environmental changes at insurance pharmacies during patient counseling might prevent the worsening of asthma symptoms. Patients with hyperlipidemia were comparative subjects. We created informational sheets about climate and environmental changes and their influence on asthma. During patient counseling, pharmacists gave them to all asthma patients who visited insurance pharmacies over a period of 2 months, between November and December 2017. Based on previous studies, we called days which showed certain climate or environmental changes as compared to the previous day “change days”. We compared the number of visiting patients on change days after preventative information was provided (between January and March 2018) with the number before information was provided (between January and March 2017). In addition, we compared those numbers with the number of patients who visited the target pharmacies between January and March 2016 in order to examine the influence of yearly climate change. The same procedure was used with hyperlipidemic patients. The number of visiting asthma patients after information was provided significantly decreased (5.1±2.1, p=0.03) compared with the number before information was provided, between January and March 2017 (6.1±2.8). The number of aforementioned visits compared to those between January and March 2016 also significantly decreased (p=0.01). Our results suggest that preventative information about climate and environmental changes provided by pharmacists during patient counseling might influence the number of asthma patient visits and prevent the exacerbation of their symptoms.
児玉 麻衣子 小林 美貴 片山 寛次 田辺 公一 森田 達也
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.12, no.4, pp.311-316, 2017 (Released:2017-11-28)

医療者による緩和ケアの質評価尺度のうち,アウトカムの評価尺度としてGood Death Scale(以下,GDS)があり,その信頼性と妥当性が確認されている.本研究の目的は,言語的に妥当な翻訳版を作成する際に標準的に用いられる手順に従い,GDS日本語版(以下,GDS-J)を作成することである.順翻訳においてGDSの問3. Has the patient arranged everything according to his/her own will? の“will”の日本語訳と,その日本語訳「意思」の逆翻訳に意見の相違が見られた.研究チームで言語として原版と同等であると言語的妥当性を検討し,最終的には原版の開発者に承認を得てGDS-Jの確定とした.医療者による緩和ケアの質評価尺度であるGDS-Jを使用することで,自身の行う緩和ケアの質が評価可能となり,より質の高い緩和ケアの提供に役立つことが期待される.