米倉 二郎
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.47, no.4, pp.190-196, 1992

米倉 二郎
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.61, no.1, pp.8-13, 1952-03-30 (Released:2009-11-12)

The Roman field was planned by Agrimensores with an instrument “Groma.” They made at first straight roads pointing north and south was called Kardos and east west road was called Limes Decumanus. With these two roads as axis they divided their field into sections 2400 Roman feet (nearly equal to 710.4 metres) square which was called Centuria. One Centuria was also divided into 100 Heredia by small lanes. Each Heredium had 240 Roman feet square. (See Map I) It is said that Romulus, the founder of Rome, gave one Heredium to each of his people. One Heredium consisted of two Jugera, and one Jngerum was the area which two oxen could till in one day. One Jugerum had two Acti. One Actus was the area of 120 Roman feet square.We can find as yet in many plains of Italy and other European countries, for example in England, the remnant of the Roman field system. The township system of northern America may be said the hereditary of the Roman field system.Ancient Chinese in Chou Dynasty also planned their field by making the main road crossing each other at right. angles. The north-south road was called T'sien and the east-west one Me. Later on with these two roads as axis they divided the field with basic block of one Ri or 300 Pu (nearly equal to 414.5 metres) square, called Tsing-t'ien. One Tsing-t'ien was composed of nine Fu which was 100 Pu square. Fu means one family's holding, so one Tsing-t'ien was the ideal type of small village which had eight families settled themselves at central Fu section, and had to farm other eight Fus. (See Map II).The field planning of Romans and that of ancient Chinese both with their square shaped field can also be called as square field system, each resembling so much that it seems these two methods must have a common origin.This field system was planned at first in the suburbs of Rome and Loyang, capital of Chou Dynasty, in the age of their city state. Therefore the origin of the former system may be traced back to the Orient where the foremost city state blossomed in human history.The square field system was planned with great accuracy by survey and arranged irrigation ditches alongside the roads and lanes, also the standard shape of the field was decided by ploughing with two oxen.These characteristics of agriculture are just the same which Prof. Gordon Chiide has called as the second revolution of human civilization. He says that this city revolution has occured at first in Mesopotamia, Egypt and India relating each other, and from there it spread out all over the world.We have found not yet the exact remnant of the square field system in these oldest countries. But some inscribed tablets show the continuity of the method adopted for example, Agrimensores of Rome, elected boundary stones after surveying at the corners of the field, and in Mesopotamia we know there were also boundary stones, and in the Sumerian city state the people (Sûb-lugal) were provided with uniformed feud.Chinese Tsing-Vien system also propagated to the east Asian countries, and especially in Japan we have a typical square field system “Jori.” Yamato basin, Nara prefecture, famous with many old temples, is the district in which Jori system was being held perfectly, Naka Gaido, the north-south road which runs in middle of the basin, was the principal meridian, and Yoko. Ohoji, east-west road connecting Sakurai, Yagi, and Takata towns which runs rather southern part of the basin was the base line of Jori of Yamato. Ground Block of Joni was called Ri and was one Ri square, the length Ri which was introduced from Ti of Chinese but prolonged a little, was about 640 metres. (See Map III).
米倉 二郎
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.57, no.2, pp.101-110, 1984-10-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

方格状町割はインダス都市で,またこれとあまり遅れない時期に黄河都市でも始まったようである。当初は両地ともに並存する2つの町区からなっていた。インダス都市では西側が城区で東側が下町であった。モエンジョ・ダロはその最盛期を示している。発掘された街路の新たな解釈から著者は,その町割を約180メートル平方を単位方格とする碁盤割とし,さらに下町区では約40メートル (120モエンジョ・ダロ フィート)平方の16の小区画に分けられたであろうと推定した。 黄河都市はインダス都市との形態の類似だけでなく,古代中国の尺度がハラッパの腕尺,モエンジョ・ダロの足尺と同系統のものと見なされるので,方格状町割はこの両地で密接な関係のもとに始まったとすることができよう。方1里(約400メートル平方)を基礎方格とする中国の都制は商代に始まったとして鄭州商城の町割を推定した。 インダス都市の方格状町割はスタニスラウスキイが述べたように西してオリエントからギリシヤ,ローマ,さらにヨーロッパ全域から新大陸へと伝播した。他方それはインド文明の中に受継がれ,シルパシャストラの中に理想化して記述された。それに従う方格状町割は南インドを主とする南アジア各地で見られる。北インドではイスラム文化の影響で影が薄くなった。 黄河都市の方格状町割は周礼に記載された。その理想が実現されたのは北魏洛陽城以降であったが,都市計画の理念としてただに中国のみならず朝鮮,ベトナム,日本における都市計画に影響を与えた。例えば,わが平安京(京都)は南北9.5里,東西8里(当時の日本の里は古代中国の里よりすこし伸びて545メートルほどであった)の方格状町割であり,方1里の基礎方格である坊はさらに16個の小区画である町(120メートル平方)に分けられていた。