- 著者
荒井 正剛
- 出版者
- 日本地理教育学会
- 雑誌
- 新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.69, no.3, pp.36-50, 2021 (Released:2022-04-17)
- 参考文献数
- 40
It is alleged that people in economically advanced countries tend to look down on the people in
Africa. Geography lessons on Africa have been pointed out as negative and one-sided. The Course of
Study requires teachers to use an enquiry-based approach and take up global issues. However, students
may perceive Africa negatively if only the global issues of Africa are explored.
The textbooks for junior high schools ask students to think how to solve these global issues, so do
some teachers. This is challenging for students who have studied neither the history of Africa nor
international trade, especially when they have only taken 3–4 h lessons. As the Course of Study of the
compulsory geography class for a senior high school shows, thinking about future directions should be
a part of senior high school education. The textbooks deal with food-related problems both globally and
in Africa. A teacher made his students aware of global issues by studying the production of raw
materials for smartphones and chocolate, thus enabling students to think critically about development
and generating potential support from various perspectives.
The syllabus and the textbooks for key stage 3 geography in England deal with the short history and
ecosystem of Africa with an aim that students realize the regional diversity and understand various
viewpoints regarding development to prevent stereotypical opinions.
People in economically advanced countries perceive African local farming as low in efficiency.
However, to prevent risks caused by drought and other disasters, African local farmers have grown
various crops at farms, for example. A variety of crops fits the local ecosystem and is highly sustainable.
Although possibly viewed as people who need help, many of these farmers are strong, as is evident by
various kinds of work done by them in the village and nearby cities and their overall assistance.
Geography lessons on Africa should ensure that students do not perceive Africa stereotypically. The
author suggests a unit-wise lesson plan on Africa for a junior high school, which addresses global issues
as well. It will encourage students to examine regional characteristics using geographical views and
ways of thinking, to become conscious of the connections with African peoples and see the global
issues in Africa as their own, and to understand regional diversity, resulting in positive views on Africa.