井村 賢治 川原 央好 松尾 吉庸 窪田 昭男 福沢 正洋 鎌田 振吉 高木 洋治 岡田 正
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
vol.26, no.4, pp.815-821, 1990

Anthropometric measurements of 171 postoperative children, who had radical operations for neonatal surgical diseases from 1974 to 1985 in our institutions, were performed. Twenty-two percent of those out-patient children were classified as stunted (H/A<95%), and 26% as wasted (W/H<90%) according to Waterlow's classification. About 40% of the children had mild protein-energy malnutrition, although theier visceral protein status was preserved. In paticular, wasting was noted in patients with congeital esophageal atresia, abdominal wall defects and Hirschsprung's disease, while stunting was noted in patinets with congeital duodenal atresia. The usefulness of H/A and W/H for evaluating the long-term prognosis of post-operative children is discussed.