浅川 満彦 子安 和弘 原田 正史 クリシュナ シュレスタ C. 目加田 和之 織田 銑一
Japanese journal of zoo and wildlife medicine (ISSN:13426133)
vol.2, no.2, pp.81-85, 1997-09

野生のネズミ科動物の内部寄生虫については, 比較的多くの報告があるが, ヒマラヤ地方に生息するヒマラヤアカネズミApodemus gurkhaおよびシッキムハタネズミMicrotus sikimensisを宿主とする寄生虫の報告は皆無である。そこで, 1994年11月および1996年3月, ネパール・ヒマラヤ地方Myagdi districtにおいて採集されたヒマラヤアカネズミ14個体およびシッキムマツネズミ9個体について内部寄生蠕虫類の検査をした。その結果, ヒマラヤアカネズミからはHeligmosomoides neopolygyrus, Heligmonoides sp., Syphacia agraria, Heterakis spumosa, Rictularia cristataおよびCatenotaenia sp.が, また, シッキムハタネズミからはCarolinensis minutus, Syphacia montana, Aonchotheca murissylvatici, Trichuris sp., Anoplocephalidae gen.sp.およびTaeniidae gen.sp.(嚢尾虫)が検出された。今回検出された寄生虫のうち, Heligmonoides sp.についてはヒマラヤアカネズミに宿主特異的な新種である可能性が高いが, 他の種はユーラシア大陸の他地域に産するアカネズミ属あるいはハタネズミ属の寄生虫と共通であることが判明した。
目加田 和之 阿部 訓也 村上 亜弓 NAKAMURA Satoe NAKATA Hatsumi MORIWAKI Kazuo OBATA Yuichi YOSHIKI Atsushi
Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Experimental Animals (ISSN:13411357)
vol.58, no.2, pp.141-149, 2009
1 270

The C57BL/6 mouse is the most well-known inbred mouse strain, and has been widely used as a genetic background for congenic and mutant mice. A number of C57BL/6 substrains have been derived from the C57BL/6 founder line and are reported to differ in several phenotypes. There are several major sources of C57BL/6 substrains for the biomedical research community. The importance of their genetic and phenotypic differences among substrains, however, has not yet been well recognized by biomedical researchers. Here, we report the result of screening of the functional deletion of the nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (<i>Nnt</i>) gene and 1,446 SNPs genotyping among seven C57BL/6 substrains from different sources, such as C57BL/6J, C57BL/6JJcl, C57BL/6JJmsSlc, C57BL/6NJcl, C57BL/6NCrlCrlj, C57BL/6NTac, and C57BL/6CrSlc. The deletion of exon 7-11 in the <i>Nnt</i> gene that was previously reported in C57BL/6J was also observed in other C57BL/6J substrains, indicating that this functional deletion probably occurred at an early stage in the establishment of C57BL/6J substrains. The genotyping of SNP loci clearly demonstrate genetic differences between C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N substrains at 11 loci. Besides, we found another SNP differing between C57BL/6J and other C57BL/6J substrains available from commercial breeders. No genetic difference was detected among C57BL/6N substrains. The C57BL/6CrSlc mouse, originally derived from the National Cancer Institute of the NIH was found to be the same as the C57BL/6N substrains by the SNP pattern. These data will be useful for accurate genetic monitoring of genetically engineered mice with the C57BL/6 background.<br>