緒方 正則 下間 頼一 塩津 宣子
公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集
vol.2006, pp.51-54, 2006-12-01

Authors assumed that the origin of the standard gauge of the railway is in the interval of wheel tracks of ancient carriages such as war chariots, two-wheeled carts and four-wheeled wagons. Basing on the assumption, authors have measured the interval of wheel track at ancient ruins and ancient highway of the Eurasian Continent and the African Continent for long years. On the other hand, the oldest vehicle that exists in the world is chariot of Tut-ankh-Amen who was the Pharaoh of ancient Egyptian of the 18th New Dynasty before 3,500 years and another two chariots of the former dynasty. Authors visited at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo for four times till now and observed six chariots in detail that were displayed inside the glass case. Considering findings of the interval of wheel tracks, authors report the specifications of Tut-ankh-Amen's chariots in this paper.
下間 頼一 緒方 正則
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
no.1, pp.413-414, 2001-08-22

Some field surveys have been done on chariots of ancient China. In this paper, axle bearings are discussed. Before Christ, wooden axle is supported by wooden bearings. Beginning of the first millennium, mass production method of cast iron by water jet turbine. crank mechanism, and reciprocating blower are invented. After Christ, cast iron axle bearings are applied to chariots.
緒方 正則 下間 頼一 塩津 宣子
vol.2007, pp.97-98, 2007

Up to the present, authors surveyed the cart ruts in ruins of the Greece age and the Rome age in Turkey. The places are the western coastal region around the Aegean Sea. Those investigated places were Perge, Hierapolis of Pamukkale, and Efes. The date was August, 1998. The wheels and the chassis of the carriages were mentioned in the investigation results. The carriages in various places by the field survey were thought to be used in the ancient times.
下間 頼一 緒方 正則
vol.2004, pp.409-410, 2004

Researching the origin of railway gauge of 4 ft 8.5 in (1435 mm), field survey has been done in Turkey, Central Asia, India, Pompei and Ercolanb of Roman ruins. In this report, Ostia Antica; ancient port of Roma, was surveyed. Many wheel ruts of Roman chariot were found and their gauges were measured. The measured results are nearly equal to present international railway standard gauge. Accordingly, the origin of railway gauge is in wheel rut of chariot at Roman Empire.
緒方 正則
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
年次大会講演論文集 2010.5 (ISSN:24331325)
pp.253-254, 2010-09-04 (Released:2017-08-01)

Author already reported the field work results of waterwheel that has scooping plates and chains that was preserved in the Wu Institute of Wuxi in Jiangsu province of China. The waterwheel was called Longguo che (dragon waterwheel). By using the measurement values of the parts, the standard of the ruler was clarified. The author reported a field survey result of the length of the ruler about 4600 years before, called "Nippur cubit" which was named by the excavation place. Including these reports, the results that examined the concrete numerical value of the ruler in the East and West world based on literature and field survey is reported in this paper.
下間 頼一 塩津 宣子 亀谷 勝 緒方 正則
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2007, no.5, pp.93-94, 2007-09-07

The thought of Circular Heaven and Square Earth is the Chinese traditional thought. The root of the thought is Jade disc (玉壁) and Jade cube (玉〓) at Liangzhu culture (良渚文化). Jade disc is a circular disc with a small hole at center of it. Jade cube is almost a rectangular solid body with a big hole within it. Authors performed field survey in Liangzhu culture area. The places are Liangzhu ruins (3300-2000BC) and ruins of Yin dynasty (1600-1046BC) in Anyang (安陽). In Yin Museum, authors researched oracle bone inscriptions.