木﨑 速人 白石 朗 鳥居 雄治 石井 貴之 馬来 秀行 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 山本 大輔 小西 ゆかり 舟橋 健一 臼井 順信 堀 里子 澤田 康文
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.22, no.1, pp.44-52, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-13)

Objective: In order to ensure the safety of nursing home residents, it is very important to implement appropriate assistance to ensure compliance with necessary medication. The purpose of this study is to identify issues and to plan solutions for medication assistance.Design: We conducted a workshop involving care workers (CWs), nurses and pharmacists together.Methods: Using the KJ method, participants extracted problems related to medication assistance and planned solutions in a mixed group of CWs, nurses and pharmacists. Questionnaire surveys were conducted for the participants before, immediately after, and 3 months after the workshop.Results: A number of important and urgent issues related to medication assistance were identified. There were differences in the recognition patterns of the importance and urgency of the issues among the three categories of participants. In addition, many possible solutions were proposed. Among these solutions, 25% had been implemented by at least two participants. More than 75 % of participants felt that their awareness of the value of cooperation in medication assistance had been improved by participating in the workshop.Conclusion: These results suggest that a workshop with a group of CWs, nurses and pharmacists in one place is a useful approach for extracting problems and planning effective solutions related to cooperation in medication assistance.
石林 健一 崎村 祐介 俵 広樹 林 憲吾 加藤 嘉一郎 辻 敏克 山本 大輔 北村 祥貴 角谷 慎一 伴登 宏行
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.55, no.3, pp.217-224, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-31)

症例は45歳の女性で,20年前にくも膜下出血による水頭症に対して脳室腹腔シャント(ventriculoperitoneal shunt;以下,VPSと略記)挿入術が施行された.意識障害があり当院を受診し頭部CTで脳室拡大を認め,脳室ドレナージが施行された.VPSの閉塞が疑われ施行した全身CTでVPSチューブが上行結腸を穿通しており,治療目的に当科紹介となった.開腹するとチューブ状の繊維性被膜が上行結腸に付着しており,繊維性被膜を全周性に剥離するとVPSチューブが同定できた.VPSチューブを結紮,離断し,腸管に穿通しているカテーテルは抵抗なく抜去できた.腸管の瘻孔は縫合閉鎖した.VPSチューブ腹側端は髄液漏出を確認し,繊維性被膜内から出さずに閉腹した.術後第9病日に脳室ドレーン感染からの髄膜炎を来し,VPSチューブの全抜去を施行した.まれなVPSの消化管穿通の1例を経験したので報告する.
梅﨑 さゆり 中谷 敏昭 山本 大輔 中須賀 巧 橋元 真央
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2013, no.59, pp.27-40, 2013 (Released:2013-07-23)
1 3

This study investigated the effects of a coordination exercise program on quantitative and qualitative changes of throwing and catching ability with the subjects of 5 and 6-year-old 30 preschool children. A4-week control period and a 4-week exercise period were separately set. The exercise program was conducted for 40 minutes a day following the instruction guidance, during 8 days over 4 weeks. The subjects performed motion capacity tests (standing broad jump, side jump) and ball handling tests (control, catching,tennis ball handling) in each period. We evaluated the throwing and catching motions by using five typical developmental stages of motion patterns. As the results, we found a statistically significant increase in the side jump, catching, tennis ball handling and score evaluation for throwing and catching motions in the exercise period compared to the control period. The same results were obtained in both genders. These results suggested that, the coordination exercise program focused on basic ball handling technique may be beneficial to enhance the agility and ball handling capacity in preschool boys and girls aged 5-6, who need an adequate exercise instruction to improve their throwing and catching motions.
平松 あい 山本 大輔 栗栖 聖 花木 啓祐
The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.11, no.1, pp.2-10, 2015

<b>Objective.</b> The objective of this study is to comprehend how much environment-related issues are dealt in the current home economics in full detail to examine the possibility of introducing Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) into curriculum of home economics. The authors applied text mining to plural home economics textbooks from the elementary school to the high school to clarify the difference of use of the environment-related elements - "sustainable society", "LCA" etc. In addition, the difference among schools and publishing companies were also analyzed.<BR><b>Results and Discussion.</b> "Daily life" and "family" were the main topic of elementary school and "environment" was also included in it and "environment" was strongly connected with word "think." In junior high school, "environment" was treated in the family life in the community and had a tendency to be connected with consumption behavior in real life. In high school, there were not many words that had strong ties with "environment" and "environment" came to be treated broader in the various issues of whole society. The word "green consumer" was appeared once in the junior high school textbook, and the word "LCA" was appeared for the first time in the high school textbook. Both were seen only just with the explanation of the concepts. While environmental concepts were linked close to concrete daily actions at the junior high school, the link became weakened at the high school. A problem of missing link that environmental education did not lead to behavioral change was implicated.<BR><b>Conclusions.</b> The current work showed that the textbook or the curriculum of junior high school seemed most appropriate to adopt LCA to promote environmental-friendly actions because "environment" was treated as a close issue as daily activities, especially consumption behaviors. It can be also proposed to increase more practical contents which connect an environment concept to a concrete action in the textbook of the high school where "LCA" was first appeared.<BR>
高崎 新一 山本 大輔
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.37, no.12, pp.751-757, 1988-12-15 (Released:2009-10-30)
1 1

The practical treatments of environment conditioning and inhibitors for corrosion controlling are described. It is in principle possible to prevent corrosion by the removal of corrosive agents or by the addition of inhibitive agents. Desicants are used to reduce relative humidity which is the most important factor of corrosion in gas phase. In aqueous systems the environments can be made less aggressive by removal of dissolved oxygen, adjustment of pH, or deionization. Inhibitors are classified as volatile, water soluble, or oil soluble. Environment controls to reduce corrosion in boiler water systems, cooling water systems, and petroleum refining processes are also given.
山本 大輔
社団法人 日本写真学会
日本写真学会誌 (ISSN:03695662)
vol.83, no.1, pp.50-55, 2020 (Released:2021-03-30)

前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 加藤 忠彦 水島 淳 山本 大輔 梶谷 亮輔 広瀬 健一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.206_3, 2018

<p> 円盤投の指導現場において、投てき動作前半の局面で円盤あるいは円盤を保持する腕を積極的に加速させる動作について、「円盤を走らせる」という表現が用いられている。この「円盤を走らせる」動作は、効率の良い投てき動作を遂行させる上で重要であると指導現場では認識されているが、実際に競技力の高い円盤投競技者ほど「円盤を走らせている」のか、という疑問が生じる。そこで本研究では、「円盤を走らせる」動作に関連すると考えられるパラメータとパフォーマンスとの関係について明らかにすることを目的とした。国内一般レベルから世界トップレベルまでの記録を有する男子円盤投競技者62名(記録:38.05 – 68.94m)を対象に、競技会での投てき動作を撮影し、3次元動作分析を行った。円盤の速度について確認したところ、第一両脚支持局面の変化量および右足離地時点について、対象者全体で見た場合、投てき距離との間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた。しかし、競技レベルごとに見ると、世界トップレベル競技者12名については、有意な負の相関関係が認められたのに対して、国内競技者50名については、有意な正の相関関係が認められた。</p>
山本 大輔
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.87, no.898, pp.21-00011, 2021 (Released:2021-06-25)

It is generally known that the groove on tire tread can increase the friction force between the tire and the road surface under wet condition because of the improvement of drainage performance. Although wheel tread of actual railway rolling stocks have a wheel turning trace like the groove on tire tread, the characteristics of tangential contact force of the wheel/rail under wet condition is not clarified in detail. In this study, the tangential contact force measurement using a pair of small cylindrical specimens was carried out to investigate the relationship between the wheel turning trace and the friction force under wet condition. The experimental result shows the friction force under wet condition does not increase due to high iron’s stiffness if the wheel turning trace provided on the tread. On the other hand, it is also confirmed that the wheel turning trace has a reduction effect of the variation of the friction coefficient under wet condition. From the numerical analysis based on these experimental results, it is clarified that the longitudinal vibration of the vehicle can be decreased if the wheel has the wheel turning trace in case of the braking running under semi-wet condition.
向井 貴彦 Padhi Abinash 臼杵 崇広 山本 大輔 加納 光樹 萩原 富司 榎本 昌宏 松崎 慎一郎
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.63, no.2, pp.81-87, 2016-11-05 (Released:2018-06-01)

The North American channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, an invasive freshwater fish introduced to Japan for aquaculture in the 1970s, has become established in several rivers and lakes, with subsequent detrimental effects on local fisheries and other freshwater fauna. The origin and invasive distribution of channel catfish in Japan was assessed from the geographical distribution of mtDNA haplotypes of channel catfish populations, utilizing partial (412 bp) nucleotide sequences of the mtDNA control region from 174 individuals collected from 7 localities. A total of 12 haplotypes (J01–J12) were found in Japanese freshwater systems. Populations in eastern Japan (Fukushima and Ibaraki Prefectures) and a fishing pond in Aichi Prefecture were characterized by many haplotypes, shared among those localities. However, the haplotype compositions of populations in western Japan (Yahagi River, Aichi Prefecture and Lake Biwa water system, Shiga Prefecture) differed from the former and also from each other. A phylogenetic analysis using Japanese (nonindigenous), Chinese (non-indigenous) and United States (indigenous) haplotypes indicated that all of the Asian haplotypes were included in "Lineage VI," distributed over a wide area of the United States, confirming that lineage as the primary source of introduced Asian populations. However, the introduction of channel catfish into Japan occurred on at least three occasions (in eastern Japan, Yahagi River and Lake Biwa water system).
松井 亮太 稲木 紀幸 能登 恵理 山本 大輔 伴登 宏行
外科と代謝・栄養 (ISSN:03895564)
vol.52, no.2, pp.131-139, 2018 (Released:2018-08-23)

【目的】周術期歩行数が臨床結果に及ぼす影響を検討した.【方法】対象は当院で大腸手術が行われた97 例とし,術後1 週間までに3,000 歩/ 日が未達成な場合を歩行不良と定義した.短期的アウトカムは術後入院期間,術後合併症,歩行不良にかかわる因子を,長期的アウトカムは術後半年までの筋肉量減少率を検討した.【結果】全97 例中,28 例(28.9%)が歩行不良だった.患者背景では歩行不良群で直腸切除が多く(P=0.084),貧血が有意に多かった(P=0.013).歩行不良群で入院期間が有意に長く(P<0.001),術後合併症が有意に多かった(P=0.003).歩行不良因子についてロジスティック回帰分析を行うと,術後合併症(OR:28.1,95% CI:1.88-419.6),術前歩数3,000 歩/ 日未満(OR:29.9,95% CI:2.28-394.5)で有意差を認めた.術後半年までの筋肉量減少率は有意差を認めなかった(P=0.468).【結語】歩行不良は入院期間を長期化させた.術前歩数3,000 歩/ 日未満,術後合併症は歩行不良にかかわり,リハの早期介入や単位数を増加すべき予測因子と考えられた.