小林 義典 松本 敏彦 石上 恵一 平井 敏博
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-23, 1996-02-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
12 9

In order to verify the relation between the body function and occlusion, the gravity function, electronystagmography, and auditory brainstem response of TMD patients, edentulous patients and healthy subjects with 500 μm thick experimental occlusal interference were analyzed, and it was confirmed that occlusal problems impede the auditory system, body's posture adjusting system and vestibule system. Further, when the relation between the occlusal contact and the bodily motor function were compared between healthy subjects and patients whose occlusion had been treated, it was confirmed that there was close relation between the two.Furthermore, from the analysis of human body phenomena of healthy subjects with 100 μm thick experimental occlusal interference, it was confirmed that occlusal problems induced bruxism or continuously aggravated the problem and eventually entailed TMD, as well as changed the function of the autonomic nervous system and provoked emotional stress and sleep disorders.From these results, it was verified that occlusal problems affected the function of the middle ear transmission system, equilibrium sense, auditory brainstem response, function of autonomic nervous system, emotion and sleep and that the occlusal function was closely related to the bodily motor function.
石上 恵一 星野 浩之 武田 友孝 月村 直樹 高山 和比古 青野 晃 大岩 陽太郎 濱田 久 島田 淳 片山 幸太郎 大木 一三
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.36, no.3, pp.481-487, 1992-06-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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Recently, sports dentistry has attracted attention as a field of sportsmedicine. Since the stomatognathic system and the systemic condition closely affect with each other, we have studied both of them objectively, physiologically and scientifically.Archery is a sport requiring static concentration of thought, and it seems to be extremely important for this sport to control a basic posture at the time of aiming at a target.This study was carried out for the purpose of obtaining a fundamental data on how a bite raising for vertical position by a resin splint, which maintained stable occlusion, influenced gravity fluctuations in posture at the time of aiming at a target.