菊池 節子 鍬野 信子 佐原 昊 近藤 榮昭
調理科学 (ISSN:09105360)
vol.20, no.4, pp.337-340, 1987-12-20

会津の郷土料理、つと豆腐について、市販豆腐の包装方法と同様に包装し、5℃±5℃の冷蔵庫で保存してその保存性について検討を加えた。その結果、次のような知見を得た。1. 官能検査の結果、保存5日目に品質の劣化が認められた。2. つと豆腐の色は、保存により次第に黄味を帯びる傾向にあったが、品質劣化には大きな影響を与える因子とは考えられなかった。3. 食感は、官能検査結果では4日目から有意な差が認められたが、カードメーターによる硬さにおいて、差は認められなかった。4. つと豆腐浸漬液の吸光度は、日数の経過とともに大きな値を示し、日持ちの判定の一つの指標になるものと思われた。5. pHは、保存にともない低下する傾向を示した。
菊池 節子 鍬野 信子 佐原 昊 近藤 榮昭
The Japan Society of Cookery Science
調理科学 (ISSN:09105360)
vol.20, no.4, pp.337-340, 1987

We discussed about preservative properties of Tsuto-Dofu, the local dish in Aizu. Tsuto-Dofu was preserved at 5± 5°C in electric refrigerator. The quality of Tsuto-Dofu was evaluated by sensory test and instrumental analysis.<BR>The results obtained were as follows:<BR>1. The deterioration of Tsuto-Dofu was recognized by sensory test at the fourth day in the preservation.<BR>2. The color of Tsuto-Dofu became yellowish in the preservastion but this phenomenon didn't have influence on the quality judged by the sensory test.<BR>3. Significant difference of texture was recognized by the sensory test at fourth day but there is no significant difference in the hardness determined by curd-meter. Seemingly this came from that sensory evaluation of texture involved not hardness but the other factors.<BR>4. The absorbance of water, in which Tsuto-Dofu was soaked for the preservation, increased with the lapse of time, while the pH decreased on the contrary. From these results, it seems that the values of absorbance and pH are usefull as indices of deterioration.