衛藤 廣隆 藤井 広志 船倉 武夫
千葉科学大学紀要 = The university bulletin of Chiba Institute of Science (ISSN:18823505)
no.5, pp.35-54, 2012-02

阪神・淡路大震災と東日本大震災の記録から抽出した7項目(図書館の避難所利用、応援出務、避難所等でのお話会、避難所等への配本、支援情報の提供、震災関連資料の収集、自館の復旧作業)を大災害時に地域の公共図書館が行った特徴的な業務であると捉え、それぞれを細かく検証した。その検証により、地域の公共図書館の活動が被災地の住民の復旧や生活の維持に貢献するものであることが確認された。 さらに、被災した図書館の支援が図書館関係者によって行われることを前提として、図書館関係者81名に対し、被災地の読書や図書館活動を支援することに関するアンケートを実施した。比較するために行った教員85名、学生31名へのアンケートと併せて分析した結果、勤務地や自宅において行う支援を指向する傾向が確認され、さらに図書館における支援に関する問題が明らかになった。これらの検証によって、被災した公共図書館を支援する体制を検討する際に有益な知見を得た。この知見をもとに新たな支援体制の概念図を作成した。
小林 理志 関 聡史 坂田 真一 松岡 誠一 藤井 広志
Soil science and plant nutrition (ISSN:00380768)
vol.48, no.3, pp.315-324, 2002-06-01

The underground railway project progresses to relocate the operating railway on the surface in Yokohama city of Metropolitan area. Especially in soft ground with shallow cover, tunnel is excavated by shotcreting method, and various auxiliary measures and monitoring control system are employed because of the need to secure operating track during the excavation. In this project, an approximately 2km long section near Yokohama station, is being relocated to underground railway to enable through train service with the new subway line. The construction of underground relocation is being performed by shotcreting method as selected by considering the topography, geology, depth of cover, and adjacent structures in each section. This paper describes construction of the urban tunnel just beneath operating railway.
久土 智也 木口 昭夫 藤井 広志
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
pp.758, (Released:2019-06-14)

Illegal distribution of cannabis products, such as cannabis-infused foods and e-liquids, are increasing in Japan. The main component of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC extracted from cannabis is regulated by the Cannabis Control Act, and chemically synthesized THC is regulated by the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act; therefore, it is important to identify the source of THC for judicial appraisal. Recently, the crime of cultivating cannabis has occurred frequently in Japan. Illegal cultivation is difficult to discover because there are cases in which cannabis is cultivated secretly in a room in apartments, etc. Cannabis is a plant that emits unique odors. Detection of the odor constituents can provide a breakthrough for the criminal investigation of cannabis cultivation. The purpose of this study was to identify cannabis products and utilize them for the criminal investigation of cannabis cultivation. Cannabis plants were cultivated from seeds and analyzed using both solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and solvent extraction. Fifty kinds of volatile components were detected by SPME and 21 kinds of refractory components were detected by solvent extraction in fresh cannabis plants. We found that terpenes were detected more strongly in cannabis buds than in cannabis leaves. Furthermore, sesquiterpenes were strongly detected from cannabis leaves and monoterpenes were strongly detected from cannabis buds. The most abundant components were β-myrcene, cis-β-ocimene, terpinolene, β-caryophyllene, trans-α-bergamotene, humulene and β-farnesene. Additionally, THC, cannabichromene, cannabigerol and tetrahydrocannabivarin known as cannabinoids, were detected in all the samples. For the identification of cannabis products, 7 kinds of terpenes and 4 kinds of cannabinoids are promising combinations. Additionally, these terpenes may be useful in the criminal investigation of cannabis cultivation.