高橋 斉 玉木 啓文 佐藤 宏樹 澤田 康文
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.19, no.2, pp.43-49, 2017 (Released:2017-09-07)

Objective: Generic drugs similar in appearance to their brand-name counterparts have both advantages and disadvantages.  This study aimed to investigate patient preferences regarding the appearance of generic drugs.Design: A cross-sectional survey.Methods: We conducted a web-based survey between 2013 and 2014.  Patients aged ≥40 years who reported taking prescription drugs for >6 months were asked to provide their opinions on the appearance of generic drug formulations and press-through packages (PTPs).  Medical doctors and pharmacists were asked as to what type of appearance of generic drugs would be suitable as well as whether the appearance of these drugs and PTPs should be similar to that of their brand-name counterparts.Results: A total of 911 patients, 238 pharmacists, and 81 medical doctors responded to the survey.  Most of the patients (45.3%) surveyed reported that the similarity in the appearance of generic drug formulations and PTPs to those of their brand-name counterparts was not important, whereas only 15.6% of patients preferred generic drug formulations and PTPs similar in appearance to their brand-name counterparts.  In contrast, most of the medical doctors (53.1%) and pharmacists (88.2%) reported that the appearance of generic drug formulations and PTPs should be similar to that of their brand-name counterparts.Conclusion: Patients’ opinions on the appearance of generic drugs differ from what medical doctors and pharmacists perceive them to be.  Therefore, health care professionals should select generic drugs with an appearance as per the individual patient’s preference.
佐藤 宏樹 大西 鮎美 寺田 努 塚本 昌彦
研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:21888760)
vol.2022-HCI-200, no.34, pp.1-7, 2022-11-01

人間の目は明るさの変化に対応して感度を調整し,その明るさに順応することで視覚機能を維持する.周囲が明るくなるときの順応を明順応,暗くなるときの順応を暗順応と呼ぶ.しかし,トンネルや建物への出入りのような急激に明るさが変化する場面では,明るさの変化に目の順応が追い付かず視力が低下し事故につながる恐れがある.そこで本研究では,明るさの急激な変化に対応するため,LED と遮光フィルムを用いて目に入る光の量を制御し,明順応と暗順応を支援するウェアラブルデバイスを提案する.提案デバイスは明順応を支援するために,周囲が明るくなる直前に LED の光を目に照射して明るさに目を慣れさせる機能と,明るくなると同時に遮光フィルムを用いて明るさの変化を緩やかにする機能をもつ.また,暗順応を支援するために,暗くなる直前に遮光フィルムで目を覆い暗さに目を慣れさせる機能をもつ.各機能による視力の低下を抑制する効果を評価した結果,LED を用いた明順応の支援では視力の低下を抑制できる可能性が示唆されたが,遮光フィルムを用いた明順応の支援については視力の低下を抑制する効果は確認できなかった.また,遮光フィルムを用いた暗順応の支援は LED を用いた明順応の支援と比べて視力の低下を抑制する効果が低いことがわかった.
阿波 圭介 佐藤 宏樹 堀 里子 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.132, no.1, pp.135-144, 2012-01-01 (Released:2012-01-01)

Topical dermatological formulations of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are reported to show their pharmacological effect partially through the systemic circulation, and to induce systemic side effects. However, pharmaceutical equivalence and pharmacokinetic bioequivalence between brand-name and generic products are not required. Therefore, we aimed to predict systemic drug exposure from brand-name and nine generic ketoprofen tapes. In vitro release profiles were examined using the paddle-over-disk method, then analyzed by the W. I. Higuchi equation incorporating an initial burst effect. Pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated from observed release profiles and the reported time-plasma concentration profile of the brand-name product. Plasma concentration profiles of generic products were predicted from the observed release profiles and the pharmacokinetic parameters of the brand-name product. In vitro release profiles differed markedly, and estimated release rates for initial burst effect and at 24 hours ranged from 4.20 to 88.75% and from 45.27 to 95.83%, respectively. The predicted plasma concentration profile of each product reflected its release profile, and estimated Cmax ranged from 61.70 to 290.30 ng/mL (0.46- to 2.15-fold vs. brand-name product). Generic products were classified into three types, i.e., systemic exposure comparable with, higher than and lower than that of brand-name product. Cmax was predicted to increase with enhanced skin permeability for all products, but the increase rates differed among products. These results suggest that safety and efficacy differ between brand-name and generic ketoprofen tapes. Healthcare professionals should carefully monitor systemic side effects, especially when switching from brand-name to generic products for which higher systemic exposure is predicted.
木﨑 速人 白石 朗 鳥居 雄治 石井 貴之 馬来 秀行 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 山本 大輔 小西 ゆかり 舟橋 健一 臼井 順信 堀 里子 澤田 康文
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.22, no.1, pp.44-52, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-13)

Objective: In order to ensure the safety of nursing home residents, it is very important to implement appropriate assistance to ensure compliance with necessary medication. The purpose of this study is to identify issues and to plan solutions for medication assistance.Design: We conducted a workshop involving care workers (CWs), nurses and pharmacists together.Methods: Using the KJ method, participants extracted problems related to medication assistance and planned solutions in a mixed group of CWs, nurses and pharmacists. Questionnaire surveys were conducted for the participants before, immediately after, and 3 months after the workshop.Results: A number of important and urgent issues related to medication assistance were identified. There were differences in the recognition patterns of the importance and urgency of the issues among the three categories of participants. In addition, many possible solutions were proposed. Among these solutions, 25% had been implemented by at least two participants. More than 75 % of participants felt that their awareness of the value of cooperation in medication assistance had been improved by participating in the workshop.Conclusion: These results suggest that a workshop with a group of CWs, nurses and pharmacists in one place is a useful approach for extracting problems and planning effective solutions related to cooperation in medication assistance.
松岡 紗代 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 堀 里子 澤田 康文
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.9, pp.592-598, 2012-09-10 (Released:2013-09-12)
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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) patches tend to be prescribed in larger amounts than are actually used and surplus patches are often kept at patients' homes. Improper use of these patches without the advice of healthcare professionals might result in serious adverse effects. This study investigated patients' opinions and requests regarding the prescribed amount of NSAID patches, and their intended use of surplus patches. A web-based questionnaire survey was conducted on patients who had been prescribed NSAID patches within the previous year. There were 618 respondents. Patients who described the amount of patches prescribed as “just the amount needed" and “quite or somewhat excessive" amounted to 41%and 40%of the respondents, respectively. Forty-three-percent of respondents had at some time requested a larger prescribed amount or an additional prescription. Sixty-four-percent of them received the prescription they requested. Also, 61 % of respondents had unused NSAID patches at their homes, and many of them intended to use these patches as they felt necessary. Patients who believed that NSAID patches do not induce side effects amounted to 24%, while 54%of patients had at some time suffered symptoms possibly due to systemic or local side effects of NSAID patches. Considering the above results, healthcare professionals should provide suitable and sufficient information about NSAIDs patches to patients, and take steps to minimize the numbers of unused patches remaining at the patients' homes in order to avoid improper use of NSAID patches and to reduce medication costs.
馬来 秀行 朴 恵林 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 小西 ゆかり 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.10, pp.1285-1294, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-10-01)

Care workers at care facilities play an important role in providing medication-administration assistance, and in medication risk management. Nevertheless, research has not made clear the specific concerns that care workers have at work sites, as well as the extent of their burdens. Thus, we conducted a questionnaire survey from October 1 through October 31, 2014 for staff who provide medication-administration assistance at for-pay elderly person homes about the concrete concerns and burdens with regards to the assistance. A total of 1677 respondents were analyzed: 228 nurses and 1449 care workers. Results showed that the care workers had a variety of problems and issues. These included the fact that, since care workers are not medical profession, they were unable to answer questions that the facility residents asked about their medications; they had concerns regarding their own lack of awareness of the efficacies of medications, and as to whether certain drugs were inappropriate for certain patients with swallowing dysfunctions; they wondered whether drugs in tablet forms had to be crushed before administration. They also encountered pharmacological-related issues, including whether administration times and numbers failed to match the lifestyle patterns of facility residents, and so forth. It is presumed that, with active intervention of pharmacists within facilities, these issues could be resolved. Study results, thus, suggested the need for system creation whereby pharmacists can become deeply involved in medication-administration assistance along with the care workers within facilities.
栗本 蕗 堀 里子 佐藤 宏樹 三木 晶子 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.9, pp.1023-1034, 2013 (Released:2013-09-01)

For drug fostering and evolution, it is important to collect information directly from patients on the efficacy and safety of drugs as well as patient needs. At present, however, information gathered by healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical companies, or governments is not sufficient. There is concern that patients may fail to recognize the importance of providing information voluntarily. The present study was conducted to provide drug information to patients/consumers, to enlighten them on the importance of providing drug information by themselves, and to develop an Internet website, called “Minkusu,” for collecting drug information from patients. This website is based on a registration system (free of charge). It is designed to provide information on proper drug use, and to collect opinions about drugs. As of May 31, 2012, a total of 1149 people had been registered. The male/female ratio of registered members was approximately 1:1, and patients/consumers accounted for 23%. According to the results of a questionnaire survey, several patient/consumer members appreciated the usefulness of the information service, and they took an opportunity to know of the concepts of drug development and evolution (Ikuyaku, in Japanese) through the information services provided by this site. In conclusion, the developed information system would contribute to the proper use of drugs by patients/consumers and to the promotion of drug development and evolution.
平山 匡彦 田中 秀和 鈴木 慎太郎 井上 広平 永富 亜紀 作元 誠司 北原 敏弘 宮﨑 長一郎 吉谷 清光 佐藤 宏樹 堀 里子 三木 晶子 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.8, pp.913-922, 2013 (Released:2013-08-01)

This study was conducted among 252 inhabitants aged 16 years or older of small remote islands in Gotoh. The survey was conducted in a direct interview format based on a questionnaire. In the interview, the respondents were asked about the statuses of their Internet usage, purchase/use/storage of nonprescription drugs, acquisition of information regarding nonprescription drugs, as well as regulations pertaining to the sale of nonprescription drugs, including the use of postal services. Among the respondents, 7.5% were Internet users, whereas people who had past experiences in purchasing nonprescription drugs through Internet accounted for as few as 0.8% of the total number of respondents; 63.9% of the inhabitants of small remote islands did not use nonprescription drugs, additionally, most inhabitants of small remote islands did not express any need for nonprescription drugs sold through Internet. Further, the findings suggested that a large number of people felt the need for the presence of pharmacists and experts to provide them with explanations and information regarding nonprescription drugs. However, because a large number of these people were unaware of the existence of pharmacists, it is important that in the future, pharmacists should conduct “consultation meetings and briefings regarding medications.” These meeting may be held in a continuous manner in these small remote islands, such that the inhabitants recognize the difference in a pharmacists' profession. It is essential that “family pharmacies/pharmacists” play a central role in promoting the supply, management, and proper use of pharmaceutical products.
明貝 怜美 澤井 夏海 須藤 洋行 佐藤 宏樹 藤田 行代志 三島 八重子 木﨑 速人 堀 里子 澤田 康文
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.24, no.1, pp.11-16, 2022-05-31 (Released:2022-06-11)

Objective: Pharmacists at insurance pharmacies play an important role in the pharmaceutical care of outpatients receiving cancer chemotherapy. This study aimed to clarify the actual status of insurance pharmacies' involvement in cancer chemotherapy and associated issues, based on an analysis of prescription inquiries made to doctors by pharmacists at an insurance pharmacy.Design: This was a retrospective observational study.Methods: The data was collected in one insurance pharmacy, which received prescriptions mainly from Gunma Prefectural Cancer Center. Among 2, 258 inquiries recorded from January 2015 to May 2018, inquires related to oral anticancer drugs or supportive care medicine were extracted. The frequency of inquiries for each item, or the frequencies of factors that lead to inquiries were calculated. Inquiries considered to have potentially led to the prevention or avoidance of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), so-called “preavoidance” inquiries, were also extracted.Results: Four hundred and forty inquiries related to 20 oral anticancer drugs were included in the analysis. The prescriptions were changed after 92.7% of all prescription inquiries. Prescription inquiries for drugs with rest periods were more frequent than those for drugs without rest periods. The most common inquiries were about the medication schedules stated on the prescription, followed by inquiries about supportive care drugs. Approximately 60% of the pharmacy inquiries were related to“pre-avoidance”inquiries. Most of the pre-avoidance inquiries concerned prevention of ADRs, though these inquiries also contributed to“reduction or avoidance of mental anxiety”. The prescription inquiries were triggered by information collected by pharmacists from patient interviews and from medication histories.Conclusion: Our findings suggest that inquiries to the prescribing doctors by pharmacists at insurance pharmacies contribute significantly to the appropriate use of anticancer drugs.
佐藤 宏樹
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.30, no.1, pp.53-78, 2014-06-20 (Released:2014-08-02)
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In tropical forest ecosystems, majority of plant species depend on frugivorous vertebrates for seed dispersal. Because primates constitute a large portion of frugivore biomass in neotropical and paleotropical forests, the roles of primates as seed dispersers have been examined since 1970's. The process of seed dispersal by vertebrates can be divided into three phases: (1) pre-dispersal phase in which animals select particular fruits as attractive food; (2) dispersal phase in which animals handle, transport, and deposit seeds during their foraging activities; (3) post-dispersal phase in which dispersed seeds germinate and grow to reproductive age. To understand roles of primates as seed dispersers, this paper marshals the previous achievements in order of the three phases. During pre-dispersal and dispersal phases, quantitative and qualitative effectiveness of seed dispersal are generally related to several anatomical traits and behavioral pattern of each primate taxon, and particularly, large-bodied frugivorous primates often perform effectively. However, during post-dispersal phase, high mortality and unpredictable fates of dispersed seeds dramatically hurt the effectiveness of primate seed dispersal. Large-bodied frugivorous primates are recognized as vulnerable taxa to human disturbance such as deforestation and bushmeat hunting. Recently, in the forests where such primates are locally extinct or reduced, researchers have demonstrated that the loss of their seed dispersal services drives low density of seedlings and saplings and low rates of gene flow among populations. These facts paradoxically suggest that primates contribute regeneration of plant populations even their effectiveness is lessened in post-dispersal phase. As future issues, integration between seed dispersal research and plant demographic study will develop our understanding of the primates' roles in plant population dynamics over many generations. Moreover, considering the critical situations in empty forests, there is also an urgent need to argue prioritized conservation of high-performance primates for maintaining regeneration and vegetative restoration in degraded forests.
泉 太郎 堀 里子 佐藤 宏樹 三木 晶子 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.132, no.5, pp.617-627, 2012 (Released:2012-05-01)

Aggravation of asthmatic response (asthmatic attack, 2 cases) and adverse events (tremor, 1 case) due to a switch from a brand-name tulobuterol tape to a generic tape were recently reported. These changes disappeared after reformulation from generic to the brand-name tape. To investigate this issue, we conducted a questionnaire survey on changes of asthmatic response, adverse events and product usability due to a switch between tulobuterol tapes. We identified 44 cases (18 from doctors, 26 from pharmacists) in which changes of asthmatic response or adverse events had occurred due to a switch between tulobuterol tapes. Aggravation of asthmatic response had occurred in 30 cases and adverse events in 21 cases due to switch from brand-name tulobuterol tape to generic tape. As regards change of product usability, we obtained 96 relevant responses (18 from doctors, 78 cases pharmacists), and the major response was that generic tulobuterol tape peeled off the skin more easily than did the brand-name tape (60 cases). These results suggest that changes of asthmatic response, adverse events and product usability should be carefully monitored when switching tulobuterol tapes.
田中 真吾 朝比奈 泰子 佐藤 宏樹 三木 晶子 堀 里子 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.6, pp.757-766, 2014-06-01 (Released:2014-06-01)
1 1

It has been reported the use of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in late pregnancy was associated with potentially fetal toxicity (contraction of fetal ductus areteriosus). According to the package inserts in Japan, many oral NSAIDs are contraindicated to women in late pregnancy, but several oral and topical NSAIDs with case reports of fetal toxicity are not. In the present study, a web-based questionnaire survey was conducted in pharmacists/physicians to determine their awareness of fetal toxicity caused by NSAIDs, as well as their attitudes regarding the use of NSAIDs in late pregnancy. Responses were obtained from 427 pharmacists, 22 obstetricians, and 160 non-obstetric physicians. Of the non-obstetric respondents, more than 40% had no knowledge of fetal ductus arteriosus contraction caused by oral ibuprofen, and most of them were not aware of the relevant warning statement on the package insert. In contrast, these were familiar to nearly 100% of the obstetricians. As for ketoprofen tape, only 20-40% of the pharmacists/physicians were aware of the warning statement, and nearly all respondents did not confirm whether the patient was in late pregnancy. The majority of the respondents answered that oral ibuprofen, ketoprofen tape and NSAID-containing OTC drugs should not be used in late pregnancy after they knew the warning statements in late pregnancy. This survey suggests that the fetal toxicity of NSAIDs is not well recognized by pharmacists/physicians. It would be necessary to make it thoroughly known to them through such as enrichment of safety information on the package inserts, accompanying with the evidence.
市野 進一郎 フィヒテル クローディア 相馬 貴代 宮本 直美 佐藤 宏樹 茶谷 薫 小山 直樹 高畑 由起夫 カペラー ピーター
霊長類研究 Supplement 第29回日本霊長類学会・日本哺乳類学会2013年度合同大会
pp.119, 2013 (Released:2014-02-14)

(目的)マダガスカルに生息する原猿類(キツネザル類)は,真猿類とは独立に群れ生活を進化させた分類群である.集団性キツネザルには,性的二型の欠如,等しい社会的性比,メス優位など哺乳類一般とは異なるいくつかの特徴がみられる.こうした一連の特徴は,社会生態学理論でうまく説明できないものであったが,近年,メスの繁殖競合によって生じたとする考え方が出てきた.本研究では,長期デモグラフィ資料を用いて,ワオキツネザルのメス間の繁殖競合のメカニズムを調べることを目的とした.(方法)マダガスカル南部ベレンティ保護区に設定された 14.2haの主調査地域では,1989年以降 24年間にわたって個体識別にもとづく継続調査がおこなわれてきた.そこで蓄積されたデモグラフィ資料を分析に用いた.メスの出産の有無,幼児の生存,メスの追い出しの有無を応答変数に,社会的要因や生態的要因を説明変数にして一般化線形混合モデル(GLMM)を用いた分析をおこなった.(結果と考察)出産の有無および幼児の生存は,群れサイズによって正の影響を受けた.すなわち,小さい群れのほうが大きい群れよりも繁殖上の不利益が生じていることが明らかになった.この結果は,ワオキツネザルの群れ間の強い競合を反映していると思われる.一方,メスの追い出しの有無は,群れサイズよりもオトナメスの数に影響を受けた.すなわち,群れのオトナメスが多い群れでは,メスの追い出しが起きる確率が高かった.このように,ワオキツネザルのメスは群れ内のオトナメスの数に反応し,非血縁や遠い血縁のメスを追い出すことで群れ内の競合を回避するメカニズムをもっているようだ.
荒井 基晴 前田 一人 佐藤 宏樹 三木 晶子 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.16-00041, (Released:2016-06-27)

We created a draft of new patient information leaflets to ensure patients’ proper use of drugs and to highlight safety issues and improvement plans extracted and proposed by small group discussions (SGD) with pharmacists. A total of 3 SGDs (participants: 15 pharmacists) were conducted with the aim of improving patient information leaflets for oral diabetes drugs. First, the disadvantages and advantages of the current instructions as well as requests for ideal patient information leaflets were obtained from participants.Conventional patient information leaflets that could be improved were useful to understand drug efficacy, adverse effects, and instructions for daily consumption of medicines, and to encourage patients to re-check drugs at home and inform their family of the measures to be taken in the case of adverse effects from the standpoint of patients. However, some disadvantages arose; for example, the instructions were difficult to read because of small lettering and illustrations and too much text. It was not tailored for individual patients, and descriptions about serious adverse effects caused patients much anxiety. Therefore, we have created a draft of new patient information leaflets with diabetes that are simpler and easier to understand and use concise wording and illustrations that are impactful.
朴 恵林 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 馬来 秀行 浅井 康平 小西 ゆかり 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.6, pp.913-923, 2016 (Released:2016-06-01)

We conducted a workshop that aimed to clarify problems with care workers supporting medication use in nursing homes, to propose measures for solving these problems, and to raise awareness of these problems among care workers. Eighteen care workers from different fee-based elderly nursing homes were enrolled in the workshop, and divided into four groups. The participants in these groups identified the issues based on their experiences regarding medication-related incidents, and discussed related problems and viable measures using the KJ method. The issues identified by each group were “dropping a medication”, “wrong resident”, “refusal to take medication”, and “confusion”. To resolve these problems, the participants recommended: “conducting study sessions or testing of manuals and medication knowledge”, “strengthening monitoring systems”, “enhancing information sharing”, etc. The involvement of pharmacists was hardly mentioned, despite the workshop being designed for “medication assistance”. A post-workshop questionnaire revealed that 88.9% of the participants acknowledged an increased awareness of safe assistance in the use of medication. A follow-up questionnaire, distributed approximately seven months after the workshop, revealed that 82.4% of participants applied the experience and knowledge they learned at the workshop to their work. The workshop seemed to raise awareness and lead to preventive measures for safe medication assistance. Communication between care workers and other health care professionals, such as pharmacists, is important to designing and implementing safe medical care in nursing homes.
平山 匡彦 田中 秀和 鈴木 慎太郎 永富 亜紀 作元 誠司 北原 敏弘 宮崎 長一郎 吉谷 清光 佐藤 宏樹 堀 里子 三木 晶子 澤田 康文
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.15, no.2, pp.57-63, 2013 (Released:2013-09-05)

Objective: The revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Act that came into force in June 2009 prohibits the sale of nonprescription drugs via mail.  However, as a provisional measure, regular users and inhabitants of remote islands who do not have access to pharmacies or drug stores are allowed to purchase nonprescription drugs via mail until the end of May 2013.  This study involves a survey on the purchasing of nonprescription drugs by Internet-illiterate inhabitants of the remote Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan.Methods: Our process began with the distribution of questionnaires via mail to inhabitants of the remote Goto Islands, of whom 3,819 were randomly selected.  The responses were sent between January 22 and February 26, 2011.  We analyzed problems presented by 522 inhabitants who were Internet-illiterate.Results: The results revealed that 57.3% of the respondents living on large islands—with pharmacies, drug stores, and pharmacists— (e.g., Fukueshima) and 85.3% of respondents living on small islands scattered around large islands—with none of the abovementioned amenities— (e.g., Maeshima) were Internet-illiterate.  Additionally, a majority of the respondents (more than 80%) felt no need to purchase nonprescription drugs over the Internet.  However, considering that a handful of these inhabitants do, or will at some time need to purchase nonprescription drugs over the Internet, we strive to establish an optimal system for supplying medications to these Internet-illiterate inhabitants.Conclusion: Community pharmacists need to establish close relationships with the Internet illiterate (particularly those living on small islands) and promote the overall appropriate use of medicinal products.
柳 奈津代 佐藤 宏樹 澤田 康文
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.42, no.1, pp.2-16, 2023-06-10 (Released:2023-06-28)

Anxiety and difficulty in administering medication to nursery school children has been reported among nursery school teachers. This study aimed to elucidate these issues and explore the possibility of pharmacist support and collaboration. We conducted a postal survey in September 2019 among nursery schools in Tokyo that are categorized as government-authorized schools, certified childcare centers, and prefectural governor-certified schools. A total of 1,537 schools responded to the self-report questionnaires (response rate: 41.2%), and 1,533 responses were analyzed. Of these, 1,488 schools were asked if they would accept requests to administer medication to their school children, and 60.1% of the nursery schools responded that their staff (including teachers and nurses) found it difficult to administer medication. The issues identified included psychological burdens (such as nervousness and pressure about giving the correct medication), staff shortage, insufficient time with the children, and human factors (such as personal perceptions of medication). Additionally, excessive requests to administer medication, caregiver behavior such as low awareness of children’s health and appropriate medication, and poor medication adherence at home were identified as issues. It was suggested that pharmacists could help alleviate these problems through their daily work at the pharmacy. Approximately 49-62% of schools responded that they would request the collaboration of community pharmacists to conduct training sessions for nursery school staff, provide health support for caregivers, and provide general health and medication consultations. The collaboration between nursery schools and community pharmacists may gain importance in the future.
藤枝 正輝 野中 琢哉 林 愛子 長谷川 佳孝 月岡 良太 森澤 あずさ 大石 美也 佐藤 宏樹 澤田 康文
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.3, pp.192-200, 2016 (Released:2017-02-14)

Objective: Prescription check and inquiry is one of the most important operations of pharmacists to provide optimal drug therapy to the patient.  Although a number of studies related to inquiries of prescriptions have already been reported, there is little report about requests for doctor and hospital based on the examples.  Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the current problems revealed by inquiries about prescriptions by not only analyzing these inquiries but also investigating requests for doctors and hospitals.Methods: We investigated 6,255 inquiries about prescriptions and requests for doctors and hospitals at 584 insurance pharmacies from August 4 to 10, 2014.  Then, the inquiries about prescriptions and requests for doctors and hospitals were categorized.Results: The most frequent category of inquiries about prescriptions was “Questions about administration and dosage” (21.5%).  On the contrary, the most frequent request for doctors was “Efficiency in gathering information from and providing information to a patient” (2,067 cases).Conclusions: The present study clarified current problems revealed by inquiries about prescriptions by investigating requests for doctors and hospitals that were based on examples.  Furthermore, the problems were classified into ten categories, and these should be noted by doctors and hospitals at the time the prescription was issued.
柳 奈津代 佐藤 宏樹 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.141, no.9, pp.1095-1107, 2021-09-01 (Released:2021-09-01)

The difficulty and anxiety of nursery staff in administering medication to children at nursery schools has been reported, and its reduction is desired. However, the attitudes of mothers in requesting medication and the factors related to a high frequency of requests are not clear. We conducted an online survey of 600 mothers from April to May 2019 regarding the administration of medication at nursery school, and 301 mothers who had previously made such requests were analyzed. The results showed that 100.0% and 76.4% of the mothers felt gratitude and were apologetic for requesting medicine administration, respectively. In total, 47.5% of mothers expected pharmacists to support nursery staff in administering medication. Mothers' attitude of “I think the nursery staff should administer medication to my child more often” was significantly positively associated with a high frequency of the request in adjusted Model [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 2.75, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.36-5.55, p=0.005], while “I think the parents should manage so that the children do not have to take medicine in the nursery school so often” showed a negative association (AOR 0.33, 95% CI 0.17-0.66, p=0.002). Factors related to the involvement of community pharmacists were not significant. It is suggested that a change in mothers' attitudes could decrease the frequency of requests and consequently reduce the burden on nursery staff. Community pharmacists may support nursery staff to contribute to changing mothers' attitudes through medication consultations at the pharmacy.
石坂 優奈 柳 奈津代 佐藤 宏樹 三木 晶子 馬来 秀行 小西 ゆかり 雨宮 潤美 澤田 康文
一般社団法人 日本老年薬学会
日本老年薬学会雑誌 (ISSN:24334065)
vol.5, no.3, pp.24-31, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-11-10)

Pharmacists attended an interprofessional team meeting that included nurses and care workers at fee-based homes for the elderly to assess the association between medication, health status, and living conditions provided by care workers. A visually based comparative worksheet on a timeline was used. This study aimed to clarify the role of pharmacists in interprofessional collaboration. A total of 47 residents at 13 facilities were assessed, and drug deprescription or prescription changes were provided in 39 cases. The cases were classified according to the reason for the change, e.g., discontinuation of unnecessary medication, the possibility of a harmful event, examination of therapeutic effect, and improving drug adherence. The participation of pharmacists helped clarify information about medication and health status and contributed to reducing drug-related problems in many cases.