石村 広明 田里 千代
天理大学学報 (ISSN:03874311)
vol.68, no.3, pp.61-74, 2017-02

High school baseball has given us many dreams and inspirations in our country. However, it also holds many problems, and one is the issue of corporal punishment. The purpose of this research is to make comparisons with religious culture, which enforces corporal punishment and acceptance. An interview was held with 12 high school baseball related-persons with experience. 5 cultural elements were found as a result of the interview. They are the unsociable environment, the absolute pecking order, rational interpretation, the pursuit of victory and compromise and recognizing anew of the corporal punishment and the group mentality. These 5 elements are also functioning as a cultural device. In this composition, I would like to link these elements to a discovery of an educational way to eradicate the use of the cane.
石村 広明
天理大学学報 = Tenri University journal (ISSN:03874311)
vol.71, no.3, pp.41-57, 2020-02

In this paper, clarified the high school baseball culture that approve "pitching too much". One of the problems of high school baseball in Japan is "pitching too much". As a countermeasure, "pitch count limits" has not been implemented. Fans feel the appeal of "hometown" and "hard" in high school baseball. Such factors have created the ideal games for high school baseball. And fans think that "pitch count limits" loses the appeal of high school baseball. That's one of the reasons against "pitch count limits". However, it is clear that "pitching too much" has an adverse effect on the body of high school baseball players. This is a problem that should be tackled not only in high school baseball but also in the entire Japanese baseball world. High school baseball is the yearning and goal of many baseball boys and girls. And high school baseball has a great influence. The most effective reform is to change the high school baseball world. Even if the game of "pitch count limits" becomes basic, there is a possibility that a new appeal will be born there.
石村 広明 田里 千代
天理大学学報 (ISSN:03874311)
vol.68, no.3, pp.61-74, 2017-02-26 (Released:2017-03-09)

High school baseball has given us many dreams and inspirations in our country. However, it also holds many problems, and one is the issue of corporal punishment. The purpose of this research is to make comparisons with religious culture, which enforces corporal punishment and acceptance. An interview was held with 12 high school baseball related-persons with experience. 5 cultural elements were found as a result of the interview. They are the unsociable environment, the absolute pecking order, rational interpretation, the pursuit of victory and compromise and recognizing anew of the corporal punishment and the group mentality. These 5 elements are also functioning as a cultural device. In this composition, I would like to link these elements to a discovery of an educational way to eradicate the use of the cane.
石村 広明
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.278_2, 2018

<p> 高等学校の運動部活動の全国大会は、多くの競技者にとって目標とするところであり、応援する人たち、ファンにとっても注目が集まるところである。そこで出場校や注目選手だけでなく毎年のように話題となるのが「イメージソング」である。それらの楽曲はアーティストが大会のために作詞・作曲するものが多く、その曲の歌詞、メロディーはまさにその大会、競技を象徴するものであると考えられる。</p><p> ORICON NEWSの「シングルCD売り上げランキング」を見ても、その大会のイメージソングとして用いられている楽曲は、大会期間を含めたその前後に最も高いランキングを示し、上位に出ることも珍しくない。つまり、それらのイメージソングは大会を象徴する曲として人々に受け入れられ、支持されているということである。つまり、その曲が聴く人々の中に「高校スポーツ観」を形成しうるともいえるだろう。</p><p>そこで本発表では、イメージソングのテキストを手掛かりとして用いて、高校スポーツとイメージソングの関係性、イメージソングが表象する競技らしさについて明らかにしていく。</p>