酒徳 治三郎 卜部 敏人
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.3, no.3, pp.221-225, 1957-03

True hermaphroditism is even rarer, an d the rarest form of all is true lateral form. We have had the good fortune to discover and report a case of true lateral hermaphroditism in detail. The case we are about to report is the fifty-sixth in the literature. It is the seventeenth of the lateral or alternating variety. Patient, aged 15 and reared as a boy, was admitted Dec. 14, 1953, complaining of an undescended right testicle, with malformation of the penis and urethra. We refer to the patient as "he" The body configuration conformed to t h e male type with exception of hair distribution. The external genitalia were unusual in appearance, showing well-developed down-curved phallus and a condition of complate scrotal hypospadia (Fig. 1). In left scrotum normal testicle, epididymis and seminal cord were palpable, although right scrotum was empty. There was no sign of a vaginal opening in perineum, and "he" said "he" had neither ejaculated nor menstruated. The 17-ketosteroid excretion in our case extended from 7.2 to 13.4 mg/24 hrs., it is among the lower values for the normal male in our laboratory. Retrograde pyelogram showed normal renal shadow and no evidence of adrenal tumor. At operation for right undescended testicle, an infantile ovary, small uterus and fallpoian tube with fimbriated end were discovered in groin (Fig. 2, 0, U and T), but no testicle was detected elsewhere. Panhysterectomy and a Denis-Browne type repair for hypospadia was performed successfully. Microscopic examination of sections from the removed ovary demonstrates the presence of numerous primordial follicles and a typical ovarian stroma (Fig. 3). Histological finding of uterus is illustrated in Fig. 4. Subsequently we discovered a vaginal orifice opening into the posterior urethra, and its smear replesented typical vaginal epitheliar pattern (Fig. 5). A left spermatocystogram showed a rudimentary Seminal bladder and simultaneous vaginogram showed bicorna .te vaginal contour (Fig. 7, S and V). A biopsy of the left gonad in the scrotum showed a mature tissue of testicle (Fig. 6). On Feb. 1, 1954, an amputation of vagina was done. Taking the g ross and microscopic features into account, it would seen that there are reasonable grounds for regarding the case as one of true lateral hermaphroditism. (Read at 47th Anual Meeting, Kinki Section of Japan Urological Association, Osaka, Japan, June 6, 1954.)
瀧原 博史 植野 卓也 城甲 啓治 城嶋 和孝 酒徳 治三郎 中山 純
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.38, no.4, pp.924-927, 1989-11-30 (Released:2011-08-11)

膀胱尿道異物は, 小郡第一総合病院泌尿器科において, 過去7年間に3例 (泌尿器科外来総受診患者の0.1%) 経験され, 2例が外来にて内視鏡下に経尿道的に摘出され, 1例は入院のうえ, 観血的に摘出された。患者はすべて男性で, 年令は24才, 42才, 56才であった。2例は尿道異物で, 1例は膀胱異物であった。異物の種類は, 電気コード, ボールペン, ビニールキャップであった。侵入経路は3例とも経尿道的で, 2例が自慰によるもので, 1例が就寝中に他人により挿入されたものであった。1例は尿道鏡下生検用鉗子にて摘出, 2例目は膀胱高位切開術にて摘出, 3例目は膀胱鏡下, 異物鉗子を用いて摘出した。本邦における本症の治療法の検討から, 明らかに以前の観血的治療が減り, 内視鏡を中心とした非観血的治療法が中心となっていくことが示唆された。
金田 芳孝 甲斐 明 酒徳 治三郎
日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.83, no.9, pp.1417-1422, 1992-09-20

同一部位に長期に嵌頓した尿管結石では,ESWLにより破砕されたにもかかわらず,微細砕石片と尿管狭窄が長期に残存し,水腎・水尿管症の残存あるいは悪化する症例が時に認められる.そのような5例5腎単位について,経皮的(4)あるいは経尿道的(1)バルーン拡張術を実施した.拡張にはバルーンダイレーショソカテーテル(7fr、拡張径6mm拡張バルーン長4/10cm Bard杜)を使用した.拡張術後,尿管ステント(7/8. 2fr.)を4〜8週間留置し,尿管ステント抜去後4〜8週間にて腎盂造影を実施した.4例4腎単位において残石片の排出と水腎・水尿管の著明な改善をみた.1例1腎単位では砕石片の残存はあるものの,水腎・水尿管の改善が認められた.すなわち5例全例に有用な結果が得られた.結石摘出術は不要であった.本法の有用性の確立には,さらに症例を重ねることと,より長期の経過観察が必要である.