高辻 華子 高橋 功次朗 北川 純一
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.145, no.6, pp.278-282, 2015 (Released:2015-06-10)

咽頭・喉頭領域の感覚神経(舌咽神経咽頭枝や上喉頭神経)は,舌領域を支配する味覚神経(鼓索神経や舌咽神経舌枝)と異なる生理学的特徴をもっている.咽頭・喉頭領域の感覚神経は舌領域の味覚神経に比べ,味刺激(4基本味)に対して神経応答性は低いが,水やアルコール刺激に高い興奮性を示す.また,長鎖脂肪酸やうま味も咽頭・喉頭領域の感覚神経を興奮させる.このような舌の味覚神経とは異なる咽頭・喉頭領域の感覚応答特性が,食べ物や飲み物の「おいしさ」に重要な要素である「のどごし」や「こく」の感覚形成に関与している可能性が考えられる.様々な機能を有するtransient receptor potential(TRP)チャネルファミリーに注目すると,カプサイシンによって活性化するTRPV1が属するTRPVファミリーは,機械刺激,熱刺激,pHの変化,浸透圧の変化で活性化する.また,細胞の代謝,分化,増殖などに関係しているTRPMファミリーには,冷刺激やメントール刺激で活性化するチャネルがある.したがって,咽頭・喉頭領域に発現しているTRPチャネルが,飲食物を飲み込むときの味,温度,触,圧などの刺激を受容し,「のどごし」や「こく」の感覚形成に寄与していると考えられる.近年,嚥下中枢において,CB1受容体が興奮性シナプス群より抑制性シナプス群に多数存在することが明らかにされた.これらシナプス前終末のCB1受容体に内因性カンナビノイド(2-AG)が結合すると,神経伝達物質の放出が抑圧される.その結果,興奮性シナプスの作用が優位になり,嚥下誘発が促進する可能性が示唆された.このように咽頭・喉頭領域からの求心性情報は「おいしさ」の感覚に貢献し,さらに,生命活動に重要な摂食機能である嚥下反射の誘発にも深く関与している.
北川 純一 高辻 華子 高橋 功次朗 真貝 富夫
日本味と匂学会誌 (ISSN:13404806)
vol.20, no.2, pp.143-149, 2013

北川 純一 高辻 華子 高橋 功次朗 真貝 富夫
日本味と匂学会誌 (ISSN:13404806)
vol.20, no.2, pp.143-149, 2013 (Released:2018-05-30)

高橋 功次朗 丹原 惇 森田 修一 小林 正治 池田 順行 林 孝文 齋藤 功
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
vol.27, no.1, pp.1-7, 2017

Cephalometric prediction is still widely used for treatment planning in surgical orthodontic patients. However, there have been few reports on the relationship between mandibular midline changes by orthognathic surgery and the amount of bilateral setback movement on lateral cephalograms. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationships between the difference in mandibular setback amount for deviated and non-deviated sides and the amount of middle region displacement on cephalometric prediction in patients with mandibular prognathism and deviation.<br>The subjects comprised 15 patients diagnosed as mandibular prognathism with skeletal deviation at the orthodontic clinic, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital. All patients underwent only mandibular setback surgery involving midline correction by sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO). Frontal and lateral cephalograms taken just before and immediately after orthognathic surgery were used for measurements. X-Y coordinates were constructed using the occlusal plane on the preoperative lateral cephalogram for the X coordinate and the perpendicular line drawn intersecting the X line at the Sella for the Y coordinate. The amount of posterior movement of the distal segment and middle region displacement were determined by superimposition of pre-and postoperative lateral cephalograms. The postoperative midline changes were measured linearly using a study model taken at just before orthognathic surgery. We examined the relationship between the average amount of operative movement for deviated and non-deviated sides and the amount of anteroposterior changes of the incisal region. The relationship between the difference in operative movement for deviated and non-deviated sides and postoperative midline changes was also examined.<br>Significant correlations were found between the bilateral difference of operative movement and the amount of anteroposterior changes of the incisal region. A significant correlation was also revealed between the bilateral difference of operative movement and horizontal middle region. In addition, a significant regression formula was obtained as β=0.65α+1.17(α: bilateral difference of mandibular posterior movement (mm), β: lateral movement of mandibular midline(mm))by regression analysis.<br>The present results suggest that, in cases with skeletal deviation, it is possible to regard the average value of anteroposterior movement of distal segments on both sides as a predictive factor for the posterior position of the incisal region. Also, the results suggest that the amount of midline correction can be predicted from the bilateral difference of operative movement. Since there is diversity and much variation in the movement of distal segments, it is not easy to predict the amount of midline displacement during orthognathic surgery. However, this regression formula may be useful for orthodontists and surgeons to plan surgical orthodontic treatment.