遠田 瑞穂 吉野 真弓 佐藤 麻子 大竹 美登利
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.44, no.2, pp.117-126, 2001

Several industrial arts and home economics textbooks in junior high school have been analyzed as to text, illustrations, photos and charts. Their expressions have been discussed with gender perspectives. Only home economics area has been analyzed and it was divided into 5 sections home life, nutrition, clothing, housing and nursing. Each section was divided into subgroups ; cover, back cover, frontispiece and so on. Summary of the results is shown as follows, 1. There are little expressions in the text that are recognized to be gender biased. 2. Illustration and photos have gender biased ones regarding roles for each gender, particularly in home life area. Gender biased expressions were also observed in covers and frontispieces, in terms of colors. 3. It seemed characteristic that some photos have gender biased expressions that are typically seen in society.