津田 壮一郎 清宮 啓介 池淵 由香 島村 奈緒美 袴田 潤 青森 達 別府 紀子 山口 雅也 望月 眞弓
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.10, pp.596-603, 2019-10-10 (Released:2020-10-10)
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Model Core Curriculum for Pharmacy Education (2013 version) presents eight disease areas as the minimum medical conditions, and it requires student trainees to be continuously engaged in pharmacotherapy for these diseases. We developed an “Individual Student Report Form” (Report Form) in order to investigate and evaluate each student trainee's engagement and continuity with the eight diseases. The Report Forms were shared between the community pharmacy, hospital, and university, and the effectiveness of collaboration among these institutions was examined.Participants were 25 student trainees who were planning to do their clinical practicums in our hospital in the second term of 2017. During the earlier pharmacy practicum, the trainees were asked to complete the Report Form regarding the diseases they handled. Trainees took notes on the Report Form during their daily reflection time in their hospital practicums about their engagement with the eight diseases. We calculated the cumulative total numbers and percentages of their engagement with the eight diseases to examine engagement rates and continuity across terms.The percentages of trainees who were engaged with all eight diseases were 36% (9/25 persons) at the pharmacy, 24% (6/25) at the hospital, and 68% (17/25) overall at the two locations. The average numbers of the eight tracked diseases that trainees were engaged with were 2.3 at the pharmacy, 3.8 at the hospital, and 4.5 in total. The findings of this study suggest that this tracking tool could help facilitate and efficiently transfer information about the disease engagement of trainees during their two pharmacy practicums.
井澤 美苗 青森 達 望月 眞弓

プラセボ効果は薬の効果に対する期待と過去に薬が効いたという条件付けが働くことに基づく効果であり、脳の認知機能を司る部位に関連がある。この部位は脳の前頭前野に位置し、近赤外線分光法(NIRS)を使用することでその活性度を非侵襲的に測定できる。また最近10年で、脳内化学伝達物質の遺伝子多型でプラセボレスポンダーとノンレスポンダーを区別するプラセボーム研究が台頭している。本研究では、脳内化学伝達物質の中でも5-hydroxitryptamine transporter ( 5-HTT ) 、Catechol-O-methyltransferase ( COMT )の遺伝子多型に注目し、プラセボ効果との関連性を検討することを目的としている。主観的指標として Stanford Sleepiness Scale( SSS )と Visual Analog Scale ( VAS )による眠気度調査を行い、客観的指標として近赤外分光法( NIRS )による脳血流量変化を測定した。また、5-HTT遺伝子多型 ( L/L、S/L、S/S ) とCOMT 遺伝子多型( Val/Val、Val/Met、Met/Met )を行なった。プラセボ投与前に比べ投与後で SSS と VAS ともに有意に眠気が改善された。NIRS では、認知を司る部位の脳血流量が投与後で有意に増加した。SSSとVASではVal/Met 群の方が Val/Val 群より大きな眠気改善傾向が見られた。またNIRS左脳での脳血流量は Met/Met 群が Val/Val 群と比較して増加傾向が見られた。有意差は見られないものの、Metアレルは Val アレルよりもプラセボ効果との強い関連性が示唆された。この結果は、78th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences(英国・Glasgow、2018年9月)にて学会発表した。
剱田 侑希 門田 佳子 鈴木 小夜 青森 達 小林 典子 高木 彰紀 手塚 淑人 大谷 壽一 中村 智徳
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.117-123, 2014-02-10 (Released:2015-02-10)
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In advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPE) in community pharmacies in Japan, students are not always satisfied with over-the-counter (OTC) counseling practice. Aiming to improve the quality of such practice, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 167 students after their APPE to assess student satisfaction and the current status and problems they experienced with OTC counseling practice. The results revealed that opportunities for practice differed among sites. While 27.8% of students had experienced selling OTC drugs to patients, 11.4% of students carried out no selling, shadowing or role play (RP). The difference arose also in student satisfaction. As expected, most students who experienced selling OTC drugs to patients rated the practice most favorably, especially students who had experienced consultation sales obtained higher satisfaction. On the other hand, most students who experienced both shadowing and RP but not the opportunity to sell OTC drugs also rated the practice quite positively; in particular, students who had more than six opportunities for shadowing and RP rated the practice favorably. In conclusion, although OTC counseling is not well practiced during APPE, mainly because of limited opportunities to sell OTC drugs, student satisfaction may be improved by introducing and increasing opportunities for shadowing and RP.