芝井 清久
データ分析の理論と応用 (ISSN:21864195)
vol.11, no.1, pp.37-50, 2022-08-01 (Released:2022-09-29)

吉野 諒三 田中 康裕 小出 哲彰 稲垣 佑典 芝井 清久 前田 忠彦
データ分析の理論と応用 (ISSN:21864195)
vol.8, no.1, pp.3-24, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-11-22)

公開データ利用促進の任務を担う情報・システム研究機構データサイエンス共同利用基盤施設のプロジェクトの一部として,2018 年3 月13 日「第2 回人間・社会データ構造化シンポジウム」が開催された.特に,社会調査データの公開における個人情報保護等の法的規制と倫理的指針について,同施設の社会データ構造化センターの法律アドバイザーである牧野二郎弁護士により,一般公開の特別講義が行われた.講演に先立ち,同センターの研究者たちとの協議を経て,牧野総合法律事務所により講演資料が用意された.本稿は,筆者らがその資料を改稿し,シンポジウムでの討議や,2018 年5 月よりEU で施行されているGeneral Data Protection Regulation(一般データ保護規則)など関連資料やその後の推移の確認などを含め,官民学の社会調査関係者向けに概説したものである. 現実の法律の執行は,各研究者の解釈や意図とは必ずしも完全には一致しないこともあり得るが,本稿は実証的データに基づく人文社会科学の発展や政策立案を促進するための参考としてまとめた.
芝井 清久
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2015, no.180, pp.180_98-180_110, 2015-03-30 (Released:2016-05-12)

This article explores the mutual interaction of nuclear nonproliferation negotiations in Europe and nuclear nonproliferation negotiations in East Asia in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Previous studies separately surveyed European nuclear proliferation and East Asian nuclear proliferation. These studies,however, focusing on one specific area respectively cannot completely answer the question as to why the Soviet Union and the United States changed their nuclear policies as well as to why the results of the nuclear nonproliferation negotiations in Europe and East Asia became symmetric. This is because there is a clear fact that the Soviet Union supported Chinese nuclear development and the United States planned NATO nuclear sharing and the MLF, which partly allowed West Germany to “possess” nuclear weapons at first. In order to answer these questions adequately, I treat both areas’ nonproliferation negotiations as a series of negotiation and show a new hypothesis that the Chinese nuclear issue was dealt promptly to settle the West German nuclear issues. The Soviet Union, which greatly feared that West Germany would acquire nuclear weapons, indicated that it would discourage Chinese nuclear development in return for the United States to do the same regarding West Germany’s nuclear policy. The Soviet Union promoted building trust with the United States and succeeded with the result of West Germany ratifying the PTBT and the NPT. In contrast to Europe, East Asia failed in achieving nuclear nonproliferation. What are the causes of such a symmetric outcome? West Germany and China both needed nuclear deterrence for their national security, especially against threat from the Soviet Union and/or United States. The United States offered West Germany security assurance and kept mutual confidence, but the Soviet Union unilaterally demanded that China abandoned its nuclear development in order to promote nuclear nonproliferation negotitations with the United States without any compensation. This act resulted in losing China’s trust because the Soviet Union’s top priority was to stop West Germany, and thus treated China’s nuclear issues as one of the means to achieve this goal. Does settling West Germany’s nuclear issue in the form of mutual cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union indicate that their negotiations were excellent? If we turn our eyes towards the correlation between European negotiations and East Asian negotiations, we can understand that they are not necessarily superior negotiations like non-cooperative games which all countries gain profit, but rather,unequal negotiations that the cost for the agreement in Europe was passed to negotiations in East Asia, and the European negotiation became one of the causes of the failure of nonproliferation in East Asia.