束田 進也 小高 俊一 芦谷 公稔 大竹 和生 野坂 大輔
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.56, no.4, pp.351-361, 2004-03-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
11 27

We have found that the envelope waveform of the initial part of P waves changes systematically with magnitude and epicentral distance. In order to represent the envelope waveform quantitatively we introduced a simple function of the form of Bt·exp(-At). Two parameters A and B can easily be determined by the least-squares method. The parameter B defines the slope of the initial part of the P-wave envelope and A is related to the amplitude growth or decay with time. When A is positive, B/(Ae) gives the maximum amplitude where e denotes the base of natural logarithm. This case is typical for small earthquakes, indicating that the initial amplitude increases sharply and decays quickly soon after the P-wave arrival. When A is negative, the amplitude increases exponentially with time. This is a characteristic of large earthquakes.We have found from the analysis of actual seismic data that log B is inversely proportional to the epicentral distance Δ even though the dispersion of data is somewhat large. This relation seems to be independent of earthquake magnitude and thus, by using this relation, we can roughly estimate the epicentral distance immediately after the P-wave arrival. Then, we can estimate the magnitude easily from the formula, similar to the conventional magnitude-amplitude relation, M=α·logVmax+β·logB+γ, where Vmax is the P-wave maximum amplitude within a given short time interval (e. g., 3 seconds) after the P-wave arrival. For M7- and M8-class earthquakes whose rupture duration reaches 10 sec or more, we need to estimate the magnitude repeatedly with time as the amplitude increases.The decrease of the parameter B with distance may be caused by anelasticity of the medium, scattering and geometrical spreading of P waves during propagation.
野坂 大喜
産学が連携した研究開発成果の展開 研究成果展開事業 研究成果最適展開支援プログラム(A-STEP) 探索タイプ
2011 (Released:2016-04-26)

浜田 信生 野坂 大輔 小林 正志 吉川 一光 石垣 祐三 田利 信二朗
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.64, no.4, pp.197-209, 2012-06-25 (Released:2012-08-08)

Matsushiro earthquake swarm is a most well known and well studied earthquake swarm in the history of seismology. From viewpoints of geophysics, geology and geochemistry, various observations, field surveys and analyses had been made to reveal characteristics of the swarm. On the basis of these studies, several models had been proposed to explain why and how the swarm originated and developed. However, majority of studies had focused on the activity around the climatic stage of the swarm in 1966 and so far, studies on the initial stage of the swarm in mid 1965 had remained few due to lack of sufficient observation data. The exact area where the swarm was born had not been known and the swarm was vaguely believed to originate from the area around Mt. Minakami in former Matsushiro town (now belongs to Nagano city). Considering that the manner of initial development of swarm activity represents an important characteristic of the swarm earthquake, we tried to get more clear view about initial stage of the swarm activity in this study. We re-investigated seismograms obtained by routine observation and studied seismograms of temporal stations for the first time which had not been processed yet. By scanning analogue seismograms, we made a complete data set of S-P times with high precision for each station. Although the data set of S-P times from two stations are not sufficient for conventional hypocenter location, we were able to narrow down a possible source area of the swarm activity under the reasonable assumptions. By considering direction of initial motion of P waves and assuming local velocity model of the upper crust in the region and plausible focal depth of 4.5km of the swarm earthquake, we found that the area of swarm in the very beginning in August, 1965 is located about 4km north-east of the Matsushiro earthquake fault (MEF) in former Wakaho town near its border with former Matsushiro town. Size of the initial swarm area was 3-4km in diameter. While swarm activity in the initial region was gradually decaying in September new swarm activity appeared separately from the initial swarm area around southern and south-west part of the MEF. Activity in the new swarm area had been increasing and it was developed to more intense swarm after October, 1965 when establishment of temporal seismic station network of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo enabled detailed hypocenter location. The new swarm area coincides with the area where large amount of ground water moved upward and was released on the ground surface in the climatic stage of the swarm. It was well known that source area of the swarm was split and expanded toward north-east and south-west after March, 1967 in its climatic stage. Present study on the initial development of swarm area suggested that characteristics of the Matsushiro earthquake swarm such as splitting and expansion of its source area toward northeast and southwest were inherent in their early stage of the activity in August and September, 1965.
芦沢 広三 野坂 大 立山 晉 村上 隆之 大和田 孝二
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.27, no.1, pp.p39-46, 1980-10

宮崎県産イタチ36頭の肺を病理学的に検索した結果, うち3例に Filaroides martis と思われるものの集団寄生に基づく特異な結節病巣を検出した. 病巣の数は1頭につきそれぞれ3コ, 2コ, 1コであった. これらの結節型病巣は, いずれも肺内の太めの気管支(幹気管支・葉気管支及びその側枝のいずれか)とそれに平行して走る血管の管壁に密に接して位置する. 割面所見で数匹ないし数十匹の虫体が肺実質中に集団を成して寄生し, 寄生巣の外周は気管支・血管の管壁結合織の一部, 及び結節形成による周囲肺胞領域の圧迫により生じた幅狭い無気肺層で取り囲まれる. また集団寄生巣の内部には結合織が伸びて, 個々の虫体間に薄い隔壁を形成する.### ところで結節すなわち集団寄生巣内で成熟に達した虫体は, やがて寄生巣に接して位置する気管支系の管壁を突破し, 管腔の粘膜面に第1期子虫を放出する(すなわち本虫の発育環のスタートを切る). Stockdale et al. はイタチを用いての実験的観察により, F. martis は終宿主の血管(肺動脈枝)の外膜に沿うて肺内に進み, そこで気管支系との位置的関係を生じ, 最後に雌虫の尾部で気管支の粘膜を突破して子虫(第1期)を粘膜面に放出するのを確認した. 今回, れわれは自然例で気管支壁を突破中の虫体を認めたのは貴重なケースといえよう.### 供試イタチの肺には結節型病巣を形成する F. martis 以外に, 細気管支腔及び肺胞領域に寄生する肺虫も認められた. 細気管支腔に寄生する虫体は F.martis に類似するが, 肺胞領域の虫体はすこぶる小型の線虫で虫種は不明. これら虫種不明のものも含めると, 供試イタチ36頭のうち肺虫の寄生を認めたのは11例で, かなり高い寄生率(30.6%)である. 従来, 本邦では F. martis は北海道産イタチにのみ報告されており, 九州産イタチとしては今回の事例が最初である.Nodular foci due to aggregative parasitism of Filaroides martis was observed in the lungs of 3 out 36 weasels (Mustela sibirica itatsi and M. sibirica coreana) captured in Miyazaki Prefecture. The number of nodular foci was one in the first case (median lobe of the right lung), three in the second case (median and posterior lobes of the right lung and posterior lobe of the left lung), and two in the third case (posterior lobes of right and left lung). The nodes were the size of a rice grain to soybean, and especially posterior lobe of the left lung in the third case, the size of the node relative to that of the pulmonary parenchyma was considerably large. Microscopically, these nodular foci were located closely adjacent to the large bronchi (stem bronchus or lobar bronchi and its branches) and the vascular walls running parallel to the bronchi. Several tens F. martis were parasitic in the nodes in aggregation, and these were surrounded by bronchial and vascular walls (connective tissue) and by a thin atelectatic layer which was formed by the compression of the alveolar area as the result of node formation. The connective tissue extended toward the inner part of the nodular focus, and an extremely thin septum was formed between adjacent parasites.### The F. martis in the node (i. e., in the aggregative parasitic focus) that had attained sexual maturity broke through the bronchial wall that was adjacent to the parsitic focus, and discharged larvae onto the surface of the bronchial mucosa. This finding was confirmed by experimental observation by Stockdale et al., but confirmed for the first time under natural conditions in the present study.### Besides the F. martis that produce nodiformic foci, lungworms parasitic in the lumen of the bronchiole and alveolar area were observed. The worm that was parasitic in the lumen of the bronchiole is similar to F. martis, but was not accurately identified. The parasite in the alveolar area was a very small nematode, but the species is unknown. Parasitism of lungworms including the above unknown species was observed in 11 of the 36 (30.6%) sampled weasels, which is a high rate. In Japan, F. martis was reported to have been detected only in weasels native of Hokkaido, and present study is the first time to report this parasite in weasels native of Kyushu.
芦沢 広三 波部 重久 村上 隆之 野坂 大 立山 晉 森友 靖夫
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.27, no.2, pp.p251-259, 1980-12

昭和51~53年度猟期に宮崎県下各地区で捕獲したイタチ36頭を剖検し, 肺の肺吸虫性病変を検索した.### 一般に肺の肺吸虫性病変の検索に当っては, 虫嚢の存否(肺吸虫成虫の寄生の有無)がまず第一の目標になるが, 今回は虫嚢以外に, 幼若虫の肺組織内穿入病変及び肺胸膜の虫卵性病変をも検索の対象とした. その結果, 虫嚢形成を認めたのは3頭(8.3%)に過ぎなかったが, 他の2種病変を加えると肺吸虫陽性は10頭(27.8%)に達した. もっとも, 後二者の病巣は微小かつ軽微なものが多く, 肉眼所見だけで確診を下すのは容易でない. しかし注意深く観察すると, 多少とも疑わしい所見を呈するので,そのような個所をもれなく組織学的に観察してみた. すなわち慎重な肉眼観察と, 手間をいとわぬ組織検索を併せ行うことにより, 肺吸虫症の陽性率はかなり高くなることが判明した.### 従来,宮崎県産イタチの肺吸虫自然感染例の報告はなかったが,今回の検索によりその実態の一部が解明された.Autopsy was performed on 36 weasels caught in various areas In Miyazaki Prefecture in the hunting seasons in 1976, 1977, and 1978. These weasels consisted of 25 belonging to Musteta sibirica itatsi and 11 belonging to M. sibirica coreana. They were examined for pulmonary lesions caused by Paragonimus.### In general, the first step of examination for such lesions is to look for the presence of wormcysts; that is, the evidence of infection with mature Paragonimus flukes. In the present investigation, however, observation was made to detect lesions of the pulmonary tissue caused by penetrating immature flukes and changes of the pulmonary pleura induced by Paragonimus eggs in addition to cyst formation. As a result, cyst formation was found in only three cases (8.3%). Cyst formation, lesions of the pulmonary tissue caused by penetrating immature flukes, and egg-induced pleural and subpleural lesions were noticed in ten cases (27.8%). In these cases the animals were actually suffering from Paragonimus infection at that time or had be invaded by this parasite ever before.### But the lesions of the pulmonary tissue caused by penetrating flukes, and egg-induced pleural lesions were so minute and mostly so mild that, it was difficult to make a decisive diagnosis of Paragonimus infection macroscopically. Careful observation, however, could detect some or other suspected changes. And foci could be recognized exactly when examind histologically. In conclusion, it was clarified that lesions caused by Pragonimus could be detected at a considerably high rate when careful macroscopical observation and labor-consuming histological examination were carried out simultaneously.### By the way, of the three cases of cyst formation, case I had one cyst containing 2 Paragonimus worms and located in the posterior lobe of the left lung. These worms were identified as P. miyazkii. Case 2 had two cysts formed in the anterior and posterior lobes of the right lung, respectively. The walls of these cysts and worms contained in them were calcified so remarkably that it was impossible to identify these worms. Case 3 had 17 cysts which consisted of seven formed in the anterior and posterior lobes of the right lung, respectively, and two and six formed in the anterior and posterior lobes of the left lung, respectively. The surface of the worm body was calcified. Judging from the morphology of the egg, the worms detected were identified as P. ohirai.### It is for the first time that the spontaneous infection of weasels produced in Miyazaki Prefecture with Paragonimus worms was reported.