進士 誠一 横堀 將司 清水 哲也 神田 知洋 林 光希 安康 勝喜 吉田 寛
日本医科大学医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13498975)
vol.18, no.1, pp.98-104, 2022-02-20 (Released:2022-03-15)

During their clinical clerkships (CCs) in surgery, medical students are generally introduced to such areas as surgical indications, surgical techniques, and perioperative management through rounds and practical skills training on wards and in operating rooms. Given the technological advances made in virtual reality (VR) over recent years and its increasing use in education and corporate training, we decided to try using VR for the benefit of students on surgical CCs. To this end, we developed what we termed a "VR surgery tour" in the field of gastrointestinal surgery, which involved students using VR goggles to view edited 3D images. We then asked 26 fifth- and sixth-year medical students at Nippon Medical School assigned to CCs in gastrointestinal surgery between November 2020 and September 2021 to evaluate the VR surgery tour via a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire included questions using a five-point Likert scale and space for free comments. Our results showed that all respondents felt satisfied with the VR surgery tour, with 96% of them indicating it was a viable alternative to clinical training; moreover, about 90% of the students found it useful as a teaching aid for pre-learning and requested that VR teaching materials be made available in other fields as well. We concluded that our VR surgery tour is a valuable supplement to practical training in gastrointestinal surgery and that it increases medical students' motivation to learn. We believe VR is an effective teaching aid and that there will be increasing demand for its use in various education and training programs.
清水 哲也 水口 義昭 吉岡 正人 松下 晃 金子 恵子 川野 陽一 勝野 暁 神田 知洋 高田 英志 中村 慶春 谷合 信彦 真々田 裕宏 横室 茂樹 内田 英二
日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13402242)
vol.36, no.1, pp.79-85, 2016-01-31 (Released:2016-04-26)

ERCPは胆膵疾患の診断に不可欠な手技となり,ERCPを応用したさまざまな手技が活用されている一方,ERCPの偶発症は重篤化しやすく慎重を要す手技である。ERCP合併症の中でも後腹膜穿孔は死亡率が高く,その診断と対処が重要である。1999年1月から2015年5月までのERCP自験例 4,076例のうちERCPの後腹膜穿孔を10例(0.25%)に認め,その原因と対応を検討した。穿孔部位は,乳頭部3例,胆管3例,膵管2例,十二指腸2例であり,原因は,乳頭部穿孔ではEST,胆管穿孔では砕石処置具の挿入,膵管穿孔ではカテーテル操作,十二指腸穿孔では内視鏡の挿入による損傷であった。後腹膜穿孔を疑う際にはENBDや胃管で減圧しCTで後腹膜穿孔の重症度を確認する。CTで後腹膜に液体貯留を認め,かつ発熱や疼痛のある症例は緊急手術を行う。後腹膜気腫のみ,もしくは少量の液体貯留のみで無症状の症例は保存的加療を行い経時的に疼痛や液体貯留をフォローし,所見の悪化がある際は緊急手術を考慮する。