飯野 久和 青木 萌 重野 千奈美 西牟田 みち代 寺原 正樹 粂 晃智 水本 憲司 溝口 智奈弥 小泉 明子 竹田 麻理子 尾﨑 悟 佐々木 一 内田 勝幸 伊藤 裕之
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.71, no.4, pp.171-184, 2013 (Released:2013-09-11)
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【目的】プロバイオティクスを添加していないブルガリアヨーグルトの整腸作用を調べるため,ブルガリアヨーグルトの摂取による糞便中ビフィズス菌増加作用をランダム化プラセボ対照二重盲検並行群間比較試験で評価する。【方法】女子学生62名をヨーグルト摂取群(ブルガリアヨーグルトを摂取する群)と酸乳摂取群(ヨーグルトと同じ乳成分からなる乳飲料に乳酸を加えてヨーグルトと同じpHとした酸性乳飲料を摂取する群)に分けた。両群ともに摂取前観察期(2週間),ブルガリアヨーグルトまたは酸乳を1日 100 ml摂取する摂取期(4週間:前半2週間,後半2週間),摂取後観察期(2週間)を設け,糞便中の腸内細菌叢の解析を2週間毎に行い,糞便中ビフィズス菌数を調べた。【結果】試験の除外対象者(過敏性腸症候群様の者,抗生剤の使用者等)および脱落者を除いた女子学生(ヨーグルト摂取群が20名,酸乳摂取群が25名)を評価対象として統計解析した。試験食品を4週間摂取した際の糞便中ビフィズス菌の生菌数は,酸乳摂取群に比較してヨーグルト摂取群が有意に高値となった。【結論】以上の結果より,ブルガリアヨーグルトの摂取によって糞便中ビフィズス菌数が増加し,腸内細菌叢が改善されることが示された。
桝田 和彌 青木 萌 寺澤 沙希 飯野 久和 Kazuya MASUDA Megumi AOKI Saki TERASAWA Hisakazu IINO
学苑 = Gakuen (ISSN:13480103)
no.938, pp.26-31, 2018-12-01

Recently, studies of intestinal microbiota have been conducted using mainly next-generation sequencers to perform comprehensive bacterial DNA analyses. When using this molecular biological approach, intestinal bacterial DNA is extracted from fecal samples. But the influence of the fecal sample storage condition and the methods of DNA extraction on the analysis have not been investigated as far as we know. In this study, we evaluate the effects of different freezing conditions and storage periods of microbial DNA in fecal samples using PCR-DGGE analysis. Fecal samples were stored at −20 ºC, −80 ºC and −80 ºC followed by a liquid nitrogen treatment and kept for 3 months and 1 year, respectively. Microbial DNA extracted from these fecal samples was examined using PCR-DGGE analysis to monitor total intestinal microbiota: Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Clostridium groups. DGGE profiles demonstrated that the total bacterial flora was stable and no significant changes were found due to storage conditions or periods. In genus specific detection of samples stored for three months, DNA bands were detected in all samples except for in part of the Clostridium group. In the case of fecal samples stored for one year, both at −80 ºC and also treated with liquid nitrogen, amplified genus specific bands were present in all samples. A different band pattern was observed only in the amplicon of the liquid nitrogen treated samples from the Clostridium group. On the other hand, in microbial DNA extracted from samples preserved at −20 ºC it was impossible to amplify specific fragments. Since some bacterial groups in fecal samples were affected by the freezing method, storage conditions and period, it appears that rapidly freezing fecal samples may be the most effective way to maintain intestinal microbiota.