遠藤 隆志 中島 剛 坂本 将基 塩澤 伸一郎 小宮山 伴与志
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.2, pp.269-278, 2006-04-01 (Released:2007-05-10)

It has recently demonstrated that central fatigue during sustained maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) progresses faster in the presence of delayed onset muscle soreness due to eccentric contractions than in normal states (Endoh et al., 2005). However, it remains to be clarified whether these findings are related to muscle damage or muscle pain induced by eccentric contractions. The present study investigated which factor plays a more critical role in the earlier onset of central fatigue during sustained MVC with muscle pain induced by injecting hypertonic saline. Ten healthy male right-handed subjects (age, 21~32 yrs.) were asked to perform brief MVCs (~3 sec) before and after injection of isotonic saline (0.9%, 1.0 ml, ISO) or hypertonic saline (5.25%, 1.0 ml, HYP) into the left biceps brachii. The subjects then performed 1 min MVC (fatigue test) with isometric elbow flexion was done in ISO or HYP condition or intact control condition (CON). During these contractions, transcranial magnetic stimulation was delivered to the contralateral motor cortex to evaluate voluntary activation (VA), the motor evoked potential (MEP) and electromyographic (EMG) silent period (SP). Ratio of root mean square of the EMG and elbow flexion force (EMGrms/F) was also measured.The peak pain induced by the injection of HYP was significantly higher than that of ISO (p<0.01). There was no significant difference in either the maximum size of the M response or the twitch force between ISO and HYP (p>0.05). However, during the brief MVCs, both maximal force (p<0.01) and VA (p<0.05) for HYP were significantly decreased compared to those for ISO. During the fatigue test, although MVC, VA, MEP and SP were significantly altered (p<0.05~0.01), there was no significant difference among CON, ISO and HYP (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in EMGrms during the fatigue test (p>0.05).These results suggest that peripheral force-producing capacity remained intact after the injection of ISO and HYP during sustained MVC, and that progression of central fatigue during sustained MVC was less affected by the increased group III and IV afferent activity induced by HYP.
三田村 将史 遠藤 隆志 高橋 麗 小宮山 伴与志
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.5, pp.555-563, 2003-10-01

1.健常成人男子11名を対象として, 自転車エルゴメータによる最大パワーが発揮可能な負荷の30% (HF課題) および80% (HP課題) の負荷で10秒間の最大努力によるペダリング運動を, 20秒の休息をおいて各最大パワーが80%以下になるまで間断的に行い, 大腿直筋 (RF) ならび外側広筋 (VL) の表面筋電図の変化ならびに経頭蓋的磁気刺激によって誘発された運動誘発電位 (MEP) の変化について検討を加えた.<BR>2.最大発揮パワーはHF課題では運動課題の第一セットと比較して10.1±1.45セットで80.6±1.58%まで, HP課題では4.1±0.25セットで77.3±0.77%まで低下した.<BR>3.MEP面積に関し, RFではHF課題で有意な増加が見られなかったが, HP課題では課題前半に比して課題後半では有意な増大が観察された.一方, VLではHP課題において課題中盤から後半にMEP面積は有意に増大したが, HF課題では有意な変化は見られなかった.結果として, VLではMEP面積の変化に関しHF課題とHP課題間に有意な差が観察された.<BR>4.MEP持続時間はRFおよびVLともに10秒間のペダリング中に漸増し, さらに課題の中盤から後半にかけて有意に延長した.しかし, MEP持続時間の延長はHF課題に比してHP課題の方が有意に大きかった.<BR>5.運動開始直後の5回転についてのEMGの積算面積とその間に増加したパワーの比 (EMG/Power比) は運動課題の進行にともなって有意に増大した.さらに, VLではEMG/Power比はHF課題に比してHP課題の方が有意に大きかった.<BR>6.これらの結果は, ペダリング運動による間断的な最大パワー発揮の低下に中枢性疲労が関与し, この中枢性疲労はRFよりもVLで大きいことを示唆する.また, 低負荷での高回転運動課題では発揮パワーの低下に大脳皮質運動野以外の中枢性疲労が関与する可能性が考えられた.