倉部 華奈 隅田 好美 小島 拓 加藤 祐介 齋藤 功 小林 正治
公益社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.66, no.4, pp.178-187, 2020-04-20 (Released:2020-06-22)

Patients with jaw deformities frequently have psychological and social problems. There have been many reports on psychological status and satisfaction following orthognathic surgery as determined by quantitative methods. However, only limited information can be obtained by using a quantitative method because the patient’s psychological problems are complex. On the other hand, qualitative studies are suitable for clarifying the hypothetical construction of the phenomenon and patients’ experiences and processes. The purpose of this study was to examine the process by which patient’s psychological and social problems change from pre-treatment to post-treatment. The subjects were 6 female patients who had undergone orthognathic surgery 18 months ago. We conducted semi-structured interviews and performed analysis by a grounded theory approach. The patient’s anxiety started from the period of adolescence and was affected by the patient’s friends. Information on orthognathic surgery gave the patients hope and reduced their anxiety. The processes of psychological and social changes during and after treatment were affected by friends, family, and patients with the same disease. Patients had feelings of accomplishment, happiness, and confidence because they overcame various hardships, and they acquired active attitudes in social life.
片桐 渉 小林 正治 佐々木 朗 須佐美 隆史 須田 直人 田中 栄二 近津 大地 冨永 和宏 森山 啓司 山城 隆 齋藤 功 高橋 哲
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.30, no.3, pp.213-225, 2020 (Released:2020-09-11)
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The Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities performed a nationwide survey from 2006 to 2007 and the results were reported in 2008. In the last 10 years, new surgical procedures and medical devices have been developed and brought major changes to surgical orthodontic treatment. Accordingly, we need to assess the current status of surgical orthodontic treatment.A nationwide survey of surgical orthodontic treatment between April 2017 and March 2018 was carried out and 99 surgical facilities and 64 orthodontic facilities were enrolled in the survey. The number of patients who received orthognathic surgery was 3,405, about 69% of whom were diagnosed with mandibular protrusion. Before the surgery, 3D-simulation was performed for about 40% of patients at both surgical and orthodontic facilities. Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) wafers were used at 12.1% of surgical facilities and at 17.7% of orthodontic facilities. Sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) was performed in 2,768 patients (85.5%) and Le FortⅠosteotomy in 1,829 patients (56.5%). Blood loss during the surgery was reduced compared with that in the previous survey. Autologous blood transfusion tended to be performed in cases as necessary such as surgery for maxilla and anemia of the patient. Duration of intermaxillary fixation and hospital stay were also shortened. This survey revealed the current status of surgical orthodontic treatment in Japan in comparison with the previous survey.
村田 光史 増淵 千保美 久保田 磨子 小伊藤 亜希子 齋藤 功子 池添 大 辻本(今津) 乃理子 田中 智子 中山 徹 藤井 伸生
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.55, pp.256, 2003

渡辺 厚 毛利 環 渡邉 直子 渡邉 洋平 宮崎 秀夫 齋藤 功
Orthodontic waves : 日本矯正歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13490303)
vol.68, no.3, pp.142-154, 2009-10-25

わが国の不正咬合の疫学調査は独自の基準によるものが散見されるのみで,国際的に比較可能なIndex of Orthodontic Treatment Need(IOTN)を用いた疫学調査はほとんどない.そこで今回,日本人における不正咬合の種類と程度および矯正治療の必要性に関する基礎データの構築を目的に,IOTNを用いた疫学調査を行った.調査対象は,4つの地域の11歳から14歳児,497名としたが,矯正治療経験のある72名(14.5%)は除外した.調査は,レントゲン,研究用模型を利用せず口腔内診査法によりIOTNを算出した.機能と形態の両面から咬合を評価するDHCにおいて「矯正治療必要性あり」(DHC Grade 4,5)と判定された者は34.1%であった.不正咬合の内訳は,叢生17.4%,過度のoverjet 10.1%,萌出余地不足13.2%,永久歯欠損4.0%,過蓋咬合2.6%,交叉咬合2.4%,開咬0%,反対咬合0%であった.一方,客観的審美性の観点から咬合を評価するACにて「矯正治療必要性あり」(AC Grade 8-10)に分類された者は10.4%であった.これらの結果を総合すると,「矯正治療必要性あり」と分類された者は35.5%であった.以上の結果をこれまでの報告と比較すると,矯正治療が必要とされる者の割合は英国の調査結果とほぼ近似していたが,不正咬合の種類としては叢生が約2倍で,不正咬合の特徴は欧州と異なる可能性が示唆された.
高橋 功次朗 丹原 惇 森田 修一 小林 正治 池田 順行 林 孝文 齋藤 功
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
vol.27, no.1, pp.1-7, 2017

Cephalometric prediction is still widely used for treatment planning in surgical orthodontic patients. However, there have been few reports on the relationship between mandibular midline changes by orthognathic surgery and the amount of bilateral setback movement on lateral cephalograms. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationships between the difference in mandibular setback amount for deviated and non-deviated sides and the amount of middle region displacement on cephalometric prediction in patients with mandibular prognathism and deviation.<br>The subjects comprised 15 patients diagnosed as mandibular prognathism with skeletal deviation at the orthodontic clinic, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital. All patients underwent only mandibular setback surgery involving midline correction by sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO). Frontal and lateral cephalograms taken just before and immediately after orthognathic surgery were used for measurements. X-Y coordinates were constructed using the occlusal plane on the preoperative lateral cephalogram for the X coordinate and the perpendicular line drawn intersecting the X line at the Sella for the Y coordinate. The amount of posterior movement of the distal segment and middle region displacement were determined by superimposition of pre-and postoperative lateral cephalograms. The postoperative midline changes were measured linearly using a study model taken at just before orthognathic surgery. We examined the relationship between the average amount of operative movement for deviated and non-deviated sides and the amount of anteroposterior changes of the incisal region. The relationship between the difference in operative movement for deviated and non-deviated sides and postoperative midline changes was also examined.<br>Significant correlations were found between the bilateral difference of operative movement and the amount of anteroposterior changes of the incisal region. A significant correlation was also revealed between the bilateral difference of operative movement and horizontal middle region. In addition, a significant regression formula was obtained as β=0.65α+1.17(α: bilateral difference of mandibular posterior movement (mm), β: lateral movement of mandibular midline(mm))by regression analysis.<br>The present results suggest that, in cases with skeletal deviation, it is possible to regard the average value of anteroposterior movement of distal segments on both sides as a predictive factor for the posterior position of the incisal region. Also, the results suggest that the amount of midline correction can be predicted from the bilateral difference of operative movement. Since there is diversity and much variation in the movement of distal segments, it is not easy to predict the amount of midline displacement during orthognathic surgery. However, this regression formula may be useful for orthodontists and surgeons to plan surgical orthodontic treatment.
藤井 伸生 中山 徹 小伊藤 亜希子 齋藤 功子 田中 智子 立松 麻衣子
