小橋 眞理子 井田 政則
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.3, pp.65-70, 2012-03-31

Impulsiveness and self-control are considered as a personality and behavioral traits. The BIS-11(Patton et al., 1995), a measure of impulsiveness and the RSS(Sugiwaka, 1995), a measure of self-control, are the most common and well-known scales. Precedence research on these measures showed no gender differences. In an attempt to design the revised version for the Japanese people of BIS-11 by Kobashi & Ida(2011), gender differences were not considered. Hence this study, the researchers investigated the gender differences of impulsiveness using the Japanese version of BIS-11. We would like to incorporate the gender differences of self-control using RSS as well as this topic. 305 participants(117 males and 188 females)replied to these measures. The result showed no significant gender differences. In other words, with these two scales no gender differences were apparent.
上瀬 由美子 佐々木 優子
立正大学心理学研究年報 The journal of psychology Rissho University (ISSN:21851069)
no.7, pp.13-23, 2016

This study examines gender roles portrayed by princess characters in Disney movies, focusing on their agency. Thebehavior of 12 princess characters in 11 Disney movies are analyzed on the basis of the following: the amount of talkingtime, the amount of aggressive behavior, the amount of helping behavior, and the amount of time spent with the prince.The results suggest that princess characters differ in their agency and association with their prince. Although princessmovies portray some stereotypical representations of gender, the female roles have changed over time in the Disney Princessline.
浪本 勝年
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.3, pp.33-48, 2012-03-31

One of the most crucial education issues in Japan now is which appropriate school textbook should be adopted in Yaeyama district in Okinawa. School textbook used in primary and secondary schools in Japan has played an active part of the class and has given strong affect to students. Entrance examination is usually made according to school textbook. It is the reason why school teachers still teach students mainly by using school textbook which is authorized by the central government. So the important question appears. It is that who should have the authority to adopt school textbook. At the beginning of the modern school system in Japan teachers selected school textbook freely by their ideas. But the contents of school textbook have a significant impact on students in fostering their social and political thoughts. Government was gradually apt to control the contents of school textbook so that they could strengthen their political background.Act on free school textbook system, promulgated in 1963, orders the prefectural board of education to set up areas in which they decide one school textbook to adopt. The areas usually consist of several cities and towns, which have a significant impact on teachers' role to select school textbooks. That means the Act deprives teachers of the right to adopt schooltextbook. Now it is said that the school board of education has the power to adopt school textbook for the local students. Is it right?
川名 好裕
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.9, pp.1-14, 2018-03-31

川名 好裕
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.2, pp.1-8, 2011-03-31

Fifty-four males and 128 females at the age of around twenty years old were asked about the importance of 47 items in three kinds of man-woman relationships. They are the sexual relationship, the romantic love relationship and the marital relationship. Factor analysis extracted 3 different kind of attraction, which are the mental attraction, the practical attraction and the hedonic attraction. The mental attraction is more valued in the romantic love relationship and the marital relationship. The practical attraction is valued gradually in romantic love relationship through the marital relationship. The women value the practical attraction most in the marital relationship. The hedonic attraction is valued most in the sexual relationship.
上瀬 由美子 佐々木 優子
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.7, pp.13-23, 2016-03-31

This study examines gender roles portrayed by princess characters in Disney movies, focusing on their agency. Thebehavior of 12 princess characters in 11 Disney movies are analyzed on the basis of the following: the amount of talkingtime, the amount of aggressive behavior, the amount of helping behavior, and the amount of time spent with the prince.The results suggest that princess characters differ in their agency and association with their prince. Although princessmovies portray some stereotypical representations of gender, the female roles have changed over time in the Disney Princessline.
川名 好裕
立正大学心理学研究年報 The journal of psychology Rissho University (ISSN:21851069)
no.8, pp.1-13, 2017

インターネット調査(調査参加者は、日本全国からのサンプルで968名の男性と967名の女性。年齢20歳~49歳)で集積したデータをもとに、愛情関係にある男女における交流内容(コミュニケーション、共行動、身体接触)と心理的魅力(情熱性、親密性、性欲性、コミットメント)との関係を分析し検討した。 分析の結果、以下のような知見が得られた。性欲性と関係の深い交流内容は男女とも身体接触であった。情熱性との関係では身体接触、コミュニケーションとの関係が深く、女性においては共行動は情熱性を排斥する負の関係にあった。親密性との関係では、男性においては共行動、身体接触、コミュニケーションという関係順位であり、女性においてはコミュニケーション、共行動、身体接触という順序であった。男性においては身体接触が、女性においては、コミュニケーションが親密性の構築に影響を及ぼしているようである。コミットメントとの関係では、男女とも身体接触が最も大きな影響力があり、続いて共行動、コミュニケーションという関係順序であった。 性欲性は身体接触によって、情熱性は身体接触とコミュニケーション、親密性はコミュニケーション、共行動、身体接触によって、コミットメントは、これら3 つの交流内容のうち、特に身体接触によって進展するという知見が得られた。
笠置 遊
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.5, pp.63-69, 2014-03-31

The purpose of this study was how the presence of the same sex observer effects on the participants' self-presentation behavior to the opposite sex partner. In this study, female participants were asked to talk with the opposite or same sex partner in the situation where the other female participant was observing on side. Also, we set the control condition in which no participants were observing on side was present. Results showed that participants in the control condition presented themselves more attractive in scores on physical attractiveness. On the other hand, participants in the multiple audience condition abstained from presenting themselves attractive in scores on physical attractiveness.
田村 英恵
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.8, pp.89-93, 2017-03-31

The purpose of this study is to clarify the definitions of hypnosis and autogenic training and overview previous studieswhich conducted comparative reviews of them. A comparison was conducted between the hypnosis and autogenic trainingfrom the perspectives of utilization of trance, structural characteristics, range of application, manifestation of effects, comprehensiveviewpoints like a regular utilization, suggestion and state of consciousness, and attention focus and relationships.It was suggested that when the differences between them are considered, they can be summarized and organizedinto six perspectives of suggestion that can be assumed to be involved with the induction process, its subject, relationships,the way of attention focus, structural characteristics of induction, and state of consciousness induced, or two perspectivesof induction process and induced state.
松原 達哉
立正大学心理学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13482785)
no.2, pp.51-56, 2005-03-31
若島 孔文
立正大学心理学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13482785)
no.1, pp.113-123, 2003-03-25

本論文ではBavelas et al. (2000) による聞き手反応についての実験研究を追試検討し、心理臨床場面での「共感」のあり方について考察をした。聞き手反応は語り手の話の内容にあまり影響を受けない一般的聞き手反応(GLR) と語り手の話の内容に強く影響を受ける特殊聞き手反応(SLR) の2つに区分された。実験では3つの仮説について検討した。1) SLR の出現する時間は、GLR の出現する時間と比べて、より遅くなるであろう。2) SLR はGLR に比べて、聞き手が話の内容から注意をそらされる条件でより出現することが少なくなるであろう。3) 聞き手が話の内容から注意をそらされる条件では、聞き手が適切に話を聞くことができる条件と比べて、話の質が低下するであろう。被験者は20組のペアであり、聞き手が注意深く話し手の話を聴くように教示された物語り群と聞き手が物語りから注意をそらされる言葉数え群のいずれかにランダムに割り当てられた。話し手は危機一髪の体験を話すように求められた。結果は3つの仮説を全て支持するものであった。以上の実験研究の結果から、心理療法場面で重視されてきた「共感」概念に対して考察し、いくつかの示唆を提示した。
川名 好裕
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.3, pp.19-32, 2012-03-31

College students in Tokyo urban area( 100 women and 128 men) participated in the survey experiments. As stimulus woman faces, 4 different pictures of faces of the same young woman were depicted at the top of the survey sheet. Pictures were either makeup face or non- makeup face and they were either smiling or non-smiling face. The experimental design was 2(sex)× 2(makeup)× 2(smile) independent variable model. The dependent variables were various attractiveness items( 50 physical and mental attractiveness items) and the degree of desired relationship as a friend and a lover. Factor analysis of attractiveness items showed 3 physical attractiveness factors( beauty, sensuality and healthiness)and 3 mental attractiveness factors (sociability, competence and nervousness). Makeup had very strong effects on physical attractiveness and the desired degree of friend and love relationships for males and even for females. Smile had positive effects on sociability and sensuality by males, negative effect on beauty. Males re strongly influenced by the physical attractiveness of the stimulus woman. Sociability seemed not as important for friend relationship as for love relationship by males.
中田 洋二郎
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.8, pp.15-30, 2017-03-31

The parental acceptance of child's developmental disability is described as a process of readjustment from object loss.According to this idea;" disability acceptance", parents of disabled children have to change their sense of values towarddisabilities at the goal of the process. The purpose of this article is to conduct an overview of reviews of literature aboutparental acceptance of child's developmental disability in Japan and to find how this idea has make a transition in researchfield of developmental disorders. Nine literature reviews published from 2003 to 2013 were found on CiNii-Articles. Onlythe first article was criticizing the idea of" disability acceptance". The following 6 articles were based on the idea of" disabilityacceptance". One of the remaining articles was not based on this idea and another article was skeptical of this idea.
日向野 智子 金山 富貴子 大井 晴策
立正大学心理学研究年報 (ISSN:21851069)
no.3, pp.1-17, 2012

The purpose of this study was to examine whether college students had done an annoying behavior in a train. We investigated to 198 college students, and asked the degree that to make an 17 annoying behavior in a train, and examined a reason to make or a reason not to make an annoying behavior. Result of analysis revealed that most people did not to "makeup"," call with the cell-phone", "sit on the floor" and" flirt by a couple" in a train. The reason was annoying and was a manner, unpleasantness, embarrassment. They did so the behavior in some cases about" eat food" ," talk aloud"," handed over a seat to an elderly person". In any case it seemed to be thought that these behavior were annoying. However, an opinion was divided whether they" keep on having worn a bag". Therefore, as for such behavior, it is thought that a judgment a annoying behavior was divided by a person.
髙橋 尚也
立正大学心理学研究年報 The journal of psychology Rissho University (ISSN:21851069)
no.7, pp.25-35, 2016

The aim of this study was to explore whether volunteer probation officer has what goals and objectives for the communityactivities. 50 volunteer probation officers belonging to the society for volunteer protection in Shinagawa has respondedto the questionnaire including the perspective of program evaluation. This questionnaire consisted of quantitative and qualitativequestions. Volunteer probation officers had admitted certain about the social effects of the" the movement to brightsociety", they had remained in one-third, who is involved in the planning of their activities. Respondents were not muchmention specific device contents and improve content for the goals to "the movement to bright society". Therefore, inorder to volunteer probation officers have conducted a" the movement to bright society" in philosophy preceding, it wassuggested that volunteer probation officers were not able to set" a specific goal" in this activities. Finally, it was discussedthat the importance of public relations for the citizens the activities of volunteer probation officers by volunteer probationofficers and the possibility of co-production with the Rissho University and the society for volunteer protection in Shinagawaand the society for big brothers and sisters movement.
髙橋 尚也
立正大学心理学研究年報 The journal of psychology Rissho University (ISSN:21851069)
no.7, pp.25-35, 2016

The aim of this study was to explore whether volunteer probation officer has what goals and objectives for the communityactivities. 50 volunteer probation officers belonging to the society for volunteer protection in Shinagawa has respondedto the questionnaire including the perspective of program evaluation. This questionnaire consisted of quantitative and qualitativequestions. Volunteer probation officers had admitted certain about the social effects of the" the movement to brightsociety", they had remained in one-third, who is involved in the planning of their activities. Respondents were not muchmention specific device contents and improve content for the goals to "the movement to bright society". Therefore, inorder to volunteer probation officers have conducted a" the movement to bright society" in philosophy preceding, it wassuggested that volunteer probation officers were not able to set" a specific goal" in this activities. Finally, it was discussedthat the importance of public relations for the citizens the activities of volunteer probation officers by volunteer probationofficers and the possibility of co-production with the Rissho University and the society for volunteer protection in Shinagawaand the society for big brothers and sisters movement.
ウンサーシュッツ ジャンカーラ
立正大学心理学研究年報 The journal of psychology Rissho University (ISSN:21851069)
no.7, pp.41-53, 2016

Using a corpus of ten manga series, this article analyzes the impact and meaning of the ratio of male to female characterson the popular shōjo-manga and shōnen-manga genres. The data shows that shōnen-manga series tended to be unbalanacedin their ratio of gendered characters, with female characters accounting for less than 20% of spoken lines onaverage. In comparison, while the number of characters overall was also lower, the ratio of gendered characters was relativelybalanced in shōjo-manga, with female characters accounting for an average of 55% of text. From these results, onecan predict that there will be a higher percentage of yakuwari-go (Kinsui, 2003), or stereotyped speech patterns inshōnen-manga, which is supported by the data on characters' speech patterns. The higher-use of yakuwari-go not only begsthe question of how shōnen-manga might influence readers, and has an important impact on the stories themselves. In particular,using specific examples from the text, I show that yakuwari-go play an important part of creating humor in thetext.