大谷 壽一 藤井 萌未 今岡 鮎子 望月 眞弓 山浦 克典 秋好 健志
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.22, no.1, pp.30-34, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-13)

Background: Although transferring drugs to a third party, even in a personal capacity, is illegal in Japan, many drug transactions are carried out via internet auction sites. Pharmacy consumers might not be aware of the illegality of transferring drugs to others due to various factors. To clarify pharmacy consumers’ awareness of this issue and its covariates, we carried out a questionnaire survey.Methods: A self-completed questionnaire, consisting of yes/no and multiple-choice questions, was used. The adult patients who visited Keio University Pharmacy were asked to fill out the questionnaire.Results and Discussion: One hundred and fifty-one response sheets were effectively collected from 173 responders. The subjects’awareness of the illegality of transferring drugs was significantly affected by the formulation (oral vs. patches) and pharmacological category of the drug, as well as the source of the drug (prescribed vs. over the counter). Patient education about the illegality of personally transferring drugs, especially patches, might be required to avoid illegal drug transfers, including via the internet.
大谷 壽一 今岡 鮎子 秋好 健志
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.3, pp.529-534, 2015 (Released:2015-03-01)

In Japan, it is illegal to sell pharmaceuticals on Internet auction sites, although a considerable number of pharmaceuticals are listed on such sites. We investigated the current situation regarding the illegal trade in pharmaceuticals on Japanese Internet auction sites and the responses of site administrators to such transactions. We searched for pharmaceuticals and “gray” items that were suspected of being pharmaceuticals on Yahoo-oku! (Yahoo! Auctions, Japan) over a 37-day period and then submitted violation reports indicating that selling pharmaceuticals is illegal or that the description of an item was insufficient. The reports were directed to the site administrators and forwarded to the sellers. One hundred and six pharmaceutical products and 34 gray items were identified during the study period. After the submission of the violation reports, only 28 of the pharmaceutical products and one of the gray items were deleted by the administrator, while 18 of the pharmaceutical products and 7 of the gray items were withdrawn by their sellers. However, 41 pharmaceuticals and 20 gray items were sold. Most of the gray items were listed using characteristic terms or abbreviations without photographic images. More than 70% of the identified pharmaceuticals had a contraindication(s) other than hypersensitivity. In conclusion, the illegal trade in pharmaceuticals on Internet auction sites remains a serious problem in Japan, and the responses of site administrators to such transactions are inadequate. The government and pharmaceutical industry may have to take measures such as providing public and administrative guidance to stop the illegal trade in pharmaceuticals on the Internet.
大谷 壽一 竹田 正幸 今田 結城 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.126, no.5, pp.349-356, 2006 (Released:2006-05-01)
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Brand name confusion is one of the most common causes of drug-related errors. The aim of this study was to develop quantitative measures of similarity among brand names of drugs. We modified the fragmentary pattern-based measure, a measure of similarity for character strings based on the string resemblance system, to develop three novel measures of similarity, i.e., the head and tail-weighted fragmentary pattern-based measure (htfrag), visually weighted htfrag (vwhtfrag), and auditorily weighted htfrag (awhtfrag). The 227 pairs of brand names for which confusion errors have been reported were used as a positive control group. Ten sets of 2270 random pairs of brand names were generated as negative controls. Then we evaluated the measures developed by using the geometric mean of sensitivity and selectivity as an objective function, in comparison with two conventional measures of similarity based on the vector space model (cos1 and htco). The measures developed, htfrag, vwhtfrag, and awhtfrag, provided better discrimination with mean objective function values of 0.953, 0.962, and 0.940, respectively, which were higher than those for the conventional measures cos1 and htco (0.922 and 0.892, respectively). The rates of false-positives and false-negatives were 3.3—10.7% and 5.3—11.9% for cos1, respectively, while the rates for vwhtfrag were 4.8—5.9% and 2.2%, respectively. The measures of similarity developed may provide significant information to avoid drug-related errors associated with brand name confusion.
三井 梨恵子 秋好 健志 今岡 鮎子 望月 眞弓 大谷 壽一
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.2, pp.77-86, 2015 (Released:2015-10-01)

Objective: Clinical trials are designed to clarify the dose-dependency of drugs.  However, the dose-dependency of adverse drug reactions (ADR), especially in the subtherapeutic range, often remains unclear.  Whether decreasing a drug’s dose would reduce the risk of ADR is of interest to both clinicians and regulators.  This study aimed to clarify the dose-dependency of ADR during subtherapeutic exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, β-adrenoceptor antagonists, or corticosteroids.Methods: Data about the ADR risk profiles and the area under the concentration curve (AUC) values of the examined drugs during their subtherapeutic administration, e.g., after their topical or low-dose oral administration, were collected from the literature and compared with data obtained during the therapeutic administration of the drugs; i.e., at the standard oral dosage.Results: The drugs that exhibited AUC of ≥20% during their therapeutic administration continued to cause significant systemic ADR during their subtherapeutic administration.  Whilst the drugs that demonstrated AUC of 3-20% during their therapeutic administration continued to cause systemic ADR during their subtherapeutic administration, the ADR tended to be less frequent.Conclusion: The dose-dependency of ADR can be estimated by comparing the AUC and ADR risk profile data for a drug obtained during its topical, parenteral, or low-dose oral administration with that obtained during its oral administration at the standard dose.  However, some studies have detected high ADR frequencies even during reduced systemic exposure, suggesting that factors affecting the risk of ADR, e.g., patients’ background data, should be carefully matched between the datasets being compared.
山口 智子 向井 志乃 魚谷 茂雄 大谷 壽一 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.122, no.5, pp.331-338, 2002 (Released:2003-02-18)

Phenytoin (PHT) exhibits nonlinear pharmacokinetics in the therapeutic range. Therefore a slight increase in dose may lead to considerable elevation of the serum PHT level. Although its bioavailability is dependent on the formulation, bioequivalence is considered to be preserved between the three major formulations, of tablet, 97% fine granules, and 10% powder. However, we experienced many cases of increases serum PHT concentration after changes in formulation from 97% fine granules to 97/4% hospital-made fine granules, and from the latter to 10% powder. Retrospective analysis revealed that these alterations were accompanied by 55% and 16% increases in the serum concentration-to-dose ratio of PHT, respectively. We investigated the factors of this increase by analyzing the weight of remaining powder in a package and the PHT content of each formulation. Each package of PHT formulation prepared with 97% fine granules and 10% powder was unsealed, and the contents were weighed to calculate the rate of recovery. The rate of ingestion was estimated by correcting the rate of recovery by PHT strength (i. e., 1.0 for 10% powder and 0.97 for fine granules). The rates of recovery and ingestion for 10% powder were 13% and 16% higher than those for 97% fine granules, respectively (p<0.01). In conclusion, Changing the PHT formulation from 97% fine granules to 10% powder may lead to a considerable increase in the serum PHT concentration and possibly induce PHT toxicity.
剱田 侑希 門田 佳子 鈴木 小夜 青森 達 小林 典子 高木 彰紀 手塚 淑人 大谷 壽一 中村 智徳
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.117-123, 2014-02-10 (Released:2015-02-10)
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In advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPE) in community pharmacies in Japan, students are not always satisfied with over-the-counter (OTC) counseling practice. Aiming to improve the quality of such practice, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 167 students after their APPE to assess student satisfaction and the current status and problems they experienced with OTC counseling practice. The results revealed that opportunities for practice differed among sites. While 27.8% of students had experienced selling OTC drugs to patients, 11.4% of students carried out no selling, shadowing or role play (RP). The difference arose also in student satisfaction. As expected, most students who experienced selling OTC drugs to patients rated the practice most favorably, especially students who had experienced consultation sales obtained higher satisfaction. On the other hand, most students who experienced both shadowing and RP but not the opportunity to sell OTC drugs also rated the practice quite positively; in particular, students who had more than six opportunities for shadowing and RP rated the practice favorably. In conclusion, although OTC counseling is not well practiced during APPE, mainly because of limited opportunities to sell OTC drugs, student satisfaction may be improved by introducing and increasing opportunities for shadowing and RP.