鹿村 恵明 田中 愛佳 根岸 健一 下平 秀夫 若林 進 塚原 俊夫 野村 香織 出石 啓治 宮崎 長一郎 望月 眞弓 上村 直樹
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.4, pp.242-250, 2016-02-28 (Released:2017-03-17)

Objective: For effective use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that are provided as relief supplies during a disaster, we aimed to develop a list of OTC drugs that can be used during a disaster.Methods: We obtained information about OTC drugs useful during a disaster by examining results of previous studies and lists of drugs used during a disaster.  We analyzed this information with the expert pharmacist of disaster support and established a rationale for our list and developed “the List of Useful OTC Drugs During a Disaster” and “the Information Card on Useful OTC Drugs During a Disaster.”Results: We developed our list of OTC drugs based on the following parameters: (1) while people with severe disorders (e.g. renal failure) are treated by medical teams, those with minor physical conditions are treated using OTC drugs and (2) those OTC drugs that can be used as substitutes for prescription drugs were preferably selected.  The List of Useful OTC Drugs ()—During a Disaster (containing 56 items) was developed for use mainly by medical professionals.  Further, pharmacists from disaster-relief medical teams may not always be available in disaster-stricken areas; therefore, the Information Card on Useful OTC Drugs During a Disaster was developed to enable disaster victims to independently make a certain level of decision.  The information card contained pictograms to call the attention of the disaster victims.Conclusion: Our results can provide a common tool for drug suppliers, medical professionals engaging in relief works in disaster-stricken areas, and disaster victims.
大谷 壽一 藤井 萌未 今岡 鮎子 望月 眞弓 山浦 克典 秋好 健志
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.22, no.1, pp.30-34, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-13)

Background: Although transferring drugs to a third party, even in a personal capacity, is illegal in Japan, many drug transactions are carried out via internet auction sites. Pharmacy consumers might not be aware of the illegality of transferring drugs to others due to various factors. To clarify pharmacy consumers’ awareness of this issue and its covariates, we carried out a questionnaire survey.Methods: A self-completed questionnaire, consisting of yes/no and multiple-choice questions, was used. The adult patients who visited Keio University Pharmacy were asked to fill out the questionnaire.Results and Discussion: One hundred and fifty-one response sheets were effectively collected from 173 responders. The subjects’awareness of the illegality of transferring drugs was significantly affected by the formulation (oral vs. patches) and pharmacological category of the drug, as well as the source of the drug (prescribed vs. over the counter). Patient education about the illegality of personally transferring drugs, especially patches, might be required to avoid illegal drug transfers, including via the internet.
久保田 潔 青木 事成 漆原 尚巳 鍵村 達夫 景山 茂 小出 大介 古閑 晃 佐藤 嗣道 中村 敏明 中島 研 畑中 直也 平河 武 宮川 功 望月 眞弓
一般社団法人 日本薬剤疫学会
薬剤疫学 (ISSN:13420445)
vol.19, no.1, pp.57-74, 2014-06-30 (Released:2014-08-13)
5 4

日本薬剤疫学会では,医薬品リスク管理(Risk Management Plan:RMP)を作成,実行する側の製薬企業と医療現場およびアカデミアからなるタスクフォースを設置し,2012年4月に厚生労働省より発出された医薬品リスク管理計画指針通知に明記されているICH E2E に準拠した安全性監視計画(Pharmacovigilance Plan:PVP)が立案可能となるようなガイダンスを作成した.内容は以下の 6つから構成されている.1.はじめに:市販後安全性監視に係るこれまでの当学会活動や,活動の目的2.安全性検討事項(Safety Specification:SS)の選択と特徴を記述するためのプロセス・SS をどう選択するか・SS をどう特徴付けるべきか・リサーチ・クエスチョン(Research Questions:RQ)にどうつなげるか3.RQ の決定と記述・RQ とは何か・各種ガイドラインではどう扱われているか・PVP へ RQ を記述する方法と具体的事例・PVP 全体としてみた最適とは4.RQ に最適化された PVP・通常の PVP で可能か,追加の PVP が必要か・追加の PVP のデザインの選択について(RQ と研究デザイン,PICO を用いた RQ の記述,評価の指標)・PVP の記載事項チェックリスト作成について5.結語:使用成績調査の位置づけ,背景発現率と比較群の必要性,今後の PVP の課題6.別添:PVP の記載事項チェックリスト以上をもって医薬品リスク管理計画指針に明記されている「ICH E2E ガイドラインに示されている安全性検討事項及びそれを踏まえた医薬品安全性監視計画」が作成,実行できることを期待したい.
望月 眞弓 初谷 真咲 六條 恵美子 有田 悦子 橋口 正行 清水 直容 竹内 正弘 山本 信夫 秋葉 保次
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.124, no.12, pp.989-995, 2004 (Released:2004-12-01)
7 18

We conducted a randomized, controlled study to evaluate whether pharmacists' advice on smoking cessation would result in a higher smoking cessation rate using Nicorette (nicotine gum preparation). Fourteen pharmacies in Tokyo, Kanagawa, and Nagano participated. Smokers who visited pharmacies to buy Nicorette from March 1, 2002, through August 31, 2002, were recruited and randomly assigned to two groups. For the intervention group (A), pharmacists provided both regular instructions on Nicorette use and smoking cessation advice at the first sale and then gave follow-up advice just before starting a cessation and 1, 3, and 8 weeks and 3 months thereafter. For the control group (B), pharmacists provided regular instructions alone. The primary outcome measure was the self-reported smoking cessation rate and the secondary outcome measure was the relationship between the smoker's egogram and effectiveness of intervention. Twenty-eight smokers were enrolled and randomized into group A (n=11) or group B (n=17). The absolute abstinence rate in groups A and B at 3 months was 45.5% and 31.2%, respectively. The odds ratio was 1.83, which was not statistically significant. There was no difference in egogram score between absolute abstinence subjects and nonabstinence subjects in group A. The egogram scores in Adapted Child of absolute abstinence subjects in group B were significantly higher than in nonabstinence subjects. In conclusion, instructions and advice given by pharmacists may improve the smoking cessation rate in smokers receiving nicotine replacement therapy.
望月 眞弓
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.12, pp.1315-1318, 2013 (Released:2013-12-01)

Teaching the three health principles and proper use of medicines are the basis of education on medicines. Before seeking prescription drugs, day-to-day health management is important. It is also important to understand that if a minor ailment persists, self-treatment with over-the-counter medications should be attempted. Since medications are double-edged swords, their proper use is the responsibility of patients to minimize the risk and maximize the effectiveness. This awareness should be taught during education on how to use medicines. A better understanding of medicines and fostering awareness through education on medicines will contribute to reductions in healthcare costs and promote the health of patients when they participate in their own care and learn how to self-medicate.
津田 壮一郎 清宮 啓介 池淵 由香 島村 奈緒美 袴田 潤 青森 達 別府 紀子 山口 雅也 望月 眞弓
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.10, pp.596-603, 2019-10-10 (Released:2020-10-10)
1 5

Model Core Curriculum for Pharmacy Education (2013 version) presents eight disease areas as the minimum medical conditions, and it requires student trainees to be continuously engaged in pharmacotherapy for these diseases. We developed an “Individual Student Report Form” (Report Form) in order to investigate and evaluate each student trainee's engagement and continuity with the eight diseases. The Report Forms were shared between the community pharmacy, hospital, and university, and the effectiveness of collaboration among these institutions was examined.Participants were 25 student trainees who were planning to do their clinical practicums in our hospital in the second term of 2017. During the earlier pharmacy practicum, the trainees were asked to complete the Report Form regarding the diseases they handled. Trainees took notes on the Report Form during their daily reflection time in their hospital practicums about their engagement with the eight diseases. We calculated the cumulative total numbers and percentages of their engagement with the eight diseases to examine engagement rates and continuity across terms.The percentages of trainees who were engaged with all eight diseases were 36% (9/25 persons) at the pharmacy, 24% (6/25) at the hospital, and 68% (17/25) overall at the two locations. The average numbers of the eight tracked diseases that trainees were engaged with were 2.3 at the pharmacy, 3.8 at the hospital, and 4.5 in total. The findings of this study suggest that this tracking tool could help facilitate and efficiently transfer information about the disease engagement of trainees during their two pharmacy practicums.

1 0 0 0 OA 5TOOs

望月 眞弓
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.54, no.3, pp.236_1, 2018 (Released:2018-03-01)

新薬は治験において有効性や安全性が確認されているが,その治験には限界があることについて,以下の5つのTOOで表現されている.市販後にこうした限界を克服する調査や試験を行うなどして情報を補完することが重要である.too few:症例数が少ないtoo narrow:腎機能・肝機能障害,妊婦などの特殊な患者は除外されているtoo median-aged:高齢者や小児は除外されているtoo simple:投与方法が単純で,併用薬などが使われていない too brief:投与期間が短く,長期投与の結果が不明である
井澤 美苗 青森 達 望月 眞弓

プラセボ効果は薬の効果に対する期待と過去に薬が効いたという条件付けが働くことに基づく効果であり、脳の認知機能を司る部位に関連がある。この部位は脳の前頭前野に位置し、近赤外線分光法(NIRS)を使用することでその活性度を非侵襲的に測定できる。また最近10年で、脳内化学伝達物質の遺伝子多型でプラセボレスポンダーとノンレスポンダーを区別するプラセボーム研究が台頭している。本研究では、脳内化学伝達物質の中でも5-hydroxitryptamine transporter ( 5-HTT ) 、Catechol-O-methyltransferase ( COMT )の遺伝子多型に注目し、プラセボ効果との関連性を検討することを目的としている。主観的指標として Stanford Sleepiness Scale( SSS )と Visual Analog Scale ( VAS )による眠気度調査を行い、客観的指標として近赤外分光法( NIRS )による脳血流量変化を測定した。また、5-HTT遺伝子多型 ( L/L、S/L、S/S ) とCOMT 遺伝子多型( Val/Val、Val/Met、Met/Met )を行なった。プラセボ投与前に比べ投与後で SSS と VAS ともに有意に眠気が改善された。NIRS では、認知を司る部位の脳血流量が投与後で有意に増加した。SSSとVASではVal/Met 群の方が Val/Val 群より大きな眠気改善傾向が見られた。またNIRS左脳での脳血流量は Met/Met 群が Val/Val 群と比較して増加傾向が見られた。有意差は見られないものの、Metアレルは Val アレルよりもプラセボ効果との強い関連性が示唆された。この結果は、78th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences(英国・Glasgow、2018年9月)にて学会発表した。
望月 眞弓
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.4, pp.543-554, 2020-04-01 (Released:2020-04-01)

I have been exploring methods for education and research on drug information for 43 years. There are various approaches to drug informatics research, which include collecting, evaluating, and analyzing information to solve drug related problems, sometimes producing new information from experiments and clinical research. All are based on information science. Drug informatics is information science from the viewpoint of pharmaceuticals. In addition to basic pharmacology, knowledge and skills such as epidemiology, data science, computer science, mathematical statistics, and communication studies are indispensable for the development of drug informatics.
三井 梨恵子 秋好 健志 今岡 鮎子 望月 眞弓 大谷 壽一
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.2, pp.77-86, 2015 (Released:2015-10-01)

Objective: Clinical trials are designed to clarify the dose-dependency of drugs.  However, the dose-dependency of adverse drug reactions (ADR), especially in the subtherapeutic range, often remains unclear.  Whether decreasing a drug’s dose would reduce the risk of ADR is of interest to both clinicians and regulators.  This study aimed to clarify the dose-dependency of ADR during subtherapeutic exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, β-adrenoceptor antagonists, or corticosteroids.Methods: Data about the ADR risk profiles and the area under the concentration curve (AUC) values of the examined drugs during their subtherapeutic administration, e.g., after their topical or low-dose oral administration, were collected from the literature and compared with data obtained during the therapeutic administration of the drugs; i.e., at the standard oral dosage.Results: The drugs that exhibited AUC of ≥20% during their therapeutic administration continued to cause significant systemic ADR during their subtherapeutic administration.  Whilst the drugs that demonstrated AUC of 3-20% during their therapeutic administration continued to cause systemic ADR during their subtherapeutic administration, the ADR tended to be less frequent.Conclusion: The dose-dependency of ADR can be estimated by comparing the AUC and ADR risk profile data for a drug obtained during its topical, parenteral, or low-dose oral administration with that obtained during its oral administration at the standard dose.  However, some studies have detected high ADR frequencies even during reduced systemic exposure, suggesting that factors affecting the risk of ADR, e.g., patients’ background data, should be carefully matched between the datasets being compared.