武衛 和雄 朴 星湖 矢麦 寿雄
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.29, no.2, pp.125-132, 1978

The effects of temperature on the development of larval and pupal stages, the interspecies competition in larvae, and the effects of temperature on the fecundity of three species of fleshflies, B. peregrina, P. similis and P. crassipalpis, were studied under the laboratory conditions. The larvae were reared on minced beef, and adults were fed on milk and 2% sucrose solution. Minced beef was given as a larviposition medium. The results were obtained as follows : 1. The length of larval stage was shorter than that of pupal stage in all species. The length of development from the larva to adult emergence, was shortest in P. similis, followed by B. peregrina and P. crassipalpis. 2. The calculated developmental zero points and accumulated thermal constants of the larval and pupal stages in three species are shown in Table 2. 3. The notable differences of the body weight of these pupae were observed when the larvae were reared under 20℃. The pupal weight of P. crassipalpis was about two times as that of B. peregrina. 4. Two species were introduced into the breeding medium at different rates, and three combinations of flies were set up to interact. The competition was estimated from the difference of percents of adult emergence between two species. With the increased number of B. peregrina, the percent of adult emergence of P. similis decreased. Similarly, with the increased number of P. similis, the percent of adult emergence of P. crassipalpis decreased. 5. The favourable temperatures for fecundity lay at 25℃ in B. peregrina, between 20 and 30℃ in P. similis, and between 25 and 30℃ in P. crassipalpis, B. peregrina proved to be superior in the reproduction, capacity to the other two species.
今井 長兵衛 池本 孝哉 高木 正洋 矢麦 寿雄 POHAN Wesly HASIBUAN Halomoan SIRAIT Halomoan PANJAITAN Willem
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.39, no.3, pp.293-300, 1988
2 12

インドネシア国北スマトラ州の1海岸村落に生息するマラリア媒介蚊Anopheles sundaicusの発生源を, 日本・インドネシア共同, 北スマトラ地域保健プロジェクトの一環として, 1980∿1985年に調べた。主要発生源は開放的な氾濫原, ココヤシ裁培用の灌漑水路, 自家消費用の小規模な養魚池, 道端の水たまりであり, これらはいずれも年間の最高潮位かそれと同等の高潮位のときにのみ。潮汐作用の影響を受ける高塩分濃度止水域に分布していた。他方, 毎日の潮の干満の影響を受ける感潮域低湿地, 自然植生に密に被覆された水域, 水田, および低塩分濃度(おおむね0.1%以下)の水域に位置する養魚池は発生源として不適であった。浮游藻類やウキクサ等は時に幼虫と共存していたが, それらの繁茂していない水域に, より多数の幼虫が生息していた。好適な発生源は年間最高に近い潮位が記録された直後の1985年5月においても, 感潮域低湿地に沿った地域や河口付近など, 比較的限られた地域にのみ分布していた。