西野 明樹
コミュニティ心理学研究 (ISSN:13428691)
vol.17, no.2, pp.199-218, 2014-03-28 (Released:2019-05-24)

Individuals with gender dysphoria experience incongruence between their experienced and assigned genders. Despite the dire needs, there is currently little research on professional services for reducing the psychosocial problems experienced by people with gender dysphoria. Therefore, the author explored the process of re-constructing psychosocial identity by examining 16 participants’ accounts of their male-to-female transitions (or transitions to an alternative, non-male gender; M to F/X) using the modified grounded theory approach.Results indicated that (a) sex dualism causes serious self-loathing in people with gender dysphoria; (b) such people often experience pleasure when acknowledged by others; and (c) people with gender dysphoria can achieve a sense of psychosocial well-being by discovering a unique position for themselves within the community,Thus, people with gender dysphoria can experience psychosocial well-being during the M to FIX transition if they find their unique positions within society and feel recognized by others. Psychologists should aim to further help people with gender dysphoria connect with those without it and integrate into the cultural and social frameworks; this can be done through psycho-education, raising awareness about sex/gender dualism, and enhancing the advocacy and empowerment of people with gender dysphoria, allowing them to live with support for their alternative identities.
西野 明樹

人々の中には,性自認(gender identity)と一致しない自らの生物学的性(biological sex)(または,身体的性別(physical gender))や二次性徴に,嫌悪感や忌避感(性別違和感(gender dysphoria))を抱く者がいる。彼らの性別違和感を軽減させる有益な手段には性別移行(gender transition)があるが,性別移行に踏み出すまでやその最中には,様々な心理社会的葛藤が体験される。社会的制約や偏見に苦悩する者も少なくない。こうした性別移行にまつわる心理社会的苦悩と心理的成長に関する研究成果をまとめたのが,本論文である。第1章「文献的検討」で研究背景,第2章「着眼点と目的」で研究目的を述べた後,性別違和を有する方の語りをもとにした4つの質的研究から得た知見を,第3章「FTM/X 自認者が語る社会適応と共生」,第4章「F to M/X 性別移行の検討」,第5章「M to F/X 性別移行の検討」,第6章「未身体的治療期の性別移行におけるカミングアウト機能の検討」)にそれぞれまとめている。第7章「質的研究知見の数量的検討」には,これら4つの質的研究をもとに立てた仮説を統計的に検証した量的研究の成果を報告した。最終章にあたる第 8章「総括的討論」ではまず,前章までに得られた研究知見を総括し,先行研究動向に照らしながら本論文独創的な点を提起した。次に,これらを踏まえて性別違和を有する者の性別移行に対する心理社会的援助の可能性等について討論し,最後に,心理社会的援助の質的向上を見据えた今後の研究課題に言及した。
黒沢 幸子 西野 明樹
コミュニティ心理学研究 (ISSN:13428691)
vol.17, no.2, pp.219-238, 2014-03-28 (Released:2019-05-24)

On March 11, 2011, the students of junior high school “A” in Onagawa were impacted by the tsunami that followed the Great East Japan Earthquake. In May 2011, two months after the disaster, the students in the “haiku-renku school program” composed haikus, which were recorded onto DVDs and rocketed to outer space. This study employed the Kl-method to examine these haikus and the written impressions of the students’ experiences of the haiku composition program about one year after its completion.According to the results, (a) the first graders survived their suffering by enthusiastically creating a slogan-like phrase; (b) the second graders developed a sense of collective unity and security by reading each other’s haikus, and (c) the third graders’ will to their restoration encouraged themselves in writing. Students said that haiku composition was not easy because of the limit placed on words. However, using short expressions allowed them to express themselves directly.The results suggest that the fixed form of haiku (i.e., a rhythmical syllable pattern of 5-7-5) is very useful in safely expressing students’ experiences of the disaster. Moreover, the perspective of space brings a sense of mutual connectedness. Therefore, we conclude that the “haiku-renku school program” provided good psychological self-help for students after the disaster.