山田 冨美雄 百々 尚美 大野 太郎 服部 祥子
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.4, no.1, pp.23-28, 1999

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of seismic intensity (SI) and sex difference upon schoolaged children's stress reactions induced by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and to suggest some guidelines for stress management education. Know Yourself Questionnaire (KYQ) was used to assess children's stress reactions after disaster. The stress scores of Anxiety, Depression, Distraction, and Humanity were compared between Nishinomiya (SI=7;566 boys and 491 girls), Osaka (SI=4;462 boys and 445 girls), and children in protective institutions (SI=7;244 boys and 153 girls). KYQ was applied at 2 months, 6 months, and 1 year after the earthquake for Nishinomiya and Osaka, and at 9 months after the earthquake for protective institutions as a stress management education program. Results show that (1) the effect of seismic intensity was significant in all stress reactions, (2) significant sex difference was found in all scores, i.e., Anxiety, Depression, and Humanity scores were higher in females, but Distraction was higher in males, (3) the effect of seismic intensity interacted with sex in Depression and Distraction,and (4) children in protective institutions showed more severe stress reactions than those in Nishinomiya. These results suggest that early intervention such as our stress management education is needed for children,not only after the earthquake but also before the earthquake.