鈴木 杏奈 長谷川 諒 稗貫 峻一 窪田 ひろみ 伊藤 高敏
日本地熱学会誌 (ISSN:03886735)
vol.44, no.3, pp.111-122, 2022-07-25 (Released:2023-01-25)

Geothermal potential area in Japan has been depopulated recently, and there have been distances between the geothermal potentials and most energy consumers living in urban areas. Since 2020, working from home (home-based telework) has spread rapidly due to the influence of the COVID-19. If some of the energy consumers work from the geothermal potential area, namely onsen areas, it would help to reduce the extra fossil fuel consumption, to reduce the environmental impact, and to save commuting costs and time. In this study, we quantitatively evaluated the advantages and feasibility of working from onsen in Naruko area, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, as a case study. The environmental effects were analyzed by using the annual CO2 emissions and the costs, based on the perspective of the form of stay and the life-cycle assessments with four scenario conditions ((a) base system, (b) home-based telework in a city, (c) onsen-based telework (using hot spring only for bathing), and (d) onsen-based telework (using hot spring for bathing and heating)). Compared to the base system, the use of public baths in the onsen area can reduce CO2 emissions by about 1/3, and the use of bathing and heating by hot springs can reduce CO2 emissions by about 1/4. In the case of a short-term stay in the onsen area, the effects of reducing CO2 emission differed depending on the area where the worker is based and the season. The results indicates that some conditions of the short-term stay may results in higher CO2 emission than when nothing is done. Therefore, we expect that each of urban workers, companies, and onsen areas will change their awareness and take actions to be able to stay in the onsen area for a mid- to long-term.
窪田 ひろみ
リアルオプションと戦略 (ISSN:21896585)
vol.7, no.1, pp.13-16, 2015 (Released:2019-01-31)

地熱発電は,設備利用率が高く(約80%), ベース電源としての役割を担う。地熱発電 用タービンの世界シェアは約70%と,国内 企業の技術力は高い。また,発電だけでな く熱水のカスケード利用(農水産業,暖房, 融雪,乾燥等)による省エネ・地元産業活 性化・観光資源としての貢献,非常用電源 としての有効活用等が期待されている。 しかしながら,現状では,地熱発電の設 備容量は約52 万kW,電源構成に占める割 合は僅か約0.3%である。地熱資源の約8 割 が国立・国定公園内に存在するとされ,自 然環境保護の観点や,建設コストが高い等 の理由から開発困難な地域も多い。地熱発 電の固定価格買取制度(FIT)認定設備容量 は14,725kW(2014.10 時点)であり,太陽 光や風力に比べて極めて少ない状況にある。 そこで本稿では,再生可能エネルギーの 中でも質の高い電気を供給できる地熱発電 について,開発に伴う様々なリスク(不確 実性)とその対策の現状と課題を紹介する