友木 依里子 関東 裕美 辻 行貴
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.42, no.1, pp.1-8, 2018-03-31 (Released:2019-03-31)

The degree of lip dryness is accompanied by the changes in atmospheric temperature and/or humidity. In an attempt to relieve lip dryness, lip is commonly and involuntarily licked. When lip dryness becomes noticeable, people often apply products such as lip balm to protect the lips, but this may be insufficient to hydrate them because toothpaste and facial wash tend to dry them whenever they are used. Also, during the dry winter season, involuntary lip-licking to hydrate the lips becomes habitual, even among adults, occasionally leading to lip-licking dermatitis. Apart from lip-licking, tooth brushing and lip-biking are able to make lips more prone to get dry and sore. The overall evaluation on lip appearance is often reflected by the severity of chapped lips (e.g., cracks and/or peels), but due to the variation in individual’s sensitivities, the subjective dryness assessment does not necessarily agree with the objective evaluation. Therefore, we tried to develop an objective lip dryness scoring system based on the analysis of UV light-exposed lip images that could capture the dryness conditions usually undetectable through medical interviews or gross examination. We also discussed how subjective and objective lip evaluations were associated with daily life-related matters derived from medical interviews and questionnaires.
関東 裕美
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.44, no.2, pp.129-134, 2020-06-30 (Released:2021-06-30)

In sensitive skin such as atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and rosacea, it is necessary to continue skin care on a daily basis, but it is also necessary to mask the disease with makeup. Looking at the yearly change in the number of annual outpatients in our department, it can be seen that the number of female patients in their 40s is increasing. I think that the number of medical examinations is increasing at her age when makeup is required. I think that the instruction of their face washing is most important for sensitive skin with reduced barrier function. Patients with seborrheic dermatitis may also have sensitive skin, so is easy to get irritant contact dermatitis due to her constitution. Patients with rosacea and rosacea-like dermatitis have almost same sensitive skin condition. Rosacea-like dermatitis is caused by topical ointments, so discontinuation of topical therapy is the most effective treatment. Internal diseases such as liver or kidney disorders and visceral cancer often impair the health of the skin. Even if you think that it is healthy skin, the skin may become fragile due to menopause, aging and changes over time, and skin damage due to makeup may occur. Participation in society is required even if you have a disease, but being able to do so also leads to a desire to live. Makeup should be useful as a means to hide aging and pathological conditions of mind and body because it makes it easier to participate in society. Specialists need to be able to identify sensitive skin and provide proper makeup instruction.
西村 誠 石原 勝 伊藤 正俊 細野 久美子 関東 裕美
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.27, no.4, pp.844-849, 1985

6年間に5例のベルロック皮膚炎を経験した。原因製品はいずれもフランス製で香水1, オーデコロン2, オードトワレ2例であった。経過を観察しえた3例の場合, 色素斑は約半年後には消退した。製品の光毒反応を患者あるいは毛ルモットで立証した。製品中の光毒物質を高速液体クロマトグラフィーで定量した。
関東 裕美 細野 久美子 伊藤 正俊 石原 勝 中村 晃忠 小嶋 茂雄 鹿庭 正昭
Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.26, no.3, pp.664-671, 1984

ゴム添加剤に接触アレルギーを認めた16才, 男子学生のズック靴皮膚炎とformaldehydeに接触アレルギーを認めた51才, 女子会社員の革靴皮膚炎についてそれぞれの臨床, パッチテスト成績, 原因製品の分析結果について報告し, 靴皮膚炎のアレルゲンについて若干の考察を加えた.