潤賀 健一 小倉 彰 長田 実 永瀬 和彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.56, no.530, pp.2825-2830, 1990-10-25 (Released:2008-02-21)

Much difficulty has been encountered in cooperative traction of electric railcars and diesel railcars, because the structure and performance of the respective control systems are very different. Diesel railcars are characterized by more or less constant output from the initial to middle speed range and constant torque beyond the middle speed range. Electric railcars are characterized by virtually constant torque from the initial to middle speed range, with the output decided by notch order beyond the middle speed range. The authors propose a new control system for cooperative traction based upon an entirely new conception. This system changes a general notch order into a suitable notch order for the diesel railcar depending on the electric railcar's speed. The system was mounted on JR's electric and diesel railcars and tested on the main line of JR KYUSYU. Based on this test result, introduction of the system in commercial service was decided upon and practical operation began on April 29, 1989.
長田 実也
社団法人 農業農村工学会
農業土木学会誌 (ISSN:03695123)
vol.61, no.4, pp.331-335,a1, 1993-04-01 (Released:2011-08-11)

全国の畑地帯において地下水の硝酸性窒素濃度の上昇が指摘され, 生活用水源への懸念が社会問題化している。宮古島では, 水道水源である湧水の硝酸性窒素濃度が1970年代から1980年代後半にかけて上昇し, その後低下している。この濃度変化は農地への施肥総量を反映したものであると考えられる。この施肥量は時の農業情勢を映して増減しているようである。地下水の水質保全は, 汚濁源対策に尽きるが, 住民の理解と協力が不可欠であり, 地域社会の将来構想も踏まえた上で検討されるべきものである。とくに施肥の制御については, 必要な農業生産を維持しながら水質に過剰な負荷を与えないような, 均衡点を見いだす必要がある。
潤賀 健一 小倉 彰 長田 実 永瀬 和彦
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.56, no.530, pp.2825-2830, 1990-10-25

Much difficulty has been encountered in cooperative traction of electric railcars and diesel railcars, because the structure and performance of the respective control systems are very different. Diesel railcars are characterized by more or less constant output from the initial to middle speed range and constant torque beyond the middle speed range. Electric railcars are characterized by virtually constant torque from the initial to middle speed range, with the output decided by notch order beyond the middle speed range. The authors propose a new control system for cooperative traction based upon an entirely new conception. This system changes a general notch order into a suitable notch order for the diesel railcar depending on the electric railcar's speed. The system was mounted on JR's electric and diesel railcars and tested on the main line of JR KYUSYU. Based on this test result, introduction of the system in commercial service was decided upon and practical operation began on April 29, 1989.