荻原 和孝 小川 智久 浅木 信安 沼部 幸博 鴨井 久一
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.15, no.3, pp.130-136, 1996-12-01 (Released:2010-06-08)

Aqua oxidized water (AOW) and Aqua alkalic water (AAW) are made by acidic electrolyzed water making equipment; OXILIZER (OXILIZER Co., Tokyo, Japan) . AOW is acidic water with a pH under 2.7 and is processed by electrolysis through a small NaCl mediated specific membrane. It was over 1, 100mV of oxidation-reduction potential and includes Cl2, OH⋅, O3, ClO. AAW is alkalic water with pH 11.AOW has a strong bactericidal effect on bacteria and virus but the effect is reduced by the large number of organisms. It has a metallic corrosive function as well as an organic matter action. There are few reports about AAW sterilizing without a metallic corrosive action. The bactericidal effect of AAW to periodontopathic bacteria [Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn) ] and Staphylococcus aureus (Sa) and Escherichia coli (Ec) was investigated. The bactericidal effect of AOW and AAW were compared.Bacterial strain Sa : 209-P, Ec : B, Aa : Y4 and ATCC 29522, Pg : 381 and ATCC 33277, Pi : 25611, Fn : 25586 were grown at 3TC in BHI (aerobic and anaerobic condition), GAM contained hemin, menadion and yeast (anaerobic condition), and GAM broth (anaerobic condition), respectively. After washing by centrifugation, each bacteria was suspended in PBS.Serum and saliva were obtained from one healthy volunteer.Bactericidal activity was measured by colony count seeding and grown on BHI or Anaero columbia blood agar or GAM medium after treatment with AAW or AOW.The results were as follows:1. Bactericidal effect and effective concentration of AAWAa, Pg, Pi were killed in one minute (Aa; 108 to 104 CFU/ml, Pg; 108 to 103 CFU/ml, Pi ; less than 108 to 103 CFU/ml) from original 100% AAW, while it took more than one minute to kill Fn, and Sa and Ec had survived after ten minutes. Further, sterilizing activity decreased with AAW' s dilution. AOW shows that a 25% concentration is most effective against periodontopathic bacteria.2. The effect of saliva and serum on bactericidal activity of AAWAs for Aa, Pg and Pi, the addition of saliva or serum in a concentration of 1% of AAW had decreased bactericidal activity slightly. However, the bactericidal activity was completely negated by the addition of 10% serum of AAW. As for Fn, the bactericidal activity was negated in 1% of serumor salivery addition.
荻原 和孝 加藤 千穂美 斎藤 和子
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.37, no.4, pp.628-640, 1995-12-28
8 6

本実験は,歯周病原性細菌に対する多形核白血球(PMN)の活性酸素産生[Chemiluninescence (CL)反応],食・殺菌能への補体・抗体の影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。PMNはカゼイン刺激マウス腹腔内から採取した。また,歯周病原性細菌としてActinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans; Aa, Porphyromonas gingivalis; Pg, Fusobacterium nucleatum; Fnを使用した。マウスに生菌免疫を施し,超音波破砕抗原に対する抗体価をELISA法で測定した。IgGがAaとPg免疫マウス,IgMがFn免疫マウスで高かった。CL反応はルミノール依存性のCL反応を測定した。食菌能は各反応液をスライドガラスに塗抹・乾燥し,メイ・グルンワルド・ギムザ染色後,顕微鏡を使用して観察した。菌の生残は,血清,抗体,PMN単独または組み合わせて反応させ,平板培地上でカウントした。CL反応の増加は,Aaが補体,Pgで補体・抗体の両方に依存したが,Fnは補体,抗体のどちらにも反応性を示さなかった。またFnはD-ガラクトース,N-アセチル-D-ガラクトサミン,マンナンによって抑制された。食菌能はAaとFnが補体,Pgが補体・抗体の両方の存在で増加した。しかし,補体,抗体,PMN単独または組み合わせによる殺菌効果は得られなかった。結論として,補体はAaのCL反応と食菌能の増加に,補体と抗体の両方がPgのCL反応と食菌能に関与した。また,FnはCL反応でレセプターの相互作用が関係したが,食菌能には補体を必要とした。しかし,補体,抗体は殺菌効果を示さなかった。