矢島 稔
一般社団法人 日本昆虫学会
昆蟲.ニューシリーズ (ISSN:13438794)
vol.18, no.4, pp.106-117, 2015-10-05 (Released:2019-04-25)

(1) 皇居内に幼虫を放流し40年にわたって羽化したヘイケボタルとゲンジボタルの個体数の変化を記録した.放流終了後もホタルとカワニナが世代を重ね,個体数を変動させながらも個体群が維持される生息環境の復元に成功した.(2) ゲンジボタルを野外の水槽で飼育した孵化幼虫の成長の変異に基づき,1年で羽化する個体に加え,羽化するまでに2年以上を要する個体が存在する可能性を指摘した.(3) 関東地方に生息するゲンジボタルは越冬後体長が30mmに達した幼虫が流れから上陸するのは4月中・下旬に限られる(日長時間が13時間以上の雨の夜).この生活史は餌のカワニナの繁殖・生存と密接に関連していると考えられる.
矢島 稔
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.16, no.2, pp.60-66, 1966-04-01 (Released:2017-04-08)

The behavior of the adult winter moths in an oak forest were studied in the winter season, in relation to the variation of the temperature and light. Among the 12 species of winter moths distributed around Tokyo, the results of study on Erannis obliquaria and E. dira are as follows : 1) In a deciduous forest near Tokyo, there are three different temperature zones : that is, the southern, the central and the northern part of the forest. Each part was divided into three layers, that is, the lower, the middle and the upper parts. 2) Adult males tended to concentrate at the southern part of the forest, and their movement in the forest was influenced by the variation of temperature and light. 3) The emergence of the moths was seen at noon when the ground temperature reachedthe maximum. After the emergence the female moth climbed up and down the tree, with relation to the variation of the temperature, and during night they remained at the middle layer where the hight temperature was higher than the other layers. 4) The female moths were more active than the male under the lower experimental temperature. The male moths of which wings were artificially eliminated, could walk more at the layer of lower temperature than the normal males, probably because of the wing area. 5) According to the variation of the light intensity, under the experimental hours, the males begun to walk and fly under the light of 5 Lux, and the females begun to walk under the light of 25〜30 Lux, but below 10 Lux, both stopped.