萩屋 薫
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸學會雜誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.21, no.3, pp.165-173, 1952

1. すの發現機構を明かにするため大根の品種間に於けるすの發現の難易性を調査し, それに關連を有する形質を檢討したるに大要次の如き結果を得た。<br>2. すの發現は一般に早生でT/R率の降下が早い品種ほど著しく, 晩生で根部の肥大がおそい品種にはすが入り難い。<br>3. 内部形態的に見ると根肥大に伴う組織的變化が早く柔組織が發達しその細胞も大形であるような品種にはすが入り易く之と反對の傾向を持つた品種ではすが入りにくい。<br>4. 根肥大の晩い品種は一般に根に澱粉を有し又可溶性物質の含量も高いが, すの入る早太りの品種は澱粉無く糖を有し, 可溶性物質の含量も低い。<br>5. すの發現はいずれの品種に於てもT/R率が最低を示す時期にあたる。この時期には根の組織の充實度が最も低下する。<br>6. すの分布状態は品種によつて異なるが, それは主として根身内の通導組織の分布状態が品種により異なるためと考えられる。<br>7. すの發現は根の生長が旺盛で葉の同化能力以上に急激に根肥大が行われるため充實が之に伴わず起るものと考えられる。<br>8. 根の肥大は早くてもその充實がよい時無のような品種はすが入り難い。之には地上部の同化能力が大なることが少くとも1原因となると考えられるが, 何れにしてもこの種の品種は耐鬆性大根の育種上に意義を持つものと考えられる。
萩屋 薫
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸學會雜誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.27, no.1, pp.68-77, 1958

1. The present studies were carried out to investi-gate the heredity of the occurrence of pithy tissue, and that what correlation would be seen between its occurrence and the other physiological characters shown in the descendants of varietal hybrids in radish.<br> 2. When the growth of 20 F<sub>1</sub> hybrids crossed among 7 varieties, differing in easiness of the occur-rence of pithy tissue, was examined, it was found that the characteristic of the parents were fairly conspicuously inherited to F<sub>1</sub>, in such characters as eaf number, leaf weight, root weight, T/R ratio, concentration of soluble matter in root sap, size of xylem parenchyma cell of root, content of starch in root, etc. In these cases, the greater part of the F<sub>1</sub> combinations surpassed the average of parents in many characters, but in comparing with the parents which retained heavier root weight, the F<sub>1</sub> combinations superior to the parents were not so many.<br> 3. Such a definite tendency as the F<sub>1</sub> is much easier or harder of the occurrence of pithy tissue than the parent varieties, could not be found, and in any combination the F<sub>1</sub> showed the resembling average value of the parents on its occurrence, and the influence of the vigor of hybrid on the occurrence of pithy tissue was not recognized.<br> 4. The occurrence of pithy tissue in varieties of F<sub>1</sub> and their parents was highly correlated with the concentration of soluble matter in root and size of xylem parenchyma cell of root, and slightly with content of starch in root, but there could not be found distinct correlation with root weight and T/R ratio. Those results indicate the possibility of breeding such lines as resistant to the occurrence of pithy tissue regardless early growth or rapid growth of corpulency of the root. For this purpose it must be suitable to use as the parents such va-rieties as &ldquo;Eichin&rdquo; and &ldquo;Tokinashi&rdquo; of which the capacity of assimilation of the top is great and the roots become fully replete.<br> 5. In the individual investigation of the growth of the F<sub>2</sub> which were produced from 3 combinations, in which the &ldquo;Eichin&rdquo; was crossed with other va-rieties differring in easiness of the occurrence of pithy tissue, a remarkable segregation of all cha-racters has been observed in every combination. The occurrence of pithy tissue of the individual F<sub>2</sub> was correlated with concentration of soluble matter, size of xylem parenchyma cell, and content of starch in root, but had no relation to the root weight or T/R ratio with one exception, as in F<sub>1</sub> generation.<br> 6. These facts reconfirmed the author's consider-ations, as it was described in the last report, that the occurrence of pithy tissue may be ascribed to, the abrupt corpulency which does not catch up the-fullness of roots, and also that its occurrence in F<sub>1</sub> and F<sub>2</sub> was highly correlated with the physiological-characters shown in the previous reports, even when the inheritance was utterly disturbed and genes were recombined by means of the varietal crossing as in this investigation.<br> 7. The inheritance of the occurrence of pithy-tissue may not be due to the existence of special-factors which directly determine its occurrence, but rather it may be indirectly inherited to the-descendants in accompany with the inheritance of many other characters such as responsible to pro-voke the unbalanced growth of the root corpulency, . as mentioned above.<br> 8. In breeding of resistant varieties to the occur-rence of pithy tissue, it is necessary to select the. resistant individuals from the young mother plants as accurately as possible as in case of selecting the-ones in their maturing stage. As an effective method to achieve this purpose it is suggested that selection of the individuals which contain high percentage of soluble matter
萩屋 薫
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学会雑誌 (ISSN:00137626)
vol.21, no.2, pp.81-86, 1952

(1) すいりの生理機構を明かにするため二十日大根を用い肥大生長に伴うすの發現經過を調査した。<br>(2) すの發現は肥大した大根に於て通導組織に遠い部分の木部柔組織の大形細胞に先ず糖の消失が見られ, ついでそのあたりの細胞に破生的及び離生的に生じた組織空洞が發現し, それが次第に擴大されてすとなる。すは木部柔組織に限られてあらわれる特徴を持つている。<br>(3) 根身内の可溶性物質の含量を中心部, 周縁部, 中間部について調査したるに, 一般にすの入つた部分の柔組織は他の部分に比してそれが低くなつており, 又全般的にすの甚しいものほどその含量が低下している事が認められた。<br>(4) すは葉長•葉數•根重•根徑等が急激に増加しT/R 率は低下し, のちこれ等が略一定に落付いて來た前後に發現し, 又この時期には柔組織の細胞の大さやその數が最大點に達し, 可溶性物質の含量は最低を示す。然してすは發現し始めると短期間に或限度まで急速に進行するがそれ以後はあまり増加しない。<br>(5) すの甚しいものは大體根重•根徑が大なる個體に多く, T/R 率が大なるものはすの發現が少い。又すの入つたものは柔組織細胞の數や大さが大きい。<br>(6) すの發現の第一歩は當該部柔組織細胞の老化にあると考えられ, それは主として根の肥大に伴う急激な細胞の生長によりその内容物の含度が低下し, 加うるに通導組織からの養分補給に支障を來たし一種の饑餓状態になるためと考えられる。