相川 りゑ子 阿久澤 さゆり 永島 伸浩 川端 晶子
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.39, no.3, pp.165-174, 1992-08-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

カタクリ鱗茎から澱粉を調製し,対照として馬鈴薯および食用カンナ澱粉を用いて,理化学的性質を検討し,以下のような結果を得た. 1)カタクリ澱粉の平均粒径は24.3μmで,馬鈴薯,食用カソナ澱粉よりもやや小さかった.パンクレアチンによるカタクリ澱粉粒の分解性は馬鈴薯や食用カンナ澱粉粒に比べて高く,SEM像より,中心部から層状に穴のあく崩れ方が観察された. 2)電流滴定法によるアミロース含量はカタクリ澱粉が22.8%,馬鈴薯および食用カンナ澱粉が21.5および23.9%であった.澱粉をイソアミラーゼで枝切り後,生成物のゲル濾過分別を行った結果,アミロペクチンの枝切りされた直鎖部分と考えられるFr.IIとFr.IIIの数平均鎖長は,カタクリ澱粉は47.4と14.6で,馬鈴薯および食用カンナ澱粉に比べていずれもやや長く,また,カタクリ澱粉のFr.III/Fr.IIは2.0,馬鈴薯および食用カンナ澱粉は1.7および1.9であった. 3)糊化特性について,フォトペーストグラフィー,示差走査熱分析,ビスコグラフィーおよび動的粘弾性の測定を行い検討したところ,糊化開始温度ではビスコグラフィーによるものがいずれの澱粉でも数度高く,他の3種の機器による測定値は比較的近似しており,カタクリ澱粉は45~47℃と,低い値を示した.ビスコグラムの最高粘度は,馬鈴薯澱粉がもっとも高い値を示したが,冷却カーブはカタクリ澱粉と近似していた.動的粘弾性の最高ピーク時の貯蔵弾性率および損失弾性率は同様に馬鈴薯澱粉が最も高い値を示したが,tanδの経時変化では,カタクリ澱粉が最も低い値を示し,アミロースおよびアミロペクチンの微細構造の違いが示唆された.
鎌田 久子 蓮見 美代子 相川 りゑ子
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.7, no.4, pp.275-283, 2013-10-25 (Released:2016-01-29)

The aim of this study is to understand the current level of menu planning competency of students in dietitian training programs, as well as to identify effective educational methods to improve menu planning competency. The participants were 156 first-year students enrolled in dietitian training programs.Following the submission of a menu planning assignment in July 2012, questionnaire surveys were conducted and 153 valid responses were collected. The instructors evaluated the menus. The results showed that the highest percentage of cooking knowledge was acquired through helping with meal preparations at home. On the other hand, the highest percentage of food knowledge was obtained through studies in junior college. The “menu planning,” “cooking experience” and “food seasoning in menu evaluation” scores for students who correctly identified 4 or more seasonal foods were significantly higher than those for students who only identified 3 or fewer seasonal foods. “Food seasoning” and “dietary composition” had low menu evaluation scores. The group with meal-making frequencies of once or more per week had a significantly higher “cooking experience” score than the “less than once a week” group. The group with more cooking experience had significantly higher scores in “menu planning” and “nutrient to energy ratio in menu evaluation” than the group with less cooking experience.These results suggest that students need the following to enhance their menu planning competency : i)gain more cooking experience at home and in school, ii)gain food and cooking knowledge and iii)acquire skills through practice. We need to teach students to understand and apply the principles of(i)adjustment of nutrient quantity to energy ratio,(ii)dietary composition and(iii)food seasoning. We also need to identify an educational method that helps them acquire applied skills that give them the ability to take into account multiple conditions.