町田 拓自 飯塚 健治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.143, no.7, pp.599-606, 2023-07-01 (Released:2023-07-01)

The nausea and vomiting that occur as a result of oral iron administration for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) can cause significant physical and emotional stress in patients. Because iron is absorbed from the intestine as ferrous iron, the most widely used treatment for IDA is oral ferrous agents. However, ferrous forms are more toxic than ferric forms because ferrous forms readily generate free radicals. A randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, multicenter non-inferiority study conducted in Japan showed that ferric citrate hydrate (FC) was just as effective as sodium ferrous citrate (SF) in the treatment of IDA, with a lower incidence of adverse reactions such as nausea and vomiting compared with SF. Animal studies have shown that chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) involves the release of 5-hydroxytryptamine from enterochromaffin cells by free radicals, and that some chemotherapeutic agents cause hyperplasia of these cells. Enterochromaffin cells also contain substance P, which is known to be also closely related to CINV. We found that administration of SF to rats causes hyperplasia of enterochromaffin cells in the small intestine, whereas FC has no effect on enterochromaffin cells. Oral iron agents may induce nausea and vomiting via the effect of ferrous iron on reactive oxygen species production in the intestine and subsequent enterochromaffin cell hyperplasia. Further research to elucidate the detailed mechanism of enterochromaffin cell hyperplasia induced by ferrous iron preparations is needed to develop a treatment for iron deficiency anemia that causes less gastrointestinal damage.
町田 拓 須田 竜一郎 西村 真樹 柳澤 真司
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.73, no.1, pp.19-24, 2020 (Released:2019-12-26)

【緒言】フルニエ壊疽に対する電気メスによるデブリードマンは迅速性に欠け,組織選択性は低い.Hydrosurgery System(以下HS)は高圧水流を利用したデブリードマンを行う技術である.また,局所陰圧閉鎖療法(Negative pressure wound therapy:以下NPWT)は,解剖学的理由から本症に対して施行されることは少ない.【症例】56歳男性.主訴:発熱・会陰痛・意識障害.身体所見より重症フルニエ壊疽と診断し,HSを用いたデブリードマンを行った.会陰創に対しNPWTを行ったのち第29病目に植皮術を施行し,第48病日軽快退院となった.【結語】本症に対し,HSを使用し,迅速かつ組織選択的なデブリードマンが施行可能であった.また,HSに続いて行ったNPWTでは,植皮術までのwound bed preparationとして安全であり,施行中のQOLも良好であった.
保坂 正人 町田 拓也 山崎 郁哉 下形 光彦 堤本 高宏
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.19, no.2, pp.360-363, 1995

We wish to present a tabulation of the shoulder joint disorders we encountered in the last two years. The degenerative Changes in the rotator cuff which consist of a wide variety of diseases, which we consider important to differentiate.<br>The subjects were 406 outpatients with shoulder joint disorders. In cases of impingement syndrome, elevation disturbance without contracture, impingement signs and the impingement test were used as a diagnostic criteria. Frozen shouldrs were taken into account only in cases with contracture.<br>There were 170 cases (average age of 57.3) of the impingement syndrome. Rotator cuff tears were observed in 23 of the cases resistant to treatment. There were 77 cases (average age of 58.5) with a frozen shoulder. There were 55 cases (average age of 64.2) of rotator cuff tear or 78 cases when the 23 cases were corrected from the impingement syndrome were included. Then there were 36 cases (average age of 55.2) of calcified tendinitis, 10 cases (average age of 49.8) of bicipital tendinitis and 8 cases (average age of 71.5) of osteoarthrosis of the shoulder joint. There were 50 other cases.<br>The findings of a survey on the patients' backgrounds revealed the existence in many cases with the impingement syndrome and the rotator cuff tear to be among farm and blue-collar workers and that of many cases with calcified tendinitis among females.<br>When treating an impingement syndrome and a rotator cuff tear, we limited the patients' work and encouraged rest. Kinetic therapy was the basic therapy for a frozen shoulder. Steroid injections into the subacromial bursa proved efficacious in cases of impingement syndrome. Attention ought to be paid to the advance of degenerative changes in the rotator cuff and the existence of its tears. Conservative therapy was not satisfactory enough for more than half of the cases with a rotator cuff tear, and about one third of all the cases required surgery. Satisfactory results were obtained with steroid injections into the subacromial bursa for calcified tendinitis.
町田 拓幸

浜松医科大学学位論文 医博論第350号(平成13年11月02日)
町田 拓

Supervisor:小野 寛晰