山本 章加 大蔵 雅夫 重本 津多子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.84, pp.85-91, 2012-09

In Japan, a lot of people used to be prejudiced against gay men, lesbians or bisexuals despite the fact that "homosexuality" as a category was eliminated from diagnostic criteria. Still, there is little investigation into the relations between individual's personality, his/her images and the attitudes toward homosexuals. A total of 164 heterosexual students of health and welfare (94 men and 70 women) with a mean age of 20.0 (SD=2.3) years participated in the questionnaire survey. They were asked to complete the Index of Attitudes toward Homosexuals (IAH), a 24-item questionnaire on the image of homosexuals using semantic differential method and a short form of Five Factor Personality Questionnaire as well as an inquiry about their history of encounters with homosexuals. Factor analysis of IAH resulted in three-factor solutions with factors identified as "avoidance of homosexual neighbors", "avoidance of contacts with homosexuals" and "avoidance of approach from homosexuals". Similarly, image questionnaire included two factors identified as "external image" and "internal image". Logistic regression analysis showed that "attachment" (OR=.93, 95%CI= .87-.99) was a predictor of positive "internal image", and that "encounters with homosexuals" (=yes, OR=.04, 95%CI: .01-.21) and personality traits such as "extroversion" (OR=1.15, 95%CI: 1.07-1.23), "emotionality" (OR=1.16, 95%CI: 1.09-1.25) and "playfulness" (OR=.87, 95%CI: .80-.95) were predictors of "avoidance of homosexual neighbors". Similarly, "avoidance of contacts withhomosexuals" was associated with "external image" (OR=2.00, 95%CI: 1.31-3.06) and "playfulness" (OR=.94, 95%CI: .88-.99), and "avoidance of approach from homosexuals" was associated with sex (=male, OR=9.54, 95%CI: 3.83-23.79) and "internal image" (OR=1.80, 95%CI: 1.04-3.14). These results indicate that personality traits weakly but significantly influence the development of image and attitude toward homosexuals among Japanese adolescents.
重本 津多子 室津 史子
ヒューマンケア研究学会誌 (ISSN:21872813)
vol.6, no.2, pp.35-40, 2015

本研究の目的は、組織基盤の異なった2 つの病院で、主観的職務満足度・継続の意志等と背景、および仕事役割と家庭役割から発生する役割葛藤(Work Family Conflict :WFC)について検討することである。近畿地方の病床数220の総合病院と四国地方の病床数500 の総合病院に勤務する看護師を対象に自記式質問紙調査で実施した。その結果、対象者の背景の違いは年代構成であり、これは経験年数・継続年数と関連していた。離職率調査の結果では地域性に差があることが明らかになっているが、本研究でも地域差、組織基盤による継続意志の違い、職場定着への影響があることが明らかとなり、看護師の定着を促す組織運営への影響を示唆していた。また、WFCと背景についての関連はパートナーや子どもの存在が家族生活領域に大きく関係していることから、仕事と家庭を調整する組織文化マネジメントが重要であることが示唆された。