西山 賢一 吉田 顕 横田 修一郎
自然科学研究 (ISSN:09146385)
vol.23, pp.47-63, 2009

Morphological features of tafoni on Miocene tuff cliffs have been studied in the Kozagawa area, Wakayama, Japan. Distribution of tafoni tends to develop on steep slopes characterized by massive fine-grained acidic tuff. Concave roof of tafoni has been formed with high decreasing rate of rock strength under high humid condition.This supports that concave roofs have been formed due to high rate of salt weathering.Piling up of rock blocks on the foot of such cliffs indicates that evolution of tafoni isclosely related to rock fall from the cliffs. Development of tafoni makes a sort of canopies overhanging on steep cliff, and such unstable portions fall down as rock fall. In addition to development of tafoni, cracks within acidic tuff are also one of causes of rock fall. Such cracks occurred due to rotational moment of overhanging portion.Consequently, weathering rates of rocks due to salt weathering and spacing of these cracks are control the frequency of rock fall in these cliffs.
長岡 信治 西山 賢一 井上 弦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.4, pp.632-667, 2010-08-25 (Released:2010-11-08)
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The Miyazaki Plain is situated at the western end of the forearc of the Southwest Japan Arc, and is one of the standard areas of the Quaternary system in Japan. Many tephra layers were supplied from volcanoes in the Ryukyu and Southwest Japan arcs during Quaternary. The authors establish the stratigraphy and chronology of sediments during middle Pleistocene to Holocene in the Miyazaki Plain using tephrochronological methods, and discuss landform development and tectonics. The sediments are subdivided into Kariya formation, Nojiri formation (the Highest terraces), the Higher terrace deposits, the Middle terraces deposits, the Lower terraces deposits, and the Holocene formation (alluvium plain). Kariya formation of 1 Ma-500 ka, is fluvial sediments which are partially accompanied by marine sediments. Nojiri formation is 500-300 ka old and fluvial and marine sediments form the highest terraces. Shiinoki member in Nojiri formation has a transgressive sediment and is correlated with MIS 9. The higher terraces are composed of Kukino fluvial terrace of 330-240 ka and Chausubaru fluvial terrace of 240 ka. The middle terraces consist of the four fluvial and marine terraces: Sanzaibaru terrace of 140-120 ka, Baba terrace of 110 ka, Nyutabaru terrace of 110-90 ka, Karasebaru terrace of 90 ka, and Saitobaru terrace of 90-80 ka. Sanzaibaru terrace with a thick transgressive sediment and well-developed marine terraces correlates with MIS 6-5e. Nyutabaru terrace is mainly fluvial accompanied partially by marine terraces, and emerged in MIS 5c. Baba and Saitobaru terraces are fluvial only. Saitobaru terrace with a gravel bed over 10-m thick indirectly corresponded to the transgression in MIS 5a. All of the lower terraces of 70-10 ka are fluvial, and are subdivided into ten terraces: Shimizu, Okatomi, Toyobaru 1, Toyobaru 2, Ikazuno, Oyodo, Fukadoshi 1, Fukadoshi 2, Mikazukibaru 1, and Mikazukibaru 2. Their steep longitudinal profiles indicate that sea-level when the terraces formed was lower than the recent one. This lower sea-level stage chronologically corresponds to MIS 4-2. Fukadoshi 1,2 terraces, the profile of which is the steepest of all the terraces, were formed in MIS 2, the last glacial maximum. Shimotajima marine terraces and recent alluvium correspond to Holocene high sea level and transgression in MIS 1. The tectonics of the Miyazaki Plain during the past 2 Ma are estimated from landforms and geological structures. During 2-1 Ma, the forearc basin beneath the sea was uplifted slowly and the Miyazaki Plain emerged. Then the left-lateral movement of Wanitsuka Mts block bordering the plain on the north formed the two pull-apart basins of the Kariya and Nojiri formations at the southern part of the plain during 1-0.3 Ma. The left-lateral movement was caused by the opening of the Okinawa Trough in the back arc of Ryukyu Arc. At 0.3 Ma, the Miyazaki plain suddenly began uplifting rapidly due to E-W trend compression. During 0.8-0.6 Ma, the movement direction of the Philippine Sea Plate changed from NW to WNW, and then the plate subducted obliquely along the Nankai trough. Consequently, the Southwest Japan forearc including the Miyazaki Plain decoupled from the inner arc, moving westward, and finally caused the E-W trend compression and uplifting around the Miyazaki Plain. The uplift rate of the southern part of the plain accelerated from 0.1 m/ka to 1 m/ka during the last 0.3 Ma at the southern part of the plain. In detail, the tectonical mode is domical uplifting the center, which is several kilometers off Miyazaki City in the Pacific Ocean. The domical uplifting and the increasing uplift rate relate to the isostasy of the subducting Kyushu-Palau Ridge on the Philippine Sea plate under the Miyazaki Plain or a rising serpentinite diapir in the crust of the Eurasia plate.
西山 賢一 横田 修一郎
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.51, no.3, pp.122-129, 2010-08-10

熊本県・天草上島に分布するタフォニを調査し, 形態的特徴等について検討した. 当地域には多数のタフォニが古第三系砂岩の急崖に形成されており, それらの確認範囲は海岸域だけでなく, 山地域にも及ぶ. 一部のタフォニでは, 天井から剥離・落下した砂粒子が底部に堆積しており, タフォニの一部は岩石表面の継続的な剥離によって現在も成長中であることを示している. また, 剥離の進行する天井部では概して岩石の強度が低く, かつ含水状態が高い地点が認められ, 天井部での岩石の風化が著しいことを意味している. 当地域のタフォニの形成に関しては, 岩石表面での塩類風化とそれに伴う強度低下が大きく関与したことが推定される.
横山 俊治 村井 政徳 中屋 志郎 西山 賢一 大岡 和俊 中野 浩
The Geological Society of Japan
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.112, pp.S137-S151, 2006
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小出(1955)の定義による破砕帯地すべりは今日の知識からすれば付加体分布地域で多発している.破砕帯地すべりは地すべり性崩壊であると小出(1955)が記述しているように,崩壊時に破壊された地すべり移動体は山津波となって谷を流下し,しばしば末端では河川を堰き止める.見学地である阿津江の事例には,このような破砕帯地すべりの特徴がくまなく現れている.<br>見学は末端部から発生域へと進めていこう.末端部では,坂州木頭川渡った山津波が対岸の斜面を50 mほどの高さまで乗り上げている.ここでは,山津波の流れを記録する樹木に刻まれた流下痕跡を観察し,一旦は斜面に乗り上げた土砂や構造物の大部分を洗い流した強い引きの流れの存在,山津波の一部が坂州木頭川を跳び越えている状況を確認する.発生域では,崩壊頭部のクラック群・緊張した樹根,崩壊壁の地質を,発生源の谷底では新旧の土石流堆積物,破砕帯,断層を観察する.<br>