金本 伊津子 Itsuko KANAMOTO 平安女学院大学現代文化学部国際コミュニケーション学科 Department of International Communication Heian Jogakuin University
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University journal (ISSN:1346227X)
no.1, pp.73-82, 2001-03-10

A Japanese proverb goes, "Shinin ni kuchi nashi (the dead can tell no stories)." From a rationalistic point of view, the idea that communication between the living and the dead exists is nothing but an absurd superstition. Nonetheless, some cultural devices in Japanese folk religion still survive, and are used by those who actively try to communicate with the dead. A great many Japanese have realized that the cause and elimination of on-going serial misfortunes are not explained adequately by scientific knowledge and can only be accounted for by spiritual beliefs. In the Tsugaru-Shimokita regions in Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan, itako (blind and half-blind female mediums) function as a cultural device in communicating with the souls of the dead. Their narratives in shamanistic rites, which often contain desire, demand, and dissatisfaction about the treatment to the dead, have often been interpreted as "sosen no sawari (punishment by ancestor)" or "akuryo no tatari (curse of an evil soul)." People who sincerely accept the itako's messages sometimes translate their fear of the dead into religious actions in order to heal the malignant souls and to escape from them. Weddings of the dead, a relatively new Buddhist practice in these regions, are a case in point. This paper explores the healing mechanisms of shamanistic rites performed by Japanese female mediums and weddings of the dead as a chain reaction of religious behavior. All ethnographic data were collected during fieldwork intermittently conducted by the author between 1991 and 2000.
金本 伊津子
平安女学院大学研究年報 (ISSN:1346227X)
vol.2, pp.47-54, 2002-03-10

This paper shows how female mediums such as itako and kamisama are taking a leading part in two religious practices, which have mainly spread through the Tsugaru and Shimokita regions of Aomori Prefecture. In hotoke-oroshi, the female mediums mediate the narratives of the dead and persuade local people of a shamanistic reality; for instance, the dead can interactively communicate with the living through the female mediums, often provide great influence on the lives of the living, and the dead get older year by year along with the living. As Japanese tradition shows in shinda ko no toshi wo kazoeru (counting the age of dead children), even fetuses, infants, and youths who die at an early age can often be kept growing, with the ability to attain marriageable age. Because the dead grow old in the minds of the living as the same pace as the living, it is no wonder the shamanistic messages sometimes convey the dead's strong psychological attachment to unfulfilled achievements in life, most of which are related to happy occasions in rites of passage, especially weddings. These shamanistic realities mediated by the narratives of the dead connect with local Buddhism to create another cultural device for the communication between the dead and the living-weddings of the dead. It is notable that Buddhist ritual in these religious events accepts the involvement of spiritual mediums such as itako and kamisama. Here we see a typical appositional synchronism of Japanese culture in the two different religious practices for the repose of the dead and the fulfillment of their lives in the world of the living. All ethnographic data were collected during fieldwork intermittently conducted by the author between 1991 and 2001.
金本 伊津子

平成15年度は、平成13年-14年度にブラジルで行ったフィールドワークの研究成果の口頭発表を以下の二つの学会にて行った。1.2003年7月(5日〜12日)、イタリア(フィレンッエ)で行われたXV International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Scienceの国際会議で研究発表を行う。発表論文のタイトルは、"Those Abandoned Twice-Aging and Ethnicity of Japanese Elderly in Brazil"である。この発表においては、ブラジルの日系老人の老いが、きわめて日本・日本文化との緊密な係わり合い(例えば、日本の年金の受給の有無や家族の日本への出稼ぎ、あるいは、言語や文化的活動など)の中で展開されている社会的・文化的状況についての報告を行った。2.2003年9月23日、東京(中央大学)で行われた第一回日本オーラル・ヒストリー学会設立大会における交流分科会「移民とエスニック・ストーリー」のパネリストとして研究発表を行う。発表論文のタイトルは、「オーラル・ヒストリーにみる日系ブラジル人の老い」である。この発表においては、移民の歴史資料としてのオーラル・ヒストリーの重要性を再確認するとともに、データの収集ならびに保存などの方法論を中心に議論を展開した。また、国際協力事業団の業務委託を受けたサンパウロ日伯援護協会が2003年1月から9月にかけて行われた「ブラジル日系社会高齢者実態調査(要介護者老人実態調査)」の専門家チームに加わり調査協力するとともに、報告書(日系社会高齢者実態調査委員会編「ブラジル日系社会高齢者実態調査(要介護者老人実態調査)」サンパウロ日伯援護協会発行2003年))の執筆・監修を行った。
金本 伊津子 Itsuko KANAMOTO 平安女学院大学現代文化学部国際コミュニケーション学科
平安女学院大学研究年報 = Heian Jogakuin University journal (ISSN:1346227X)
vol.2, pp.47-54, 2002-03-10

This paper shows how female mediums such as itako and kamisama are taking a leading part in two religious practices, which have mainly spread through the Tsugaru and Shimokita regions of Aomori Prefecture. In hotoke-oroshi, the female mediums mediate the narratives of the dead and persuade local people of a shamanistic reality; for instance, the dead can interactively communicate with the living through the female mediums, often provide great influence on the lives of the living, and the dead get older year by year along with the living. As Japanese tradition shows in shinda ko no toshi wo kazoeru (counting the age of dead children), even fetuses, infants, and youths who die at an early age can often be kept growing, with the ability to attain marriageable age. Because the dead grow old in the minds of the living as the same pace as the living, it is no wonder the shamanistic messages sometimes convey the dead's strong psychological attachment to unfulfilled achievements in life, most of which are related to happy occasions in rites of passage, especially weddings. These shamanistic realities mediated by the narratives of the dead connect with local Buddhism to create another cultural device for the communication between the dead and the living-weddings of the dead. It is notable that Buddhist ritual in these religious events accepts the involvement of spiritual mediums such as itako and kamisama. Here we see a typical appositional synchronism of Japanese culture in the two different religious practices for the repose of the dead and the fulfillment of their lives in the world of the living. All ethnographic data were collected during fieldwork intermittently conducted by the author between 1991 and 2001.
金本 伊津子
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.57-74, 2016-07-22

Japanese civilians who lived in the territories of the anti-Axis powers during World War II-i.e., the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Brazil, or Peru-were exposed to hostile attitudes in each society. For reasons of national security, most of them were relocated into internment camps or jails. In the UK, in addition to Germans, Italians, and Austrians, Japanese civilians were categorized as enemy aliens, and were relocated to a camp in the Isle of Man. (The Isle of Man is a small island located between Great Britain and Ireland, and historically has been a British Crown Dependency.) According to a newspaper report, about 200 Japanese civilians were sent to and arrived in the Isle of Man only five days after World War II broke out. Interestingly enough, this historical fact has been unknown not only among the Japanese but also the British. Although historical resources are very limited, this paper will reveal the experiences of the interned Japanese nationals in the Isle of Man during WWII, and discuss the reasons why Japanese as Enemy Aliens in the UK were forgotten in both Japan and the UK.
金本 伊津子
