村上 道夫 小林 智之 越智 小枝 後藤 あや 五十嵐 泰正
一般社団法人 日本リスク学会
リスク学研究 (ISSN:24358428)
pp.SRA-0361, (Released:2021-05-19)

A planning session was held at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Japan, with the aim of sorting out the similarities and differences between the Fukushima disaster and the COVID-19 pandemic, and discussing the implications for social policy. This paper reports on the planning session, entitled “Thinking about COVID-19 from Fukushima and Fukushima from COVID-19.” This paper reports on the topics including “Risk perception, psychological distress and social division at the Fukushima disaster and COVID-19 pandemic,” “Why Japanese people pursuit null-risk?: Lessons learned from the two disasters,” “Risk perception and resilience among mothers: Data from the Fukushima nuclear accident and COVID-19 pandemic,” and “Perspectives on societal risk trade-offs: Nuclear accident /pandemic.” Although the disaster and the pandemic have different characteristics, it was confirmed that there are many findings that need to be shared regarding various individual and societal risk issues, risk trade-offs, and measures to recognize and adapt to these risks. The significance of interdisciplinary and bird’s eye view disaster risk research across disaster types and disciplines was highlighted.