加藤 逸郎 小野 公二 大前 政利 神田 哲聡 藤田 祐生 大林 茂樹 中澤 光博 丸橋 晃 今堀 良夫 切畑 光統 由良 義明
Japan Society for Head and Neck Cancer
頭頸部癌 (ISSN:13495747)
vol.31, no.4, pp.581-586, 2005

ホウ素中性子捕捉療法(Boron neutron capture therapy: BNCT)は,<SUP>10</SUP>Bを予め腫瘍に集積させ,中性子線照射で発生する粒子線を利用して腫瘍選択的に破壊する治療法である。我々はこの治療法を再発頭頸部悪性腫瘍患者に対し,2001年より世界に先駆けて開始した。対象は扁平上皮癌6例,唾液腺癌3例,肉腫2例の計11例であった。その結果,腫瘍縮小率は,CR:2例,90%以上:5例,73%,54%,PD:1例,NE:1例で,奏功率82%。QOL改善は,潰瘍消失と皮膚再生,PSの改善による仕事復帰,疼痛・開口障害・呼吸苦の改善,生存期間延長などであった。11例中7例(4例:遠隔)に転移を認めた進展例だったが,治療後の生存期間は,1-38ヶ月で平均8.5ヶ月,生存率は36%(4例生存中)であった。副作用は,口内炎,全身倦怠感,脱毛などで軽度だった。進展再発頭頸部悪性腫瘍に対しBNCTを実施し,その有効性を確認した。
今井 智章 道澤 雅裕 清水 英孝 竹内 憲民 濱田 正和 藤田 祐生
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.55, no.5, pp.231-235, 2009-05-20

Children often play with foreign objects such as a toothbrush in their mouths and sustain intraoral lacerations. Rarely, the objects penetrate into the parapharyngeal space and have to be surgically removed in cooperation with other specialties. We report a case of an intraoral penetration injury caused by a toothbrush entering the parapharyngeal space. A 2-year-old girl who was brushing her teeth before bedtime was intraorally impaled with a toothbrush after falling from an indoor jungle gym for infants. The patient was transferred to the emergency room in our hospital. CT scanning showed the toothbrush head near the internal carotid artery in the parapharyngeal space. Antibiotics were intravenously administered, and the foreign body was removed under general anesthesia, followed by wound suturing. The patient was discharged on the 7 day without any complications such as post-traumatic thrombosis of the internal carotid artery or deep neck abscess. It is important to adequately educate parents and their children about the dangers of a toothbrush as a foreign body that can cause serious penetration injuries.