広瀬 保夫 畑 耕治郎 本多 拓 山崎 芳彦 堀 寧 大関 暢
一般社団法人 日本救急医学会
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.12, no.3, pp.125-129, 2001

This report describes 7 victims of sodium azide poisoning caused by drinking poisoned water. Ten employees at the poisoning site developed symptoms immediately after ingesting coffee or tea made from hot water contained in a thermos bottle. Symptoms included altered consciousness, faintness, blackout, palpitation, nausea, and paresthesia of both hands and feet. Seven patients were transferred to our institution by ambulance. We assumed symptoms were caused by acute poisoning but the causative agent was unknown. We could not rule out cyanide poisoning because of the rapid emergence of symptoms suggesting circulatory failure, so we administered amyl nitrate, sodium nitrate, and sodium thiosulfate. Symptoms rapidly subsided. The causative agent was identified the next day as sodium azide. While the victims were being treated at the emergency room, 2 doctors, 3 nurses, and 1 pharmacist complained of faintness, headache, nausea, sensations of dyspnea and eye pain. These medical staff members had all either conducted gastric lavage or treated gastric contents. This strongly suggests that symptoms were caused by hydrazoic acid formed in a chemical reaction between sodium azide and gastric acid. Our experience underscores the potential hazard from hydrazoic acid faced by medical staff treating patients with oral sodium azide intoxication.
広瀬 保夫 畑 耕治郎 本多 拓 山崎 芳彦 堀 寧 大関 暢
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.12, no.3, pp.125-129, 2001-03-15 (Released:2009-03-27)
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This report describes 7 victims of sodium azide poisoning caused by drinking poisoned water. Ten employees at the poisoning site developed symptoms immediately after ingesting coffee or tea made from hot water contained in a thermos bottle. Symptoms included altered consciousness, faintness, blackout, palpitation, nausea, and paresthesia of both hands and feet. Seven patients were transferred to our institution by ambulance. We assumed symptoms were caused by acute poisoning but the causative agent was unknown. We could not rule out cyanide poisoning because of the rapid emergence of symptoms suggesting circulatory failure, so we administered amyl nitrate, sodium nitrate, and sodium thiosulfate. Symptoms rapidly subsided. The causative agent was identified the next day as sodium azide. While the victims were being treated at the emergency room, 2 doctors, 3 nurses, and 1 pharmacist complained of faintness, headache, nausea, sensations of dyspnea and eye pain. These medical staff members had all either conducted gastric lavage or treated gastric contents. This strongly suggests that symptoms were caused by hydrazoic acid formed in a chemical reaction between sodium azide and gastric acid. Our experience underscores the potential hazard from hydrazoic acid faced by medical staff treating patients with oral sodium azide intoxication.
畑 耕治郎
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.31, no.10, pp.1210-1217, 1990-10-25 (Released:2009-07-09)
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肝細胞癌21例を対象として,超微形態学的ならびに第VIII因子関連抗原,OKM5,IV型コラーゲン,ラミニンに対する抗体を用いた免疫組織化学的観察を行い,肝細胞癌血洞壁の特徴および特異性を検討した.血洞内皮細胞は胞体のfenestraeの形成は乏しく細胞間はtight junctionにて接合し,Weibel-Palade体が認められ,内皮細胞下のDisse腔様腔には基底膜構造が認められた.血洞内皮細胞の第VIII因子関連抗原陽性例では,OKM5は陰性であり,また腫瘍径の大きい例に多く,血洞壁にはラミニンの沈着や基底膜様構造の出現が有意に高く,ラミニンの細胞内産生像や細胞外への放出像が認められた.一方,血洞内皮細胞がOKM5陽性を示す例は比較的腫瘍径の小さい例に多い傾向にあった.早期の肝細胞癌では血洞壁は既存の類洞内皮細胞により被覆されているが,肝細胞癌の発育過程で血洞壁は毛細血管としての特徴を有し,これには基底膜形成も関与していると示唆された.