岩田 重信 岩田 義弘 大山 俊廣 門山 浩 斎藤 正治 高須 昭彦
喉頭 (ISSN:09156127)
vol.10, no.1, pp.1-7, 1998-06-01 (Released:2012-09-24)

The electroglottogram (EGG) has been used to obtain details of vocal fold vibration. Applications of the EGG, however, are limited in use for voice disorders since characteristics of EGG waveforms associated with vocal fold vibrations are still poorly understood. We analysed the EGG waveform characteristics to compare them with simultaneous measurements of supra and subglottic pressure in the normal male subject sustaining the vowel /a/ at constant pitch with different intensity levels. The results are : The periodicities of the consequent frequency are completely coincident among the EGG wave, supra and subglottic pressure waveforms at different intensity levels. With regard to the amplitude variations of the EGG waveform in the vocal cycle, the increasing amplitude corresponded with a rapid increase of subglottic pressure and a decrease of supraglottic pressure which is indicative of the closing phase of the vocal folds. The gradual fall of amplitude associated with the parting of the vocal folds corresponded with an increase of supraglottic pressure from negative values and maintenance of negative subglottic pressure. The negative flatter portion of EGG wave corresponding to the opened phase exhibited higher positive supra glottal pressure and lower pressure of the subglottic even at different sound pressure levels. When increasing the intensity during constant pitch phonation, the values of the contact quotient and contact speed index decreased, and the contact closing slope became steeper.These findings reveal the tendency of increasing vocal tension following louder vocalization. Simultaneous measurement of EGG waveforms, and supraglottic and subglottic pressures might provide useful and detailed information for understanding EGG waveforms, laryngeal dysfunction and/or research for voice disorders.
岩田 義弘 寺島 万成 長島 圭士郎 服部 忠夫 堀部 晴司 岡田 達佳 櫻井 一生 内藤 健晴 大山 俊廣 門山 浩 戸田 均
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.56, no.Suppl.2, pp.S195-S201, 2010 (Released:2011-12-01)

われわれは下顎を支え前頸部舌骨上下筋群と胸鎖乳突筋に等尺性収縮の運動負荷を短時間に行うことにより嚥下機能の改善につながることを報告してきた。等尺性収縮は短時間での筋力増加が期待できる訓練手技であり、この訓練を高齢者 11 名 (60 - 88 歳) に毎食事前 4 - 6秒 3 回ずつ、自分自身で行い、2 - 4週間後にその効果を確認した。結果、repetitive saliva swallowing testは訓練前平均 2.7 (± 1.2) から訓練後 6.2 (± 1.6) と変化した。頸部側面単純レントゲン撮影では頤 - 舌骨間が11.1%、頤 - 甲状軟骨間が 8.4%短縮した。胸骨 - 甲状軟骨間は12.0%延長した。年齢とともに胸骨に近づいた舌骨・甲状軟骨の位置はこの訓練により頤に近づいた。このことは嚥下運動の開始が早くなり誤嚥防止に役立つと考えられる。舌骨・喉頭周囲の筋力増強を目的とした嚥下訓練は確立されたものは少なく、本手技は高齢者の嚥下機能改善に寄与することが考えられると同時に手技が簡便で短時間での効果発現が見込まれるため各種嚥下障害への応用が期待される。