若生 正和
大阪教育大学紀要 1 人文科学 (ISSN:03893448)
vol.59, no.1, pp.109-119, 2010-09

本研究では韓国人日本語学習者の中間言語にどのような特徴が見られるのかを明らかにするために,特に誤用に注目して分析を行った。本研究のために用いたデータはインタビューによって得られた発話データである。今回の調査を通して,典型的な負の転移と見られる誤用と,学習者が言語習得のために用いる学習ストラテジーが関わっていると見られる誤用の両方がデータ中に混在していた。学習ストラテジーが関わっている誤用としては,ユニット形成のストラテジーの関与が指摘されている,場所の助詞「に」と「で」の誤用があった。また,説明のモダリティー「のだ」の丁寧形「んです」の過剰般化が複数の学習者に見られたが,複雑な用言の丁寧形体系を単純化しようとする学習ストラテジーが関与しているのではないかと見られる。The purpose of this paper is to report characteristics of Korean JSL learner's interlanguage, analyzing errors found in their talk in Japanese. The data was collected by interviews with Japanese learners who were enrolled in a university in Korea. Both errors caused by negative language transfers and ones caused by strategies of second-language learning were found in the data. One of errors in the data which seemed to be caused by strategies of second-language learning is confused use of locative particles ni and de. Another example of errors related to L2 learning strategy is the overgeneralization of ndesu (polite form of no da) which indicate the modality of explanation. The confusion of ni and de seemed to be concerned to the strategy of linguistic unit formation. On the other hand, the overgeneralization of ndesu seemed to be related to learners' simplification of Japanese polite form system.
若生 正和
大阪教育大学紀要 第IV部門 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.62, no.2, pp.181-191, 2014-02-28

本研究では,日本に留学した韓国人元交換留学生2名と,韓国に留学した日本人元交換留学生1名にインタビューを実施し,彼等の留学動機づけ,留学中の活動,留学の成果について考察した。留学の動機づけとしては,3人とも語学力の習得・向上を挙げ,韓国ではそれが将来の就職・キャリアパスに結びつけて考える傾向が認められた。日本人元留学生の発言からは語学学習と留学に対する内発的動機づけが確認された。留学の成果については韓国人元留学生は留学が語学力の証明になり,就職活動が有利になったと証言する一方,日本では留学体験や語学力よりも,留学を通しての成長過程が就職活動で重視されることが分かった。The aim of this study is to figure out the motivation of exchange students and outcomes which they gained through studying abroad. In this study 3 interviews were conducted and interviewees were 2 Korean university graduates who studied in Japan as exchange students and 1 Japanese university student who studied in Korea also as an exchange student. All of them mentioned studying language as their motivation of studying abroad, although level of motivation is a little different. One Korean thought that his experience of studying in Japan and his language proficiency as a result of studying abroad had helped his job-hunting after the graduation. After Korean interviewees came back to Korea, their experience of studying in Japan and language proficiency influenced positively during their job-hunting. On the other hand it seems the Japanese interviewee didn't connect the experience of studying abroad to her career before her departure. She mentioned her experience of studying abroad influenced positively to her job-hunting but her growth as a result of overcoming her problems while studying in Korea was recognized more valuable than her language proficiency during her job hunting.