木﨑 速人 白石 朗 鳥居 雄治 石井 貴之 馬来 秀行 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 山本 大輔 小西 ゆかり 舟橋 健一 臼井 順信 堀 里子 澤田 康文
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.22, no.1, pp.44-52, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-13)

Objective: In order to ensure the safety of nursing home residents, it is very important to implement appropriate assistance to ensure compliance with necessary medication. The purpose of this study is to identify issues and to plan solutions for medication assistance.Design: We conducted a workshop involving care workers (CWs), nurses and pharmacists together.Methods: Using the KJ method, participants extracted problems related to medication assistance and planned solutions in a mixed group of CWs, nurses and pharmacists. Questionnaire surveys were conducted for the participants before, immediately after, and 3 months after the workshop.Results: A number of important and urgent issues related to medication assistance were identified. There were differences in the recognition patterns of the importance and urgency of the issues among the three categories of participants. In addition, many possible solutions were proposed. Among these solutions, 25% had been implemented by at least two participants. More than 75 % of participants felt that their awareness of the value of cooperation in medication assistance had been improved by participating in the workshop.Conclusion: These results suggest that a workshop with a group of CWs, nurses and pharmacists in one place is a useful approach for extracting problems and planning effective solutions related to cooperation in medication assistance.
馬来 秀行 白石 朗 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 小西 ゆかり 浅井 康平 舟橋 健一 臼井 順信 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.8, pp.1041-1049, 2017-08-01 (Released:2017-08-01)
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In our previous research, there was no collaboration between care workers and pharmacists, for the most part. As a result, it was discovered that in some cases, problems concerning medication of nursing home residents had not been resolved. To solve this issue, we brought together care workers and pharmacists for a workshop we conducted. We assigned 12 care workers with at least two years of experience and 12 pharmacists to four mixed groups and guided them in the management of in-home long-term medical care and conducted small group discussions (SGD) using the KJ method. In the pre-survey before the workshop, all 12 care workers replied “yes” to having experienced “concerns over medication” and nine (75%) replied “no” to having experienced “discussions (consultations) with pharmacists regarding the medication of residents”. As a result of the SGD, “information sharing among professionals” was revealed as a problem common to all groups. Furthermore, common countermeasures for this issue included communication notes and holding collaborative meetings. In the post-survey after the workshop, 67% of the participants replied that their thoughts concerning countermeasures were “coherent”, and everyone replied that their “awareness was increased”. In a follow-up survey after the workshop, 82% of the participants replied that they were using some form of what they had learned and discovered in the workshop in their actual work.