鎌田 久子
成城文藝 (ISSN:02865718)
no.42, pp.47-60, 1966-03

1 0 0 0 結婚

宮里 和子 鎌田 久子 坂倉 啓夫 末光 裕子 菅沼 ひろ子
pp.634-637, 1985-07-25

§続・初体験 前号において問題にした破瓜の習俗は,今日のモラルからみれば,許されることではないと決めつけがちであるが,一種の性教育とみなされていたことを見落としてはならない。 島根県東部の漁村での話に,12,3歳の娘が,まだ娘にならん前に,50歳以上のごけじいさんにオセ(大人)にしてもらうことがあったという。西石見地方でも娘が13歳になると,親が部落内の男衆に頼んで大人にしてもらうのをスケワリと呼んでいたという。福井県でもこのような習俗をアナバチといい,特定の者が,12,3歳の女子を一人前にして,若者(青年男子)の仲間に告げる風があった。破瓜したことを公表するわけで,前記の島根県でも,若連中(青年男子)にオセになったことをふれてもらったというが,これで名実共に一人前になったことで,婚姻可能な成女であることを公表し,結婚でぎることを願ったのである。
鎌田 久子 蓮見 美代子 相川 りゑ子
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.7, no.4, pp.275-283, 2013-10-25 (Released:2016-01-29)

The aim of this study is to understand the current level of menu planning competency of students in dietitian training programs, as well as to identify effective educational methods to improve menu planning competency. The participants were 156 first-year students enrolled in dietitian training programs.Following the submission of a menu planning assignment in July 2012, questionnaire surveys were conducted and 153 valid responses were collected. The instructors evaluated the menus. The results showed that the highest percentage of cooking knowledge was acquired through helping with meal preparations at home. On the other hand, the highest percentage of food knowledge was obtained through studies in junior college. The “menu planning,” “cooking experience” and “food seasoning in menu evaluation” scores for students who correctly identified 4 or more seasonal foods were significantly higher than those for students who only identified 3 or fewer seasonal foods. “Food seasoning” and “dietary composition” had low menu evaluation scores. The group with meal-making frequencies of once or more per week had a significantly higher “cooking experience” score than the “less than once a week” group. The group with more cooking experience had significantly higher scores in “menu planning” and “nutrient to energy ratio in menu evaluation” than the group with less cooking experience.These results suggest that students need the following to enhance their menu planning competency : i)gain more cooking experience at home and in school, ii)gain food and cooking knowledge and iii)acquire skills through practice. We need to teach students to understand and apply the principles of(i)adjustment of nutrient quantity to energy ratio,(ii)dietary composition and(iii)food seasoning. We also need to identify an educational method that helps them acquire applied skills that give them the ability to take into account multiple conditions.