長岡 信治 奥野 充 新井 房夫
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.107, no.7, pp.432-450, 2001-07-15 (Released:2008-04-11)
23 23

100~30 kaにおいて姶良カルデラでは, 日木山降下スコリア堆積物(103~95 ka), 金剛寺火砕サージ堆積物, 福山降下軽石堆積物(95~86 ka), 岩戸テフラ(60 ka, )大塚降下軽石堆積物(32.5 ka), 深港テフラ(31 ka), 毛梨野テフラ(26.5 ka)の7層のテフラが認められる.これらの噴火口は, カルデラの東半部に集中している.これらのテフラの噴出と並行して敷根安山岩などの溶岩も流出しており, 平均噴火間隔は7500年に1回となる.27 kaの姶良火砕噴火直前の32.5~30 kaでは噴火間隔は約1000年と短くなるが, 噴出量は逆に減少する傾向にある.姶良カルデラ火山は100 ka以降は活動期にあたる.この100~30 kaの噴火活動は, 最新の活動期の前半にあたっている.
吉川 周作 山崎 秀夫 井上 淳 三田村 宗樹 長岡 信治 兵頭 政幸 平岡 義博 内山 高 内山 美恵子
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.107, no.8, pp.535-538, 2001-08-15 (Released:2008-04-11)
1 1

The explosion of a plutonium atomic bomb over Nagasaki city took place on 9 August 1945. After the explosion, a cloud formed, which passed over the Nishiyama district, where 'black rain' fell. Thus, the Nishiyama reservoir, located approximately 3 km from the hypocenter, received the heaviest radioactive fallout from the Nagasaki atomic bomb. Sediment samples were collected from the bottom of the Nishiyama reservoir in 1999 and analyzed for their 137Cs, 241Am and charcoal concentrations. The stratigraphic distribution of 137Cs and charcoal clearly indicate that the 'black rain' horizon is recognized in the Nishiyama reservoir sediments. The 'black rain' horizon contains anthropogenic radionuclides (137Cs and 241Am) and charcoal in high concentrations.
中田 正夫 前田 保夫 長岡 信治 横山 祐典 奥野 淳一 松本 英二 松島 義章 佐藤 裕司 松田 功 三瓶 良和
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.33, no.5, pp.361-368, 1994-12-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
13 14

西九州には縄文早期の鷹島遺跡や数多くの縄文前期から中期の水中遺跡が存在する. これらの遺跡が水没したおもな原因は, 最終氷期の大陸氷床の融解に伴うハイドロアイソスタシーに帰すことができる. 本論文では, このことを定量的に示した. この研究をさらに進めることは, 両極の氷床モデルや地殻とマントルのレオロジーを推定するのに非常に有益である.
横瀬 久芳 小林 哲夫 長岡 信治

長岡 信治 古山 勝彦
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.3, pp.349-382, 2004-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
5 9

Many basaltic monogenetic volcanoes forming groups are distributed on Fukue Island, the largest island of the Goto Islands. The Onidake volcano group, 8×10 km across, is one of the monogenetic volcano groups in the island. It contains eleven monogenetic volcanoes, namely, Daienji, Koba, Nagate, Masuda, Shimosakiyama, Hinodake, Kamiozu, Shirodake, Sakiyamabana, Midake-Usudake, and Onidake, in chronological order. K-Ar and 14C dating results show that these volcanoes were active during 0.5-0.018 Ma. The average interval of monogenetic volcano-forming eruption is fifty thousand to thirty thousand years, while a long interval of about one hundred thousand years exists between 0.25 and 0.15 Ma. By long interval, the group is divided into older volcanoes, Daienji, Koba, Nagate, and Masuda, and younger volcanoes, Shimosakiyama, Hinodake, Kamiozu, Shirodake, Sakiyamabana, Midake-Usudake, and Onidake.At about 0.42 Ma, the activities of the older volcanoes started with Daienji volcano, which produced a lava flow in the north area. It was covered by thick lava flows of Koba volcano at about 0.38 Ma. During or shortly after the activity of Koba volcano, Nagate shield volcano with two small scoria cones became active in the northeastern area. At about 0.30 Ma, in the western area, Masuda volcano erupted to form a lava plateau and two scoria cones.After 0.15 Ma, in the central area, the intermittent activities of younger volcanoes began with lava flows from Shimosakiyama volcano, which was covered soon by Hinodake volcano composed of three lava flows and one scoria cone. Two small cinder cones with a lava flow, Shirodake and Kamiozu volcanoes, erupted on the northern part of Hinodake volcano. At about 0.03 Ma, at the southeastern end, Midake-Usudake volcano, erupted with three cindercone-forming scoria falls and five small plateau-forming lava flows covering an undated scoria cone, Sakiyamabana.At 0.018 Ma, the latest eruption of the group, Onidake volcano, commenced in the central area, the first phase of which was the Abunze lava flow originating from welded scoria falls or a mixture of lava and scoria fall into the lava ponds in craters. Simultaneously, the scoria falls generating Abunze lava flow contributed the formation of Osako scoria cone, which partially collapsed shortly afterwards, probably because Abunze lava carried the parts away. In the second phase, Onidake scoria falls covered a large area of 5×5 km, while Onidake scoria cone was formed in the proximal area. The third phase consisted of five lava flows, Ohma lava 1, 2, and 3 and Onidake lava 1 and 2, all of which erupted from two summit craters of Onidake cone and covered the northern and western foothills of the volcano.
中田 正夫 奥野 淳一 横山 祐典 長岡 信治 高野 晋司 前田 保夫
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.37, no.4, pp.315-323, 1998-10-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
9 16

西九州には,縄文前期から縄文中期の水中遺跡が存在する.最終氷期の大陸氷床の融解に伴うハイドロアイソスタティックな地殻傾動は,これらの遺跡の沈水を定量的に説明することができる.これらの水中遺跡の分布は,地球の約250kmまでの深さの粘性構造に敏感に対応した事実を示している.この地域の海面変化の観測値と理論値を比較検討した結果,観測値を説明しうる粘性構造は,リソスフェアの厚さが30~50km,リソスフェア下200kmのアセノスフェアの平均的な粘性率が(8~20)×1019Pa sであることが判明した.つまり,アセノスフェアとその下の上部マントルとの粘性率のコントラストは有意ではなく,日本列島のような島弧域においても,発達した低い粘性率のアセノスフェアは存在しないことが示唆される.さらに,ハイドロアイソスタティックな地殻傾動に規定された後氷期の海水準変動は,空間・時間的に変化し,先史時代の居住地や生活様式を規定した可能性がある.
長岡 信治 新井 房夫 檀原 徹
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.1, pp.121-152, 2010-02-15 (Released:2010-05-21)
5 7

The study investigates the past 1 Ma tephrostratigrapy of the Miyazaki plain in southern Japan. There are over 50 tephra layers, 80% of which originate from Kirishima volcano 25 km west of the plain. Several widely spread marker tephra layers in the layers and fission-track dating are used to establish tephrochronology. The explosive eruptive history of the volcano was reconstructed on the basis of tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology. The history has two volcano groups: Pre-Kirishima 900-600 ka and Kirishima 600-0 ka. Pre-Kirishima volcanoes are unknown in detail. Kirishima volcano is divided into the Older Kirishima volcano, 600-330 ka, and the Younger Kirishima volcano, 330-0 ka. The Older Kirishima is characterized by calder-forming eruptions and large-scale pyroclastic flows, > 100 km3 in volume. Older Kirishima consists of four stages: O1 (600-530 ka), O2 (530-520 ka), O3 (520-340 ka), and O4 (340-330 ka). The tephra of O1 includes over five crystal-enriched ash fall layers, which indicate that vulcanian and phreatomagmatic eruptions occurred intermittently at that stage. O2 is the first calder-forming stage, in which the Kobayashi-Kasamori pumice fall and pyroclastic flows and Kobayashi caldera were formed. The pumice falls and a co-ignimbrite ash fall of the pyroclastic flow were dispersed over 1000 km east of the source, and covered the western half of the main island of Japan. O3 tephra layers are composed of over ten tephra layers formed by intermittent plinian and phreatomagmatic eruptions. The latter indicates that lakes emerged in the caldera. O4 stage is a large-scale eruption with the Kakuto pyroclasatic flow and Kakuto caldera forming. The Kakuto pyroclastic flow was accompanied by a pumice fall and a scoria fall. They were small-scale scatterings near the source from small-scale eruptions, while the co-ignimbrite ash fall reached Kanto, which is 1000 km east of the source. The Younger Kirishima began with intermittent pumice and scoria falls soon after the O4 stage. The Younger Kirishima forms the main landform in the Kirishima volcano. Most of the Younger Kirishima tephra layers of more than twenty scoria and pumice falls were caused by plinian and sub-plinian eruptions accompanied by lava flows. The activity of the Younger Kirishima volcano is subdivided into four stages: Y1 (330-130 ka), Y2 (130-50 ka), Y3 (50-30 ka), and Y4 (30-0 ka) on the basis of thick soil and erosive horizon, which suggest quiet volcanic activity with no eruptions or only lava flow eruptions. Y1 includes over five tephra layers from sub-plinian eruptions in the western part of Kirishima volcano. There is a long quiet period between 240 ka and 130 ka. Y2 has six scoria falls, which show sub-plinian eruptions in the western part of the volcano. Y3 tephra is composed of Uchiyama pumice fall, Iwaokoshi pumice fall, and Awaokoshi scoria fall. Iwaokoshi from Onaminoike 40 ka old and Awaokoshi from Hinamori-dake 30 ka old, were much larger eruptions than other tephra of the Younger Kirishima volcano. Forming stratovolcano at the source, they reach the Pacific Ocean and Miyazaki plain 50 km east of the source, while most of the Younger Kirishima tephra are distributed near Kirishima volcano. Y4 has more than ten pumice, scoria, and ash falls, which include historically recorded tephra layers. Of them, the Kirishima-Kobayashi pumice fall from Karakuni-dake 16.7 ka spread over the widest area, covering half of the Miyazaki plain and reaching the Pacific Ocean.
吉川 周作 山崎 秀夫 井上 淳 三田村 宗樹 長岡 信治 兵頭 政幸 平岡 義博 内山 高 内山 美恵子
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.107, no.8, pp.535-538, 2001-08-15

The explosion of a plutonium atomic bomb over Nagasaki city took place on 9 August 1945. After the explosion, a cloud formed, which passed over the Nishiyama district, where 'black rain' fell. Thus, the Nishiyama reservoir, located approximately 3 km from the hypocenter, received the heaviest radioactive fallout from the Nagasaki atomic bomb. Sediment samples were collected from the bottom of the Nishiyama reservoir in 1999 and analyzed for their ^<137>Cs, ^<241>Am and charcoal concentrations. The stratigraphic distribution of ^<137>Cs and charcoal clearly indicate that the 'black rain' horizon is recognized in the Nishiyama reservoir sediments. The 'black rain' horizon contains anthropogenic radionuclides (^<137>Cs and ^<241>Am) and charcoal in high concentrations.
長岡 信治 西山 賢一 井上 弦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.4, pp.632-667, 2010-08-25 (Released:2010-11-08)
4 6

The Miyazaki Plain is situated at the western end of the forearc of the Southwest Japan Arc, and is one of the standard areas of the Quaternary system in Japan. Many tephra layers were supplied from volcanoes in the Ryukyu and Southwest Japan arcs during Quaternary. The authors establish the stratigraphy and chronology of sediments during middle Pleistocene to Holocene in the Miyazaki Plain using tephrochronological methods, and discuss landform development and tectonics. The sediments are subdivided into Kariya formation, Nojiri formation (the Highest terraces), the Higher terrace deposits, the Middle terraces deposits, the Lower terraces deposits, and the Holocene formation (alluvium plain). Kariya formation of 1 Ma-500 ka, is fluvial sediments which are partially accompanied by marine sediments. Nojiri formation is 500-300 ka old and fluvial and marine sediments form the highest terraces. Shiinoki member in Nojiri formation has a transgressive sediment and is correlated with MIS 9. The higher terraces are composed of Kukino fluvial terrace of 330-240 ka and Chausubaru fluvial terrace of 240 ka. The middle terraces consist of the four fluvial and marine terraces: Sanzaibaru terrace of 140-120 ka, Baba terrace of 110 ka, Nyutabaru terrace of 110-90 ka, Karasebaru terrace of 90 ka, and Saitobaru terrace of 90-80 ka. Sanzaibaru terrace with a thick transgressive sediment and well-developed marine terraces correlates with MIS 6-5e. Nyutabaru terrace is mainly fluvial accompanied partially by marine terraces, and emerged in MIS 5c. Baba and Saitobaru terraces are fluvial only. Saitobaru terrace with a gravel bed over 10-m thick indirectly corresponded to the transgression in MIS 5a. All of the lower terraces of 70-10 ka are fluvial, and are subdivided into ten terraces: Shimizu, Okatomi, Toyobaru 1, Toyobaru 2, Ikazuno, Oyodo, Fukadoshi 1, Fukadoshi 2, Mikazukibaru 1, and Mikazukibaru 2. Their steep longitudinal profiles indicate that sea-level when the terraces formed was lower than the recent one. This lower sea-level stage chronologically corresponds to MIS 4-2. Fukadoshi 1,2 terraces, the profile of which is the steepest of all the terraces, were formed in MIS 2, the last glacial maximum. Shimotajima marine terraces and recent alluvium correspond to Holocene high sea level and transgression in MIS 1. The tectonics of the Miyazaki Plain during the past 2 Ma are estimated from landforms and geological structures. During 2-1 Ma, the forearc basin beneath the sea was uplifted slowly and the Miyazaki Plain emerged. Then the left-lateral movement of Wanitsuka Mts block bordering the plain on the north formed the two pull-apart basins of the Kariya and Nojiri formations at the southern part of the plain during 1-0.3 Ma. The left-lateral movement was caused by the opening of the Okinawa Trough in the back arc of Ryukyu Arc. At 0.3 Ma, the Miyazaki plain suddenly began uplifting rapidly due to E-W trend compression. During 0.8-0.6 Ma, the movement direction of the Philippine Sea Plate changed from NW to WNW, and then the plate subducted obliquely along the Nankai trough. Consequently, the Southwest Japan forearc including the Miyazaki Plain decoupled from the inner arc, moving westward, and finally caused the E-W trend compression and uplifting around the Miyazaki Plain. The uplift rate of the southern part of the plain accelerated from 0.1 m/ka to 1 m/ka during the last 0.3 Ma at the southern part of the plain. In detail, the tectonical mode is domical uplifting the center, which is several kilometers off Miyazaki City in the Pacific Ocean. The domical uplifting and the increasing uplift rate relate to the isostasy of the subducting Kyushu-Palau Ridge on the Philippine Sea plate under the Miyazaki Plain or a rising serpentinite diapir in the crust of the Eurasia plate.
長岡 信治
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.97, no.3, pp.156-169, 1988-06-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
4 2

The Kikai caldera volcano located under water in East China Sea is one of the most gigantic calderas in southern Kyushu. At the caldera, a violent eruption occurred from the submarine vent, at ca. 70-80 ka. The eruption is interpreted to have been phreatomagmatic throughout. Each eruptive phase of the eruption sequence generated its own characteristic deposits. The sequence of the events can be summarized as fallows ; (1) a small phreatomagmatic eruption, which generated the fine grained ash including accretionary lapilli, (2) the catastrophic pyroclastic-flow eruption, which formed a large-scale pyroclastic flow (the Nagase pyroclastic flow), two pyroclastic surges (Nishinoomote-1 member : Ns-1, Nishinoomote-3 member : Ns-3), and a wide-spread co-ignimbrite ash fall (Nishinoomote-2 member : Ns-2).The Nagase pyroclastic flow came down from the rim of the caldera, and entered the sea. Then, the flow body, which included a large amount of large pumice blocks and heavy lithic fragments, was disintegrated as gas-particle flow by violent phreatomagmatic explosions, or continued subaqueously as water-supported mass flow. Dilute and fine-particle-rich pyroclastic surges, probably with a density much less than that of water, 1.0 g/cm3, generated off the top or head of subaerial Nagase pyroclastic flow. They could cross on the smooth surface of the sea, becoming water-cooled, vaporish and depleted in large clasts which dropped into the sea. Eventually, the cool and wet pyroclastic surges attacked the islands around the caldera, and deposited as Ns-1 and Ns-3.Ns-2 co-ignimbrite ash fall, composing of glass shards were generated from the upper convective part of the eruption column of the Nagase pyroclastic flow. Included accretionary lapilli indicate that the eruption column was very moisture because of much sea water flash-out subaerially for very violent explosions from the submarine vent. Ns-2 is probably correlated with the Kikai-Tozurahara ash which was found in central Japan more than 500 km off the source.
長岡 信治
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.25, no.3, pp.139-163, 1986
7 13

The Miyazaki Plain has the best-developed late Quaternary terraces and deposits in Kyushu. But the landform evolution of this plain has not been investigated in detail in previous works. This study tephrochronologically describes the landform evolution in late Pleistocene.<br>Thick weathered tephra layers overlying the terrace surfaces are subdivided into an older and a younger groups. The younger tephra group, which has been deposited in the last ca. 100, 000 years, contains many marker tephra layers, in ascending order, Ata, K-Tz, FkP and Aso4 of 90, 000-70, 000y.B.P., ; AyP, IwtP, IwP, AwS, HnS II and OtP of 60, 000-30, 000y.B.P.; OsP, ItoPfl, AT and KbP of 22, 000-15, 000y.B.P.; and Ah of 6, 000y.B.P.<br>The older tephra group covers the higher terrace group of middle Pleistocene. The younger group covers the following lower terrace surfaces, in descending order: the Sanzaibaru surface, the Karasebaru surface, the Nyutabaru I, II, III surfaces, the Saitobaru I, II surfaces, the Toyobaru I, II surfaces, the Oyodo surface, the Kunitomi I, II surfaces, the Mikazukibaru I, II surfaces, and the Holocene terrace surface group.<br>Of many terrace surfaces in the Miyazaki Plain, the Sanzaibaru surface is the most extensive one. It is mostly of marine origin, composed of thick transgressive deposits called the Sanzaibaru Formation and lithologically subdivided into three members. The lower member is fluvial gravelous deposit in the regressive stage. The middle member consists of alternating beds of sand and silt with fossils of mollusccs that lived in the embayment of a warm sea in the transgressive stage. The upper member is sandy deposit of deltaic and beach conditions in the maximum stage of the transgression. On the Sanzaibaru surface, the upper member forms sand ridges which are inferred to have been bars, barriers and dunes.<br>The oldest marker tephra layer on the Sanzaibaru surface is the Ata ash which erupted from the Ata caldera ca. 90, 000-80, 000y.B.P.. The Sanzaibaru surface underlying the Ata ash is thought to have emerged ca. 100, 000y.B.P., in the Last Interglacial Stage. It is estimated by subtracting the height of the base of the Sanzaibaru Formation from the height of the shoreline of the surface that sea level rose more than 100m in the Sanzaibaru stage.<br>The Nyutabaru I, II, III surfaces are characterized by gentle gradients and wide distribution. They are of fluvial origin, although the Nyutabaru II and probably III surfaces are partly of marine origin in the northern part of the plain. The Nyutabaru III surface is an accumulation terrace formed during the little transgression. These surfaces are thought to have emerged ca. 90, 000-60, 000y.B.P., when a relatively high sea level was maintained because regression was slow and debris supply from the Kyushu Mountains increased or discharge in rivers decreased.<br>The Saitobaru I and II, Oyodo, and Kunitomi I and II surfaces, which are characterized by steeper and more linear longitudinal profiles, are erosional terraces and are mostly of fluvial origin. Their surfaces came out ca. 50, 000-10, 000y.B.P., in the Last Glacial Stage, when rapid regression occurred and sea level stayed relatively lower. The discharge of the rivers tended to increase gradually.<br>The Karasebaru, Toyobaru I and II and Mikazukibaru I and II surfaces in the northern part of the plain are fluvial fans. They were formed in three regressional stages: the late Last Interglacial Stage, the early Last Glacial Stage and the late last glacial stage. These fans were formed under conditions in which the river bed gradient was steeper than that of the continental shelf when the sea level went down.
荒生 公雄 長岡 信治 高橋 和雄 中根 重勝 藤吉 康志

山崎 秀夫 吉川 周作 南 武志 長岡 信治 國分 陽子 井上 淳 藤木 利之 辻本 彰 村上 晶子

長岡 信治

山崎 晴雄 長岡 信治 山縣 耕太郎 須貝 清秀 植木 岳雪 水野 清秀
