織田 弥生 髙野 ルリ子 阿部 恒之 菊地 賢一
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.579-589, 2015 (Released:2015-02-25)
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We developed the 33-item Emotion and Arousal Checklist (EACL), which consisted of five subscales to assess emotions (Fear, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, and Happiness) and four subscales to assess arousal (Energetic arousal +, Energetic arousal −, Tense arousal +, and Tense arousal −). This checklist was developed to assess psychological state, both at a given moment and during the past week. In Study 1, confirmatory factor analyses identified nine subscales, whose internal consistency was indicated by their reliability. In Study 2, the EACL’s validity was demonstrated by its correlation with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Multiple Mood Scale, General Arousal Checklist, Japanese UWIST Mood Adjective Checklist, and Profile of Mood States. In Study 3, changes caused by tasks that involved either reading emotion-inducing articles or performing a calculation indicated the validity of the EACL for measuring psychological state at a given moment. Further, the test-retest reliability of the EACL for assessing psychological state during the past week was confirmed. These studies confirmed the reliability and the validity of the EACL.
織田 弥生 中村 実 龍田 周 小泉 祐貴子 阿部 恒之
Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.36, no.6, pp.287-297, 2000-12-15 (Released:2010-03-12)
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ストレスの指標として使用されることの多い, 唾液中・尿中コルチゾールの値の標準値を作成することを目的とした. 20代から50代の就労している男性85名, 女性81名について, 勤務日と休日の2日間にわたり1日5ポイント (起床時, 10:00, 11:40, 14:00, 16:00) 尿と唾液を採取し, HPLC法でコルチゾールの定量を行い, 性・時刻・測定日別の平均値と標準偏差を示した標準値表を完成した. また, 全検体中の唾液299検体・尿155検体についてはRIA法でも分析を実施して分析定量値の相互換算式を算出し, 異なる分析法間の値の比較が可能となるようにした. 一過性ストレス時の唾液中コルチゾール値を標準値表と比較したところ, 標準値から大きく逸脱することが確認されたことから, ストレス測定においてこの標準値が有用であると考えられた. 最後に, この標準値表の活用範囲について検討した.
織田 弥生 菊地 賢一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.21313, (Released:2022-11-01)

The Emotion and Arousal Checklist (EACL) is a 33-item questionnaire developed to assess psychological states at a given moment and during the past week. We examined the application of this checklist to assess psychological states during the past month. In Study 1, confirmatory factor analyses identified nine subscales, similar to a previous study, which measured psychological states at a given moment and in the past week. The internal consistency of these subscales was assessed with Cronbach’s alpha. Study 2 confirmed the test-retest reliability at the one-week interval. In Study 3, the participants rated their psychological states during the past week four times at the one-week interval and during the past month at the fourth measurement. Reliability was demonstrated by the correlation between the mean of four times one-week measurement and the measurement for during the past month. Study 4 demonstrated criteria-related validity by comparing the subscale scores between the high- and low-stress groups. These studies confirmed the reliability and validity of the EACL for assessing psychological states during the past month.
織田 弥生
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.76, no.5, pp.426-435, 2005-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) on daily psychological states and salivary cortisol level. First, 42 women recorded their PMS symptoms and basal body temperatures every day for approximately two menstrual cycles. Based on these prospective records of PMS symptoms, participants were divided into two groups: Normal group (n=22) and PMS group (n=17). There were no significant differences between the two groups in age, height, weight, age at menarche, menstrual cycle length, menstrual period, depression score, and stressor score. Next, 14 women (7 Normal group, 7 PMS group) were selected and they were measured twice, once during the premenstrual phase and once during the postmenstrual phase of their cycles. Each day, they took saliva samples and recorded their psychological states six times (from waking to going to bed) per day at their homes. Results showed that the fear score in PMS group was high in the premenstrual phase, whereas salivary cortisol level in PMS group was low in the same phase compared to the Normal group. These results suggested the possibility of dysregulation of the stress system in women with PMS.
織田 弥生 髙野 ルリ子 阿部 恒之 菊地 賢一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.579-589, 2015

We developed the 33-item Emotion and Arousal Checklist (EACL), which consisted of five subscales to assess emotions (Fear, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, and Happiness) and four subscales to assess arousal (Energetic arousal +, Energetic arousal −, Tense arousal +, and Tense arousal −). This checklist was developed to assess psychological state, both at a given moment and during the past week. In Study 1, confirmatory factor analyses identified nine subscales, whose internal consistency was indicated by their reliability. In Study 2, the EACL's validity was demonstrated by its correlation with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Multiple Mood Scale, General Arousal Checklist, Japanese UWIST Mood Adjective Checklist, and Profile of Mood States. In Study 3, changes caused by tasks that involved either reading emotion-inducing articles or performing a calculation indicated the validity of the EACL for measuring psychological state at a given moment. Further, the test-retest reliability of the EACL for assessing psychological state during the past week was confirmed. These studies confirmed the reliability and the validity of the EACL.