髙橋 尚也 伊藤 綾花
立正大学心理学研究所紀要 The journal of the Institute of Psycology, Rissho University (ISSN:24322059)
no.14, pp.39-50, 2016

大学生が利用している主要なSNS であるTwitter とLINE を利用する際の行動の構造を分析することと、それらの行動と性格特性やインターネット利用時の意識との関連を分析することを目的として、青年101名に質問紙調査が実施された。その結果、SNS 利用行動として「一般的積極利用」「自己アピール」「敏感即応」「スルースキル」「表現法配慮」の5 因子が抽出された。また、これらの行動尺度に基づき、クラスタ分析を実施した結果、3 類型が抽出された。「ヘビーコミット群」は、依存的関与・没入的関与・非日常的関与が高く、インターネットと現実とのバランスが取れておらず、情緒不安定性が高かった。「関係配慮群」は、Twitter とLINE の両方で、スルースキルと表現法配慮が高かった。「義理登録群」は他のクラスタよりほとんどの行動指標で低い値を示した。これらの知見から、SNS 利用における青年の対人関係特性が議論された。
髙橋 尚也
立正大学心理学研究年報 The journal of psychology Rissho University (ISSN:21851069)
no.7, pp.25-35, 2016

The aim of this study was to explore whether volunteer probation officer has what goals and objectives for the communityactivities. 50 volunteer probation officers belonging to the society for volunteer protection in Shinagawa has respondedto the questionnaire including the perspective of program evaluation. This questionnaire consisted of quantitative and qualitativequestions. Volunteer probation officers had admitted certain about the social effects of the" the movement to brightsociety", they had remained in one-third, who is involved in the planning of their activities. Respondents were not muchmention specific device contents and improve content for the goals to "the movement to bright society". Therefore, inorder to volunteer probation officers have conducted a" the movement to bright society" in philosophy preceding, it wassuggested that volunteer probation officers were not able to set" a specific goal" in this activities. Finally, it was discussedthat the importance of public relations for the citizens the activities of volunteer probation officers by volunteer probationofficers and the possibility of co-production with the Rissho University and the society for volunteer protection in Shinagawaand the society for big brothers and sisters movement.
髙橋 尚也
立正大学心理学研究年報 The journal of psychology Rissho University (ISSN:21851069)
no.7, pp.25-35, 2016

The aim of this study was to explore whether volunteer probation officer has what goals and objectives for the communityactivities. 50 volunteer probation officers belonging to the society for volunteer protection in Shinagawa has respondedto the questionnaire including the perspective of program evaluation. This questionnaire consisted of quantitative and qualitativequestions. Volunteer probation officers had admitted certain about the social effects of the" the movement to brightsociety", they had remained in one-third, who is involved in the planning of their activities. Respondents were not muchmention specific device contents and improve content for the goals to "the movement to bright society". Therefore, inorder to volunteer probation officers have conducted a" the movement to bright society" in philosophy preceding, it wassuggested that volunteer probation officers were not able to set" a specific goal" in this activities. Finally, it was discussedthat the importance of public relations for the citizens the activities of volunteer probation officers by volunteer probationofficers and the possibility of co-production with the Rissho University and the society for volunteer protection in Shinagawaand the society for big brothers and sisters movement.