見瀬 悠
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.1, pp.1-34, 2014-01-20 (Released:2017-07-31)

The aim of this article is to analyze the conditions conducive to obtaining the status of subject in France and the narrative strategies employed for the purpose of obtaining lettres de naturalite by immigrants from the British Isles during the eighteenth century, in order to examine what being legally bound to the state signified for foreigners under the Ancien Regime. Having arrived in France for political, religious and/or economic reasons and by and large favorably received by the king (or, royal authority), the British immigrants became participants in French society through participation and solidarity in such compatriotic communities as the Stuart court in exile in Saint-Germainen-Laye, Irish regiments in the French Army, British-founded convents and colleges, and merchants' colonies in the Atlantic seaports. It's within this process of socialization that the naturalization was requested, and by analysis of the organizational features of those naturalized in terms of geographical distribution and socioprofessional profiles, the author concludes from her observations on their motives and backgrounds that the choice of naturalization was indirectly facilitated by the historical relations and cultural bonds between immigrant communities and French society and influenced by wavering inbred Stuart loyalties and political persecution, but was directly decided out of the desire to guarantee one's personal property and/or occupation. That being said, such self-serving motives were by no means revealed in the actual lettres de naturalite; rather, one observes applicants adopting such strategies designed to more easily obtain these letters as insisting that they were endowed with many of the exemplary attributes sought after within French society. From the personal accounts included in the lettres de naturalite of British immigrants, we find the enumeration of such desirable national attributes as contributions made to the monarchy through military, medical and commercial service and religious orthodoxy, while at the same time there are accounts of their everyday occupational activities, touching upon past personal experiences of loyalty to the House of Stuart, apostasy and conversion to the Catholicism and the religious persecution they suffered in their homeland. All indicate clearly the adoption of strategies geared to taking advantage of their "otherness" as foreign-born residents. From the above analysis, the author makes the general conclusion that naturalization not only constitutes an expansion in the breadth of alternative strategies for survival within the foreigners' host society, but at the same time did not presume full assimilation into French culture; rather allowing them to preserve their identity with the historical and cultural heritage of their native lands.
見瀬 悠
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.131, no.8, pp.1-36, 2022 (Released:2023-08-20)

本稿は、近世フランス王国で外国人の処遇に関する規範的言説がどのように変化したのかを明らかにするために、宗教戦争期から「啓蒙の世紀」にかけての主要な法学者や哲学者の著作を外国人遺産取得権(外国人の死後財産を国王が取得する権能)に関する記述を中心に分析した。最初に「外国人」という個人のカテゴリーが中世末期から十六世紀にかけていかにして形成されたのかを確認したうえで、十六世紀後半から十七世紀前半にかけて外国人差別法の強化がいかなる法的・政治的理念によって正当化されたのかを分析し、最後にこうした思考の枠組みが自然法思想や啓蒙哲学の発展を背景にいかなる修正を求められるようになったのかを考察した。 その結果、以下の結論が得られた。まず、外国人嫌悪の風潮を背景に、王国外での生まれが生来的な欠陥や政治的忠誠の欠如に結び付けられ、外国人はフランス人とは本質的に異なる「自然的」カテゴリーとみなされた。そのため、外国人差別は「自然」で歓待とは矛盾しないと考えられ、外国人差別法はフランス人に適した法として支持された。しかし、こうした国民主義的な言説は人間共通の本性とそれに基づく権利を主張する自然法思想の発展のなかで異議申し立ての対象となる。相続能力が君主から与えられる特権ではなく人間の基本的な権利であり、国内の実定法だけでなく自然法・国際法にも属すとみなされるようになったことで、啓蒙期には外国人の権利を尊重しない制度はもはや歓待や文明性と両立しなくなるばかりか、国家の繁栄や人類の幸福を阻害する野蛮で不合理なものとして批判された。このように、近世フランス王国の外国人の処遇をめぐる言説の変容は、ルネサンス以降のヨーロッパにおける国家と法、人間と自然の関係に関する法的・政治的思想の変化のなかで理解できる。
見瀬 悠
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.127, no.9, pp.1-35, 2018

見瀬 悠
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.1, pp.1-34, 2014-01-20

The aim of this article is to analyze the conditions conducive to obtaining the status of subject in France and the narrative strategies employed for the purpose of obtaining lettres de naturalite by immigrants from the British Isles during the eighteenth century, in order to examine what being legally bound to the state signified for foreigners under the Ancien Regime. Having arrived in France for political, religious and/or economic reasons and by and large favorably received by the king (or, royal authority), the British immigrants became participants in French society through participation and solidarity in such compatriotic communities as the Stuart court in exile in Saint-Germainen-Laye, Irish regiments in the French Army, British-founded convents and colleges, and merchants' colonies in the Atlantic seaports. It's within this process of socialization that the naturalization was requested, and by analysis of the organizational features of those naturalized in terms of geographical distribution and socioprofessional profiles, the author concludes from her observations on their motives and backgrounds that the choice of naturalization was indirectly facilitated by the historical relations and cultural bonds between immigrant communities and French society and influenced by wavering inbred Stuart loyalties and political persecution, but was directly decided out of the desire to guarantee one's personal property and/or occupation. That being said, such self-serving motives were by no means revealed in the actual lettres de naturalite; rather, one observes applicants adopting such strategies designed to more easily obtain these letters as insisting that they were endowed with many of the exemplary attributes sought after within French society. From the personal accounts included in the lettres de naturalite of British immigrants, we find the enumeration of such desirable national attributes as contributions made to the monarchy through military, medical and commercial service and religious orthodoxy, while at the same time there are accounts of their everyday occupational activities, touching upon past personal experiences of loyalty to the House of Stuart, apostasy and conversion to the Catholicism and the religious persecution they suffered in their homeland. All indicate clearly the adoption of strategies geared to taking advantage of their "otherness" as foreign-born residents. From the above analysis, the author makes the general conclusion that naturalization not only constitutes an expansion in the breadth of alternative strategies for survival within the foreigners' host society, but at the same time did not presume full assimilation into French culture; rather allowing them to preserve their identity with the historical and cultural heritage of their native lands.